In Marvel's newly relaunched Ultimate Universe, Spider-Man And Tony Stark AKA Iron Man, are two incredibly different but still recognizable characters in a world without superheroes, with Spider-Man's unique shape-shifting picotech costume being a notable new addition to his superhero legacy. Not the same tried and true set of spandex Spidey is known for, This upgraded picotech suit has left Tony Stark, one of the most brilliant minds in Marvel Comics, scratching his head In a way that puts his own armor to shame!
A costume introduced in the first issue of Ultimate Spider-ManThis upgraded look was after Tony Stark time travels a genetically altered spider in a high-tech orb to an adult Peter Parker, the latter of which transforms into Peter's superhero threads, marking his alter ego's Earth-6160 debut.
Now, in Ultimate Spider-Man #8Not only does Spider-Man's PicoTech suit begin to exhibit some questionable behavior while not wearing it, but after Tony Stark examines it, Peter is immediately told that it's "way beyond anything I know how to make," officially making Spider-Man's ultimate outfit that Tony couldn't recreate if he tried.
Tony Stark admits that Spider-Man's PicoTech costume is technologically beyond him
Ultimate Spider-Man #8 - 2024 (Jonathan Hickman and Marco Chechetto)
Meeting with Tony and reality's version of Dr. Otto Octavius along with his current partner in crime, Norman Osborn aka Green Goblin, Peter questions why his suit is so noticeably "different" from Tony and Norman's armor if Howard Stark built them All, no doubt referring. Especially to the suit's incredible shape-shifting abilities. Tony called PicoTech technology "revolutionary," then admitted that he couldn't wrap his head around how the tech worked, suggesting that he might not have access to his father's notes or any other information to look over to help understand the suit.
This is an important admission from Tony, as his armor and Norman's armor are top-of-the-line Iron Man shells that he understands intimately, essentially telling fans that Spider-Man's picotech costume may have capabilities that exceed the armored suits and then some. Also hinted at in this issue is that the Picotech could be the Ultimate Universe's take on the Venom symbiote, and it's possible, along with Tony's lack of knowledge where Peter's suit is concerned, that this will all lead to some big problems. Later down the line, especially if the more corrupt and sentient side of the outfit continues to wiggle in Peter's mind.
Spider-Man's Picotech suit gives him boosted abilities and unique skills
Considering that This issue reveals Spider-Man's Picotech suit was Howard Stark's last "breakthrough" before he passedAnd the idea that Tony admits he can't replicate his father's brilliance is an interesting wrinkle for Tony's genius to act as well as Spider-Man's now constantly in-flux superhero life, making the development something that will affect both characters. yet. to be explored. Regardless of where writer Jonathan Hickman takes this story next, fans can be assured that Spider-Man And Tony Stark Will be dealing with this mysterious picotech outfit for some time to come.