Sparkling Zero! Mechanic praised by fans for anime realism

Sparkling Zero! Mechanic praised by fans for anime realism

like Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Players either learn the game systems for the first time or become familiar with the classic Budokai Tenkaichi Technically, one new mechanic is gaining a lot of extra praise. It wouldn't be a Dragon Ball Play without the ability to counter enemy moves, setting the stage for a dramatic switch-up that could turn the fight on its head. Although such a fight is exciting in itself, Sparking! Zero went the extra mile to give players the anime brawls they've come to love.

Over on Reddit, user Global tax7862 Shared An impressive clip that highlights the perception mechanic in action as their character, Goku, briefly pauses the fight against Jiren to catch the enemy punch And beat them off.

The brief scene of the fighters, when the counter is executed, is incredibly stylish, perfectly capturing the drama fans have come to associate with Dragon Balls over-the-top battles. A new addition to the franchise, Hyper Perception allows players to defend against attackNullifying most physical moves and even Ki-blast; When done correctly, it results in an animation that is almost a reward in its own right.

Sparkling Zero! Hailed as the best Dragon Ball fighter yet

A true return to form

Dragon Ball: Sparking zero is reeking of praise from fans and critics alike with many stating that its presentation and dedication to capturing the anime's spirit is admirable. Little touches, like the perception mechanic rewarding skilled players with a short cutscene, are the kind of details that many licensed games would fail to include. With all the particle effects, lighting enhancements and upgrades to the character models, there's certainly precedent to call Sparking! Zero One of the best looking anime games yet.

Screen Rant critic Joshua Fox praised the game's aesthetics very much Sparking! Zero Review, specifically call out The inclusion of minor details as characters become rougher and more damaged the more they fight. They also noted the animation, which is based on the work of Dragon Ball Super: Broly Animator Naohiro Shintani writes that the transition into 3D works extremely well. With authentically recreated characters and stunning visual effects, Sparking! Zero Does feel like a love letter to Budokai Tenkaichi Fans.


Our Take: Is This The Best Anime Game?

It's up there, but it has stiff competition

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Goku, Vegeta, Gohan and Trunks from Opening Cinematic

It is clear to see that Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero is a stunning game that is up there as one of the best-looking anime games of all time, however I have a soft spot for Dragon Ball Fighters. Arc System Works is known for producing some of the best animations in the business, and seeing the frenetic battles in action is always a joy. It may not be as visually wide as Sparking! Zero However FighterZ Is still my top pick for best-looking anime game.

Source: Global-Tax7862/Reddit


October 11, 2024


Spike Chancesoft


Namco Bandai