Space Marine 2nd Class, ranked worst to best

Space Marine 2nd Class, ranked worst to best

The full release of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is finally here, let even more battle brothers join the fight to save humanity in the grim darkness of the distant future. Paired with fellow Ultamarines on a quest to fend off an alien invasion force, Players will have six different classes to choose from as they fight against the hordes of Tyranids and other alien threats. Whether choosing a defensive bastion to protect their teammates or a lone wolf sniper class to pick off threats, each class has its own limits that can be the difference between death and victory.

After getting hands-on with the game and learning what classes they like most, many players will begin to tackle the more challenging operations. Space Marine 2 has to offer. When faced with the toughest challenges the Xenos threat can throw at them, Players will be equipped with as much firepower and use as they can to survive. Although each class has its strengths and weaknesses, players struggling with the greater threat of difficult missions can gain an advantage by knowing which classes stand above the rest.


Decimus, the vanguard class

Close-ranged combat with one-way maneuverability

The Vanguard class attempts to bridge the gap between melee and ranged abilities but ends up falling a bit behind the curve overall. With its grapnel launcher, the Vanguard can quickly get into close-range combat but lacks any real options to get back from a Dangerous situation. While skilled players can better maneuver through hordes of enemies to focus on elites, Their lack of survivability and low armor class will find most players often waiting to be revived In high difficulty.

The weapons are one of the strongest points of the Vanguard class, With two unique and powerful bolt carbines that make for good mid-ranged combat on top of an armor-shredding melta rifle. Players will make good use of their combat knife or chainsword after grappling in enemy hordes, they are good for keeping damage while quickly weaving through enemies. While it may not be the strongest, The Vanguard is still incredibly fun, being a great way to pass the time while players wait for future content.

The Vanguard is a fun class for players who want to run and gun through the action close-up but often get overshadowed by other classes.

The Vanguard can be a valuable tool on the battlefield, operating separately from the team at times to take out elite targets while jumping through enemy lines. As a situational class, Vanguard players need to quickly adapt to situations on the fly, often switching between melee and ranged weapons, While always having an exit plan ready. Overall, the Vanguard is a fun class for players who want to run and gun through the action close-up, but often gets overshadowed by other classes and the utility that comes with them. Space Marine 2.


Vespasius, the assault class

High Risk High Reward AoE Melee Combat

The Assault class is one of the more unique and popular class options in Space Marine 2Relying on a strong selection of melee weapons with no primary ranged firepower to speak of. The Assault's melee focus is similar to the Bulwark but without its basic survival ability, using its Jump Pack to fly in and out of danger instead. While the Assault class is One of the most fun ways to play the game, thanks to its unique melee-oriented play styleIt is not very reliable for use in operations with higher difficulties.

The Assault class comes with an option of three melee weapons, with the one unique to the class being the devastating AoE Thunder Hammer. combined with the powerful hammer, The Jump Pack can be used to swoop down on enemies, making it the most effective at quickly dispatching or stunning large hordes of Tyranids..

Where this class falls short of the rest is primarily due to its lack of ranged options when fighting difficult bosses.

Assault players thrive off playing aggressively, launching consistent AoE attacks that don't give the enemy a chance to fight backBeing excellent for taking on swarms. Where this class falls short of the rest is primarily due to its lack of ranged options when fighting difficult bosses, as they can't knock them back or kill them fast enough compared to smaller threats. Assault fighters will also need to be aware of their surroundings at all times, as players can easily get overwhelmed without a Jump Pack ready to go.


Quartus, the bulwark class

A strong support option with great defense

The Bulwark is by no means a weak class in the world of Space Marine 2with his Sword and shield combo can tank massive amounts of damage while dishing out just as much. Being the definition of pure and powerful defense, it focuses on providing teammates with reinforcement buffs while acting as a one-man army while drawing enemy fire. The only area where the Bulwark falls flat is its abysmal ranged capabilities, relying more on teammates to take on certain threats while holding the frontline, which is great for controllers in cross-platform play.

Its unique access to the Electrifying Power Sword makes it on par with the Assault class in terms of melee damageBeing able to easily power through hordes of enemies at will. While the secondary pistols aren't much to speak of, the shield is the star of the show for the Bulwark, making it easily one of the coolest-looking classes in Space Marine 2Especially when combined with the Season Pass skins. Being able to quickly block enemy attacks between melee strikes, or shoot from behind its cover makes it a very versatile defensive option.

The bulwark just falls short due to his heavy reliance on good teammates to make full use of his abilities.

The Chapter Banner is a very useful team-focused ability, refilling the shields of any enemies caught within it, which can easily save lives if timed right. This class takes the phrase that the best offense is a good defense to the next level by excelling in both areas of combat, such as The bulwark just falls short due to his heavy reliance on good teammates to use his abilities..


Strabane, the hard class

Extremely powerful weapons with solid defense

Where the Bulwark is a defensive class with offensive abilities, the Heavy swaps that priority around, prioritizing survival through an onslaught of damage. The Heavy class has by far access to some of the most powerful weapons in the gameWith a slow but destructive rain. Its primary combat contribution will be providing covering fire for enemies further forward on the battlefield, with its biggest threats being ammo management and mobility.

Each of its 3 unique heavy weapons provides equally high levels of damage in different ways, each with its strengths in different encounters. Its complete lack of melee weapons means that, Unlike the other tank class, this one will stay beyond the action.

The Heavy class is very powerful in the hands of the right player, but its complete lack of mobility takes a lot of getting used to.

The Iron Halo ability is one of the most powerful in the game to keep players alive when combat gets tough, providing a bubble shield around the player. Blocking all incoming ranged damage with a limited health pool, The heavy class can become a defense bastion for teammates behind them, or an invulnerable tank. The Heavy class is very powerful in the hands of the right player, but its complete lack of mobility takes a lot of getting used to, on top of running through ammo quickly at times.


Valius, the tactical class

A well-rounded pick with great team-play potential

Although it may seem overwhelming at first, The tactical class is one of the best in the game for its high DPS and teamwork-focused utility. With the widest selection of primary weapons in the game with a level 3 armor class, this is also a fantastic option for newer players. Its large arsenal of weapons and ability to quickly destroy high-value targets makes it a class that is hard to get tired of, which is great for players who plan to stick with it for a long time.

Although each of its weapons can not stand out on its own, the ability to switch between them depending on the situation ahead makes it incredibly versatile. Besides the standard carbines and rifles, players have a wide selection between faster-firing assault weapons, slower heavy rifles and even tank-melting heavy guns. Although it lacks in melee options or secondary weapons, the primary weapons are the focus of this classWith the rest is a backup for close-range combat.

The tactical and other classes on the team can quickly work together to efficiently burn the health of any threat with ease.

What makes the tactical class so great in any team composition is its Auspex Scan ability, allowing allies to deal increased damage to highlighted enemies. By targeting high-value mini-bosses or a surprise swarm of deadly Tyranids, The tactical and other classes on the team can quickly work together to efficiently burn the health of any threat with ease.


Scipius, the sniper class

The ultimate option for both firepower and survival

With the incredibly versatile camo coat and extremely high damage output from a safe distance, it's no surprise that the sniper class is one of the best in the game. Boasting an arsenal of powerful sniper rifles that can pick off targets from far away and then reposition with his coat intact. As the only true stealth option in the game, The sniper class gives players the tools to be a lethal force on the battlefield at any distance.

The different sniper rifles can each unleash devastating amounts of damage quickly, making this class the best to take on elite enemies or difficult bosses. His combat knife is great for close-range combat, allowing the sniper class to perform a sneak attack Which can instantly take down even bigger enemies. When combined with the tactical class, these two alone can be an unstoppable force of damage, tearing down both bosses and swarms of Tyranids alike. Stalker Bolt Rifle

The sniper class still remains at the top of the pile for many players thanks to its overwhelming damage and survivability options.

While the weapons are what players would expect from a normal sniper class, it's the camo coat that gives it an overwhelming advantage in combat. Not only is the coat Great for sneaking around heavy groups of enemies and planning ahead of combatBut it can be used safely to recover fallen allies in a battle. While takedowns and revivals will cause the mantle to end early, the sniper class is the best class for many players thanks to its overwhelming damage and survivability options in Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2.