Although the data block you find in the Crimson Dawn District of Mirogana City in Star Wars Outlaws Telling you to look for the smuggler's hideout, you need to find a specific place on the Toshara map that the intel search doesn't tell you to go to. Since the various regions of the game can be quite massive, it can be difficult to find certain mysterious bounties of treasures like this. Nevertheless, once its map location is found, the hideout and its stash only require a bit of traversal and puzzle-solving.
Just like when tracking down where to get the smoke bomb compressor in Star Wars OutlawsFinding the stash will reward players with an important component for upgrading their blaster. If you want to get Kay's arsenal with the best abilities to get through the endgame, finding treasures like this is essential. A few tricks are required, but it should be worth the effort.
Smugler's Hideout map location in Star Wars Outlaws
Between the Lost Step and Southern Falls
The place to start from is the Ramp between the Lost Step and Southern FallsAs indicated on the left of the map image above. You'll know you're in the right place when you see the large speed ramp leading to the hidden area. To make the jump on the Spider, do a run-up and time the boost so it completes before Kay leaves the ramp and hangs air all the way to the cliff on the other side. It is not as difficult as learning how to beat the grudge Star Wars OutlawsBut it may require a couple of attempts.
After making the jump, climb the walls on the left to find materials for Kay to pick up. Next, switch to the Power Blaster module to destroy the boulder blocking the path on the right. Follow this path until Kay is in front of the large moving fan. Turn it off to crawl through. The smuggler's hideout is through the door with three red lights above it, but a quick puzzle connecting to three fans in the immediate area needs to be solved.
How to open Smuggler's Hideout
Turn on the fans
To open the smuggler's hideout in Star Wars Outlaws, Turn on all three fans in the area By flicking their switches with nicks. The first one on the left is easiest; Command Nix to pull one lever while you pull the other. For the second, go to the left of the fan you came through and climb the wall on the side before commanding Nix to turn the same fan. The third can be found by going down the slope to the right of the second; Destroy the rock in the way with the blaster's power mode.
Do not forget to collect the small stash of valuables and crafting materials in front of the third fan. They can be quite easy to miss with where Kay needs to shoot to destroy the rock.
The power module is not one of the best abilities in Star Wars OutlawsBut it sure is handy. With that, the door to the smuggler's hideout should open for Kay to walk through. There's a good amount of valuables, credits and crafting materials to collect, but the main prize is the HD05-G circuit - required to upgrade the blaster's ion module's burst capability. By heading to the smuggler's hideout location between the Lost Step and Southern Falls in Star Wars OutlawsPlayers will find a handy crafting component they won't want to miss.
- Franchise
Star Wars
- Released
August 30, 2024
- developer(s)
Massive entertainment
- motor