Spider-Man's own Iron Man suit actually puts his Iron Spider Armor to shame

Spider-Man's own Iron Man suit actually puts his Iron Spider Armor to shame

It is common knowledge that Spider-Man And Iron Man have had their fair share of team-ups in Marvel Comics. Fans of the MCU also know that Iron Man presented Spider-Man with an Iron Spider suit, which was adapted from the comics. But further into the comics, Spider-Man eventually graduates to wearing a full Iron Man suit of his ownWell beyond anything the Iron Spider could do.

After the death of Wolverine, his former teammates on the New Avengers go on the hunt for his body. in 2018 Hunt for Wolverine: Adamantium Agenda #3-4 By Tom Taylor and Rob Silva, the Marvel heroes need more firepower, and Tony Stark is ready to oblige with his own tech. With a suit that allows him to fly, enhances his strength and gives him energy blast attacks, Spider-Man practically becomes Iron Man 2.0. With his allies Jessica Jones and Luke Cage also getting high-tech armor, Spider-Man's new upgrade makes his Iron Spider suit look cheap.

Spider-Man shows off his new Iron Man suit

Spider-Man's Iron Spider suit is already an upgrade

Civil War #3 Variant cover by Michael Turner featuring the Iron Spider

Civil War #3 Turner Color Variant, Spider-Man (in Iron Spider costume) weaving a web over Captain America's shield.

in the Civil war Acted by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven, Peter Parker wears the Iron Spider suit when he sides with Iron Man. By going from his own cloth suit, a thing of the past, to a metal mech, the street-level hero is Finally capable of withstanding beatings from hard-hitting enemies in their own metal mechsLike Scorpion and Vulture. Spider-Man has received a lot of savage beatings because of a poor costume. Heroes that have been around for more than a few decades need an update every once in a while.

One of the main differences between his Iron Spider suit and this later upgrade is that the former is Iron Man's invention that is controlled directly to Spider-Man - with webslinging capabilities and extra limbs like a real spider would have. This new Iron Man suit takes all the Spider-Man-ness out of the equation and ushers Peter Parker into the world of being Iron Man. It plays almost like a What if scenario, detailing what it would be like if Peter Parker was the billionaire playboy who declared himself Marvel's first superhero.

Spider-Man goes full Iron Man

Spider-Man in his Iron Spider 2.0 suit

Spider-Man swings around in his Iron Man suit

Even though it removes a lot of the essence of Spider-Man with the Iron Man suit, this is not the first time Spider-Man will have taken on a suit that changes his character. notary, He was the first character to wear the Venom symbioteAnd how poison war Threatening the Marvel Universe, it has been hinted that Peter Parker may just graduate beyond Iron Man into a dark god as Marvel's new King in Black.

Peter Parker is an inventor himself, who is able to understand high-tech gadgets, and he is able to fly the Iron Man suit without any training. Although he goes back to his regular blue and red threads, just like with the Iron Spider suit, the change is a welcome one. Fans of the MCU may know about Spider-Man's Iron Upgrade, but the breadth of suits he wore in the comics is many. This Iron Man version of Spider-Man is certainly one of the most powerful - and definitely one of the coolest.