It's no surprise that some Animal crossing players are almost frustrated with the lack of updates and quality of life improvements they expected to see in Animal Crossing: New Horizonsbut don't expect the next game to be any different. Although sometimes tedious and repetitive, Animal crossing It's the way it is on purpose.
When you think about Animal crossingYou're probably not thinking of words like fast-paced and exciting, but rather words like calm and relaxed. This is largely due to the fact that Animal crossing was entirely designed to evoke exactly that response: a reminder to take things slowlyeven if it is to the frustration of many players.
Animal Crossing wants you to slow down
Animal Crossing forces you to stop and smell the roses
Nowadays, everything in the world seems to be in a constant race to capture the attention of the masses. Social media, in particular, is now centered almost entirely on engaging viewers in short, snappy videos and little else. For this and a multitude of other reasons, people began to accept the world just like that – quickly. When things don't move quickly, it creates frustration or discontent for most, as is often the case with Animal crossing.
Outside of mobile titles, games that work with an actual clock are generally uncommon. THE Sims is another life simulation game that takes a spin on the traditional passage of time, but still allows you to advance time to speed up monotonous tasks. Animal crossing It's unique in this sense, as everything about it works similarly to how you would or should spend your real day. It's completely designed to slow you down, give you a moment to breathe, and remind you to enjoy the little things.
The main Animal Crossing games are for ease
Even the smallest details in Animal Crossing remind you to take a moment to relax
While the idea of a game designed to slow the player down may seem a little ridiculous, there's no doubt that's true here. The concept of taking it easy appears in almost every carefully designed aspect of the main games.. For example, those who took the time to visit Brewster in Animal crossing you may be thinking "I couldn't imagine waiting so long for a coffee," but that's the point. A coffee run is perhaps one of the most universally understood quick things, as everyone wants to grab their coffee and get back to the day.
Brewster openly defies this idea by running a cafe that is both slow and peaceful, going so far as to pour your cup smoothly, without rushing, even if it's just to finish it. Furthermore, stores Animal Crossing: New Horizons even forcing you to buy one item at a time and limiting what you can get each day. This may sound like bad game design or something to be fixed and improved, but it probably isn't. These aspects Animal crossing They are not an oversight, they are intentional.
The next Animal Crossing game shouldn't reinvent the series
Providing the updates and features that some players request would defeat the purpose of Animal Crossing
If the next Animal crossing game were apparently to fix everything that some believe to be wrong, it would no longer be Animal crossing. Cozy games, a genre that Animal crossing falls, are designed for those quiet momentsallowing you to appreciate small details and overall progress. Giving players constant upgrades, the ability to advance time, buy items in bulk, or any other apparent quality of life improvement would force Animal crossing miss the slow pace of the game and therefore everything it was designed for.
Despite his credits, Animal crossing it was not designed with a formal ending in mind and is intended for players to continue well beyond the credits. It was never designed to receive a steady stream of updates over the long term; Otherwise, you would never have the chance to stop and enjoy the daily tasks of maintaining your island. While it's exciting to think about all the new changes coming to the franchise in the future, the laid-back nature needs to remain or everything Animal crossing represents can be lost.