Space Marine 2's success harks back to an underrated era in gaming

Space Marine 2's success harks back to an underrated era in gaming

Although there were high hopes for the game Warhammer 40,000: Marine 2 has surpassed almost all expectations since its release, while introducing many newcomers to the brutal landscape that is 40K universe. Not only is the game a graphical marvel, but its artistic design faithfully recreates the unique style defined by the models and miniatures seen in the game. War Hammer 40,000 table game. With current generation hardware, War Hammer 40,000 may finally be brought to a video game format in all its glory, but that doesn't mean the game falls into the same traps that other titles have created.

Despite having impressive graphical fidelity and looking like a true current-gen title that pushes the limits of what the hardware can do, there's something brilliantly retro about the game. Although it won't bring players back to the times of the original RUIN or Earthquake, it has many elements that remind players of the early to mid PS3 and Xbox 360 era of action shooters. There are many elements that reinforce this in Space Marine 2 and its success could herald a return to this underrated era of gaming history.

Space Marine 2 is delightfully retro

And this attracts many players

Gamers often ask for games to be returned to the way they were ten years ago, when microtransactions were purely cosmetic and games came as complete packagesinstead of needing a multitude of patches after the fact to make it work. War Hammer 40,000 delivers on this front with a lot of content, but also with the style of play that was common at that time. This is partly due to the fact that it is faithful to its predecessor, released thirteen years ago, during this period when action shooters were common.

In addition to the gameplay, which is an evolution of the action and shooting gameplay that was strong in the seventh generation of consoles, it is also presented in a way that refers to this generation. Although almost all games released now rely exclusively on real-time graphics, Space Marine 2 sometimes cuts campaign gameplay with pre-rendered cutscenes to help sell the impact of certain moments. The arrival of Chapter Master Calgar is a good example of this.

Space Marine 2 could bring back action shooters in a big way

Some Other Shooters Could Get Long-Awaited SequelsA close-up of a Space Marine in Warhammer: Space Marine 2

Warhammer 40K: Marine 2 it was a great success, selling 4.5 million copies in the first monthand was in a unique situation. Although the first Space Marine The game was good, it didn't quite take the industry by storm in the same way as its sequel, and that's largely due to its greater popularity 40K now like, similar to D&Din a way. Due to your unique situation, Space Marine 2 was able to become a huge hit and this could bring back the action shooter genre.

There are some older action shooter gems that could see a sequel, like Platinum Games' Winthat not many played, but became a cult classic. These types of action shooters have died out in both quality and popularity, falling in favor of competitive first-person shooters, but Space Marine 2 could help boost the genre again. Gears of War is getting a new title called E:Day and the hope is that this title will be a return to the series and recapture the magic of the trilogy.

The success of Space Marine 2 could lead to awards

And should have been nominated for more

Titus in Deathwatch Armor Space Marine 2 Miniature.
Custom image by Steven Garrard

Thanks to the impact Space Marine 2 had this year, was nominated for a few awards, namely the Best Action and Multiplayer awards. Many believe it should be nominated for Game of the Year, with critics and sales figures agreeing with this opinion. If it wins at least one of the two awards it's been nominated for, it could show other studios that the appeal for more old-school style action games exists, and if Gears of War E:Day is also successful, it could be the start of something big.

Warhammer 40,000: Marine 2 not only brought back retro action shooters, but also helped improve war hammerThe profile is already impressive. With 40K shows being planned on Amazon Prime Video, Space Marine 2 could be a platform for both the action shooter genre and the war hammer universe as a whole grows. Saber Interactive has hit a gold mine with its latest and potentially award-winning title, and now the sky's the limit for not only 40Kbut also action shooters.