Peter Parker Spider-Man debuts with wild new powers thanks to the patronage of Marvel's new dark Sorcerer Supreme. Spider-Man is about to undergo a mystical rebirth in the Marvel canon as Doctor Doom chooses Spidey for a deadly mission, giving him new powers and armor to get the job done. One world is under threat is coming to Marvel Comics, and the publisher's most iconic heroes now meet their most insidious villain.
IN Marvelrecently published preview by Joe Kelly and Ed McGuinness The Amazing Spider-Man #61Fans will be able to see Spider-Man's transformation and new abilities. The new era is called "The 8 Deaths of Spider-Man" and it will see Spider-Man is given a mystical armor that can resurrect him after deathgiving him eight lives to defeat the Scions of Cyttorak, a mystical threat that Doom is unwilling to face.
The preview shows Spider-Man creating a mystical web that he can use both offensively and defensively. The fact that one of the Scions of Cyttorak appears to have been hit by the web shows that it would have been able to deal a blow comparable to that of Juggernaut or the Thing of the Fantastic Four. The red and gray suit follows his iconic Spider Armor suit, but with red fabric trim and a glowing green spider symbol.
Spider-Man will die several times fighting the Scions of Cyttorak, and Doctor Doom gives him the mystical web to fight back.
Spider-Man gains resurrection powers that work for Doctor Doom
The new Sorcerer Supreme chooses Spider-Man as his supernatural agent
In 2025, Doctor Doom takes control of the Marvel Universe, gaining the title of Sorcerer Supreme. As part of the new regime, Spider-Man will be turned into his puppet and sent to fight a group of demigods known as the Descendants of Cyttorak.. There are several offspring, but so far fans only know about Syrios (who will force Spider-Man through his most painful moments), Kallix (who will put Spider-Man through physical pain), and Cyra (who will force him to stare at everyone). he loves to die.)
Preview The Amazing Spider-Man #61 shows Doom reaching out to Spider-Man while he's doing his heroic thing and transforming him into a gigive Peter what Marvel describes as "mystical green web" It's unclear whether Spider-Man is working with Doctor Doom willingly or not, and either option would make sense. As the new Sorcerer Supreme, Doom is more than capable of making Spider-Man do what he wants, however he is also responsible for protecting the Earth from supernatural danger. If Doom sincerely asked Spider-Man for help in fighting a legitimate threat, the Friendly Neighborhood Hero would be forced to agree.
Marvel notes that Juggernaut "about ten times stronger than Spider-Man, with only a fraction of Cyttorak's powers" while the Scions are his chosen servants and wield much more of the Demon Lord's power. It's clear that Spider-Man will need eight extra lives to stand a chance success in his mission, but it is also clear that his psychological suffering will be more than equal to what he goes through physically.
Spider-Man is just the first hero to work for Doctor Doom as the axis of power in the Marvel Universe shifts.
Doctor Doom makes his first official move as Sorcerer Supreme
The villain is trying to save the world
Doctor Doom achieved the status of Sorcerer Supreme during Marvel's time. Bloody Hunt event by Jed Mackay and Pepe Larraza. When vampires blocked out the sun and attacked the entire world, Doctor Doom had a spell ready to stop it, but he only agreed to use it if Doctor Strange gave up his power as the Sorcerer Supreme. Bye Doom did Strange's power was needed for the spell to work, and it was also assumed that he caused the entire vampire invasion to cause a transfer of power.
Doom took not only Doctor Strange's power and title, but also a small part of his soul. (a necessary ingredient for Strange to voluntarily transfer his powers.) Since then, Doom hid in Latveria behind a magical barrier. While his next move remains a mystery to Marvel heroes, fans know that he is preparing for his self-imposed role as Earth's chief defender in the Marvel comics. One world is under threata mysterious new era that will impact most Marvel titles.
Doctor Doom has a long history in magic, and in fact he only lost the title of Sorcerer Supreme because he was defeated by Doctor Strange. Now he gets what he always wanted, and handles this role in a completely different way than his predecessor. Marvel says there is “he would prefer to delegate some responsibilities” explaining why he sends Spider-Man to deal with the Scions of Cyttorak. As the Sorcerer Supreme, Doom has vast knowledge of the mystical world (in addition to his insight as a genius scientist). If Doom now knows when a god-level threat is approaching Earth, even the greatest heroes will be forced to follow his lead.
Spider-Man's connection to magic runs deeper than most fans realize, and now he's finally forced to accept it.
Spider-Man isn't exactly new to magic
Mysticism lies at the heart of Spider-Man's abilities
Serving as Doctor Doom's lackey is a major inversion of Spider-Man's usual relationship with Doctor Strange, whom he often turns to for advice on the magical elements of his adventures. While Peter has long believed that his powers are pure science, later stories have revealed that there is also a strong magical element to his origins. Every world in the multiverse has a "Spider Totem", each of which is associated with the magic of the powerful goddess Neith.
Many of Spider-Man's abilities depend on his connection to magic, such as his spider-sense and (not always present) ability to communicate with spiders. Because Peter is a scientist, he was reluctant to use his magical potential, but other heroes in "Spider". There's even a hint that Doctor Strange and Spider-Man make the same gesture (Strange to cast spells, Spider-Man to use his webbing) because their powers come from the same source. Indeed, fans saw a version of Spider-Man become the Sorcerer Supreme in the film by Peter David and Greg Land. Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality.
Despite his connection to magic, Spider-Man certainly has no experience using it as his primary offense and defense. That's about to change because Upgrading Doctor Doom gives him resurrection powers and turns his web into a conduit for magical power.. Of course, going up against the unstoppable, pain-ridden children of the Demon Lord means Spider-Man still risks being killed too often.
The Amazing Spider-Man #61 will be released on November 13th from Marvel Comics.
Source: Marvel