Space Marine 2 should add in future DLC

Space Marine 2 should add in future DLC

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 Gave players an early Christmas present this year with their newest content update, adding a new difficulty level and operations mission for players to challenge themselves with. Although some players have criticized the various nerfs that came with the update, there is still a lot of fun to be had with the content additions. The most exciting inclusion in this first major update was the humanoid Tyrandid Hierophant Bio-TitanOpening the doors for players to speculate what enemies might be added in future updates.

[Warning: This article contains spoilers for enemies encountered in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2]

While many players dreamed of the likes of a monolithic enemy like the Hierophant would get added to Space Marine 2Its sheer weight made it seem like an impossibility. until now, The developers of Space Marine 2 Have only confirmed new Thousand Sun and Tyranid enemies will be added in future updatesBut there are still many Trianid and Chaos threats across the galaxy that would offer deadly and unique encounters for fans.


Pink horror daemons are funny but terrifying

The multiplying menace would be great in DLC

Out of all the daemon forces of the Chaos God Tzeentch, the pink horrors are some of the strangest looking of the bunch, given bright colors and numerous arrangements of limbs ready to strike unsuspecting enemies. Despite their unassuming appearance, the colorful Horror Daemons are an incredibly lethal threat to even a Space MarineThanks to their ability to split into two smaller versions when defeated. The lesser daemons are quickly able to surround and overwhelm unsuspecting soldiers of the Imperium, being as unrelenting as they are vicious in their service to the Changer of Ways.

The Pink Horror Daemons can offer an incredibly unique fighting experience, forcing players to think ahead of their engagements.

From a gameplay standpoint, the Pink Horror Daemons can offer an incredibly unique fighting experience, forcing players to think ahead of their engagements. If players waste their precious grenades or rush without thinking, they will quickly be overwhelmed by the newly spawned blue horrorsImmediately ready to attack after being called out. Out of all the enemies that may come to Space Marine 2There's bound to be some form of daemon inclusion, whether it's in the form of colorful enemies or a fire-spewing flame daemon.


A tyranid mawloc are a bit like ravens

The tunneling terror of the galaxy

The Tryanid Mawloc has many similarities to the pre-existing Raveners in Space Marine 2But are nearly twice as tall as a hacking carnifex. What makes the Mawloc such a terrifying enemy is how easily it is able to bypass any defense, tunneling its way right into the heart of a battle force. Relying on surprise tactics, these large behemoths are capable of swallowing a space marine whole Or dealing massive damage with their huge talons and extendable jaws.

In combat, a Mawloc would likely fight with similar tactics to the Raveners, tunneling underground to pounce on unsuspecting players, but as a much deadlier boss encounter. Whether as part of an operations set piece or a full-on boss battle, The Mavloc would make an incredibly dangerous enemy, forcing players to stay on their feet and watch their backs for ambushes. Given Mawloc's blindness and reliance on vibrations, Space Marine 2 May use mechanics that target what players move as it tunnels through the ground, or decimates terrain to change the flow of battle.


The Genestealer Tyranids are a huge threat

Something more disgusting than the average Tyranid

Although they may not be as imposing as the largest Tyranid subspecies, the Genestealers are still considered one of the greatest threats to the survival of the Imperium of Man. Being one of the most intelligent forms of Tyranid, this subspecies uses their innate psychic abilities and gene virus to infiltrate human settlementsSpreading their influence to create the mutated genestealer cults. Most often seen in the stages before a full-scale Tyranid invasion, their primary purpose is to prepare planets for attack by weakening them from within.

In combat, a Tyranid Genestealer fights as a more elite version of the Termigaunts, quickly swarming Space Marines due to their size, speed and ferocity in combat. Aside from simple battle mechanics, The inclusion of this subspecies would allow a future operation to take place in the very first stages of a Tyranid invasion.Protect civilians from swarms of the infecting creatures while reinforcements rain down from above. With a focus on ambushing and quickly overwhelming squads of enemies, the Deadly Trianids could even be added to regular missions in Space Marine 2 As part of a surprise wave between combat zones.


The deceptive changeling of the Chaos God

Spread discord across the battlefield

Being another agent of the iconic Chaos God, Changelings has the potential to provide an incredibly unique battlefield experience for players. Changelings have been given powers by the near-omnipotent Lord of Change, giving them the ability to duplicate and adopt the appearance of anyone they choose. Changelings themselves have great potential to sow seeds of doubt or completely destroy the chain of command in the future Space Marine 2 OperationsSimilar to what almost happened during the campaign.


During combat, Changelings can unleash powerful magic against players while flying out of reach, but their transformative ability is what would make them a fantastic addition to Space Marine 2. Changelings can also disguise themselves as different enemies before an encounter, surprising unsuspecting players after approaching what they thought would be an easy-to-fight grunt. If the developers wanted to go all in on the concept of deception, Changelings can have the ability to become friendly units or even squad members, forcing players to communicate with their comrades unless they want to get stabbed in the back.


The hulking biovores have a lot of potential

The heavy artillery of the Tyranid Menace

Although the most stationary tanks of the Biovore may not seem like the most exciting enemy to face, they still have a lot of potential for a unique fighting experience. Being the potential focus of a future operation mission, Players can even be bombarded with ranged artillery leading up to the boss fight, preventing them from staying in one place for too long. Integrating the boss battle throughout the mission leading up to the final fight would make defeating the hulking Tyranid by the end all the more satisfying.

The line of tyranids themselves are quite bulky with six limbs, with an armored carapace that surrounds their devastating bioweapons. Despite their specialty of raining fire from the backline of a battle, In a fight, this heavy weapon would be devastating to any Space Marine not quick enough to get out of the way, with the Bioware constantly repositioning while lining up decisive shots.. Adding more interactivity to the fight, the bioware can dispel swarms of spore mines, creating a living minefield that players will have to carefully navigate all while dodging blasts from the deadly bioweapon.


Vicious Neurolictors would be great in DLC

Striking fear in the bravest of Space Marines

Rather than having a bigger or deadlier version of Space Marine 2's Lictor Similar to the Mawloc, the Neurolictor has a completely different play style compared to its in-game counterpart. Relying on the overwhelming psychic abilities granted by their powerful neuro organs, the neurolectors can stun enemies or even weaken their attacksmaking them vulnerable to damage from allies. Being one of the more recent Tyranids, launched in 2023, this inclusion would be a new encounter even for players familiar with the existing Tyranids subspecies in 40K.

The Neurolictor has a completely different play style compared to its in-game counterpart.

Rather than relying on stealth and surprise attacks from the standard Lictor, the boss would work randomly with other Tyranids, providing psychic support from further afield. The Neurolictor's deadly claws can easily cut through the armor of a Space Marine while it unleashes waves of weakening psionic barriersLeaving players helpless to their vicious onslaught of attacks. Given the already existing debuffs provided by Tyranid attacks and magic, the Neurolithor could easily apply this debuff as well, making for a much more difficult encounter as players struggle to see the enemies in front of them.


Genestealer cultists make sense in the story of Space Marine 2

Blurring the lines between humans and Tyranid

With Chaos Cultists already a frequently encountered enemy later in the campaign, members of a Genestealer Cult would fit right into the events of Space Marine 2. While Genestealer Cults are more often found in the early stages of a Tyranid invasion fighting on behalf of the enemy, they can also exist independently of a primary invasion force. The physical appearance of a cultist can vary greatly, with hulking multi-limbed creatures barely recognizable as humans.or minor alterations such as pale skin or a bald scalp.


Genestealer cultists fight with a variety of weapons depending on their stage of infection, with some even using their additional limbs to wield multiple guns at once, or wield even larger weapons. With how rampant the Tyranid invasion is in the Residious system, it wouldn't be surprising to find cultists living in sewers or the backstreets of every planet. Not only would the cultists provide another interesting human-sized enemy to combat, but they would also allow for an interesting story direction for Space Marine 2, Playing on the themes of betrayal Spread throughout the history of the franchise.


A master of change is a deadly threat

The manifestation of the Chaos God's will

A Lord of Change is not an enemy most would expect to defeat, but as shown with the Hive Tyrant Hieropant Bio-Titan, there is always room for even deadlier threats. A Lord of Change would likely have to be weakened in some way for players to have any hope of defeating them, similar to the events of the Vox Liberatis operation. Whether you take a support beam to the shoulder or get hit by a direct blast from a starship, a fight with a Lord of Change is bound to be an engaging battleEven if indirectly.

Capable of providing area-of-effect buffs to any allied forces of Chaos nearby.

A Lord of Change is capable of unleashing powerful psychic energy, casting bolts of witchfire that have devastating effects on anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in the blast. On top of their magic, Lords Of Change wield a massive sword and staff, allowing them to strike quickly at anyone who dares to approach them. while providing area-of-effect buffs to any allied forces nearby. Being one of the most powerful manifestations of the Chaos God Tzeentch, the Great Daemons would make an incredibly climactic fight, battling tooth and nail the closer it gets to defeat.


Hovering Hive Crones are imposing enemies

Living gunships to terrorize the sky

With how prevalent the oppressive gargoyles are throughout the campaign and operations of Space Marine 2It's a surprise players never encounter the imposing shadow of a Hive Crown. Not only are these massive creatures able to completely dominate the skies thanks to their incredible speed and massive bio-cannons, but they can use a powerful EMP to completely disable or stall against vehicles. After clearing the sky of all forms of life, they begin to focus their rampage on the surfacePerforming strafing runs with their cannons or gliding just close enough to slice enemies in half with their bladed spurs.

The Hive Crown has the potential to make for one of the most interesting boss battles in the game.

The Hive Crown would make for an incredibly cinematic battle in an Operations mode, requiring players to frequently dodge its ranged attacks and low glides to survive their deadly encounter. On top of his powerful weapon and bladed limbs, Many Hive Crones also have several detachable tentacles under each wing, acting as homing missiles that players would have to shoot out of the air before impact.. With how unique and varied his arsenal is, the Hive Crone has the potential for one of the most interesting boss battles in the game, with various attack patterns similar to an MMO.


The Norn Emissary must be in Space Marine 2 DLC

A monster with equal brains and brawn

Being even larger than a hulking Hive Tyrant, the Norn Emissary is genetically engineered to target enemy commanders and key objectives during a battleBeing unnaturally stealthy for their massive size. There is no doubt that whatever form of Norn emissary was added Space Marine 2Players will need to use their best classes and full skills to survive an encounter with this overwhelming threat. The fight itself would be made up of surviving a rotating onslaught of powerful melee and psychic attacks, Dealing devastating damage while dashing and leaping at lightning speed across the battlefield, requiring quickly timed dodges and focused fire on his exposed neural organs To defeat the legendary Bm.

The Norn Emissary has the potential to overturn the history of Space Marine 2 By going after vital letters.

Given his deadly role on the battlefield, The Norn Emissary has the potential to overturn the history of Space Marine 2 By going after vital characters, be more than capable of killing any heel Space Marine. Whether you're trying to assassinate the lovable Captain Phobos or the valiant Lieutenant Titus, players will likely fight through cityscapes, using artillery or heavy weapons to slow and weaken the beast enough for a full-on engagement.

Sources: Warhammer Wiki, Warhammer