Space Marine 2 crashing on startup

Space Marine 2 crashing on startup

Some technical problems have arisen with the launch of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2Including frequent instances where the game crashes on start-up. With black screens and a refusal to load without shutting down, this became an issue for those who had the game early. Thankfully, there are several ways to adjust your game files and system to help create a solution.

With a variety of online and offline modes, there are several reasons why your game is experiencing crashes. One of the most common may be that you don't have the proper hardware to run the game at minimum capacity, so Check your systems and game requirements. Those playing on a console shouldn't have as many problems, so this guide will focus on anyone on a PC.

How to stop Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 from crashing

Verify game files to make them work

Warhammer Space Marine 2 Titus Commander Marine with customization options.

One of the most common issues tied to Space Marine 2 Crashing is that The files you downloaded are missing or corrupted For some reason. This may be due to how the game is packaged with a small error or two for early access. Although this will likely be fixed soon with the official release, for now, you will have to find a way to evaluate the integrity of the files you have.


When checking the contents of Space Marine 2, Go to your game library on Steam or the Epic Games Store. From here, there are a couple of steps you need to follow to identify missing or corrupted files downloaded for the game. Those who find issues can use their respective game launcher to fix the problems rather than deleting and re-downloading the entire game from scratch.

If you're still having trouble figuring out how to fix files to solve game crashes on startup, check out this visual guide by Get droid tips For a step-by-step solution!

Here are the steps for fixing your game's files for both Steam and Epic Games:


How to verify files


  1. Launch Steam and go to your library

  2. Right click on Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2

  3. Select the "Properties" Accurate

  4. Go to the installed files section for the game

  5. Click on "Verify integrity of game files" Option seen to the right

Epic Games

  1. Open Epic Games Store

  2. Find Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 in your library

  3. Press the three-dot icon below the game's logo

  4. Select the "treat" Option

  5. At the top of the next menu, press the "confirm" button from "Confirm Files"

If that doesn't work, you might want to Reinstall the game on your SSD instead of the standard HDD. You can change where you have Space Marine 2 Stored from your Steam settings, but make sure to move the game without deleting it. Since SSDs have faster load times, this can help you bypass the crashing issues that might be plaguing your experience when you start the game.

Other solutions to game-crashing issues

Change your in-game settings quickly

Warhammer Space Marine 2 Shot of three Space Marine soldiers together

Even if you manage to overcome the game crashing on the start, you may still have problems playing for more than a couple of minutes. You might want to Adjust your graphics settings in-game To prevent your system from crashing. This is a good solution for those who have to run Space Marine 2s intense combat gameplay on systems without top-of-the-line hardware.

If you're still experiencing game-breaking crashes, either at startup or after a few minutes of gameplay, try some of these quick solutions:

  • Change your PC's power plan settings to "power saver"
  • Power cycle your PC
  • Download low latency software
  • Update graphics drivers
  • Run the game as an administrator
  • Disable in-game fullscreen optimizations
  • Lower in-game resolution settings along with graphics

Crashes tend to occur the most when your PC is overworked trying to run a game, so double check what your system can and can't do. Before you even choose a class in Space Marine 2You should be 100% sure that you can run the game smoothly. Those who are still having trouble with crashing Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 On his startup after trying everything, you may want to consider upgrading their system.

Source: Get Droid Tips/YouTube