Spider-Man and Wolverine are officially the best Marvel hero friendship, as Marvel cements an iconic moment as long-term lore

Spider-Man and Wolverine are officially the best Marvel hero friendship, as Marvel cements an iconic moment as long-term lore

Warning: Spoilers for The Amazing Spider-Man #60

Spider-Man and Wolverine they are two superheroes that most would not combine, as they tend to interact with very different circles in the Marvel Universe. However, they share a surprising bond that has only strengthened with recent development. A key moment in Spider-Man and Wolverine's past became a long-term milestone in their dynamic, solidifying their friendship as one of Marvel's best.

The preview for The Amazing Spider-Man #60 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr., Paolo Rivera, Patrick Gleason, Todd Nauck and more teases a big parting question for Wells and Romita Jr.'s historic run. Here, readers get a glimpse of several stories that will be featured in this grand finale, with cameos from different Marvel characters, such as Mary-Jane Watson. One cameo stands out among the rest as a character who isn't a frequent part of Spider-Man lore, and that's none other than Wolverine.

Wolverine is shown having a drink with Spider-Man, and Peter mentions that they meet up every year. This is a reference to another story in which they celebrated Logan's birthday together, which apparently has now become a tradition. Wolverine and Spider-Man are now closer than ever, and their bond deserves recognition.

Spider-Man and Wolverine's Famous Moment Becomes an Annual Tradition

Marvel's Most Unlikely Friendship Stands the Test of Time

In a story of The Amazing Spider-Man: EXTRA! #2 by Zeb Wells and Paolo Rivera, Wolverine unexpectedly summons Spider-Man to meet him at a bar. Wolverine ends up getting involved in a nasty fight, which Spider-Man disapproves of. Evidently, Peter isn't having fun, but the mood changes when Wolverine reveals that he invited him because it's his birthday. When Peter questions why he invited him instead of spending the day with the X-Men, Wolverine responds: "You're a good guy. And you're dumb enough to think I am too." This heartwarming interaction alters the trajectory of Spider-Man and Wolverine's friendship in Marvel lore.

Wolverine's loyalties lie primarily with the X-Men, but it's clear that his history with them complicates things after fighting together for so long. Spider-Man knows less about his violence-ridden past and is therefore easygoing company. Spider-Man himself has been through some tough times, including his recent fight with Tombstone, so it's good to see these heroes trust each other. They may have ups and downs, and sometimes it's even implied that Wolverine hates Spider-Man, but the fact that they make time to see each other every year proves that they care deeply about each other.

Sorry, Deadpool: Wolverine's New Best Friend in Marvel Lore Is Spider-Man

Will Spider-Man and Wolverine get their own team?

Wolverine and Spider-Man fighting in Marvel Comics

While Spider-Man and Wolverine may not have much in common on the surface, they have the potential for a strong bond that deserves to be explored in future stories. Wolverine's team-ups with Deadpool have become iconic in the Marvel Universe, with the two forming a new series of crossovers, so there's a chance that he and Spider-Man could share a team of their own now that they've gotten closer. Either way, fans of both heroes can look forward to seeing the two interact again as Spider-Man and Wolverine Get together for your new healthy tradition.

The Amazing Spider-Man #60 is available October 30, 2024 from Marvel Comics.