Spy X Family has been dropping hints that a key character is related to Damian, but it's easy to miss

Spy X Family has been dropping hints that a key character is related to Damian, but it's easy to miss

Spy X Family Features a cast of fascinating and sweet characters, each with varying levels of depth to their backstories as they live and interact in the fictional Cold War society of Ostania. The most important family in the series continues to be the Desmond family, each of its members playing fascinating roles in Ostonian society. Still, except for young Damian, everyone has significant baggage. However, fans have begun to humor the idea of ​​Damian Desmond's butler, Jeeves, being related to the Desmond family, particularly the servant's defense of Melinda, whose mannerisms make Damian increasingly uncomfortable in Spy X Family.

Jeeves has spent much of these Spy X Family History in the background, being Damian's driver, chaperone on excursions, and assistant on personal matters. However, Jeeves seemingly remains a closer confidant to Melinda DesmondDamian's mother, despite her disconcerting quirks and notably frequent absence from Damian's daily life, spends much of her time at another residence. Jeeves' connection to Melinda may be simply as a dedicated butler, but his investment in relaying Damian's life experiences to his mother may indicate a family bond, such as his brother from Melinda.

Spy X Family's Jeeves being Damian's uncle would explain so much

It is more than the dark hair

Fans on Reddit have been eager to dissect Jeeves' connection with Melinda Desmond in Spy X FamilyTelling her details of Damian's crush on Anya Forger, relaying information about Melinda's other whereabouts, and reminding Damian how much his mother loves him. Being Melinda's brother would be interesting, like It's a sweet family connection compared to many cavernous voids among the other DesmondsAnd it opens his character to intrigue. Still, it's important to remember that this is a simple one Spy X Family Fan theory, and Jeeves could be a dedicated butler, like Alfred Pennyworth.

But given Melinda's personality, as revealed by Anya's telepathy in Spy X Family Chapter #75, along with earlier meetings with Year Forger, Jeeves seems able to communicate with her regardless, which is still noteworthy. Melinda's internal monologue shows a psyche full of opposing extremes, with adoration and concern for Damian's well-being after the Red Circus hostage incident and simultaneously regretting he was born. Even if Jeeves is not Melinda's brother, the closeness has led to other speculations, including him as Damian's illegitimate father, which would explain her separate residence and estranged status with Donovan.

Still, Jeeves' closeness with Melinda, regardless of whether he has a blood connection to any of the Desmonds, is undeniably beneficial to Damian. in Spy X Family Chapter #88, he tells Damian that Melinda is having trouble getting a certain expensive brand of tea cakes for Anya after her actions in the Red Circus arc, hoping the two kids would become closer. without being able to understand, Jeeves may prove instrumental in fostering a connection between the Forgers and the Desmonds in Spy X Family.

How Jeeves being Damian's uncle could play into Spy X Family's endgame

Plan C may have new feasibility

Since Yor Forger unknowingly saved Melinda Desmond from falling down a ladder in Spy X Family Chapter #65, Operation Strix developed a new Plan C which could be a new avenue to meet with Donovan by extension. There were many complications, such as Melinda's internal temperament, her opposition to Donovan and her family, and the Garden Shopkeeper's awareness of this intended friendship. A link to Jeeves doesn't just improve the odds of connecting with the Desmonds Spy X Family. Still, it can provide valuable, sensitive insight into their family dynamic.

For this, Lloyd wouldn't even need Jeeves to be related to Melinda because Jeeves vouches for Damian and Anya to become closer along with Melinda. If plan C doesn't work out, plan B, facilitating Anya and Damian's friendship, would still get a boost, as Jeeves is unknowingly helping them get closer already. This is especially true as confirmed in Spy X Family Chapter #104, where he pays attention to Damian's crush on the girl and allegedly relays the developments to Melinda. without even realizing it, Jeeves helps Operation Strix by being a good butler for the Desmond family.

But beyond the speculations, Jeeves' importance in Spy X Family is defined already in one crucial way, as continuously outlined by Tatsuya Endo: he is an anchor in Melinda's life, because she is experiencing a difficult, complicated life as the Desmond family matriarch. Even if Jeeves is not her brother, the illegitimate father of her children, or a linchpin in Operation Strix, he cares deeply for Melinda but also for Damian, and wants him to spend more time with his mother and be an exemplary servant. Still, one cannot shake his presence among all Desmond family members in Spy X Family.

Source: Reddit