Maintain fun levels in The Sims 4 It can be difficult, but as one player shared, there's a simple trick that can really turn a constant task into a breeze. Although The Sims While it can be a relaxing gaming experience in many ways, keeping all of the game's various meters at the appropriate levels can quickly become a headache. There are only so many hours in a day, and maximizing them in a way that meets all basic needs while giving Sims some additional satisfaction is sometimes just as difficult as in real life.
Reddit User Seductive Duck shared a tip for maximizing a Sim's fun stats, noting that Turning on headphones before a Sim goes to work or school will fill the fun bar when they return home. It's a simple trick that's surprisingly easy to miss, as exemplified by GilraedElensarTheir post sparked discussion, which noted their surprise that the free headphones they earned in the game actually showed up in their inventory.
In The Sims 4headphones were added to the Fitness Stuff package, so it wasn't always an option to fill the fun meter. For those who have the pack installed, the headphones can be purchased through the order function on the in-game computers to open up the possibility of using AlluringDuck's method of fun.
Headphones are an underrated Sims 4 item
Very easy to cash
Reddit User Nindessa_896 also expressed surprise at the function of the headphones, mentioning that they "[p]prepared the game since launch" and I never noticed this particular trick. The game doesn't provide any obvious PSA about the advantages of working with headphonesSo it's no surprise that not everyone realizes how useful they can be.
Considering how many people use headphones to lift their spirits while working in real life, it's a feature that makes a lot of sense. The pop-up about free headphones could quickly turn into spam when Fitness Stuff was first added, although it didn't take long for the issue to be fixed, some players may still hold a grudge against a great item based on this past complaint.
The Sims 4 has a lot of useful items that you probably aren't using
So much to discover
Considering how much content The Sims 4 includes, especially with a good handful of DLC installed, headphones are just one example of the many great items that can easily be overlooked. Some others are equally mundane, like game consoles that can improve relationships between Sims, while others are significantly more specific, like the decontamination shower in Start working which can actually cure a Sim's illness.
it is not me Sims 4 expert, so I imagine some veterans of the game could surprise me with a lot more tips like this, but even those with extensive experience probably aren't aware of certain tricks. A decade after its launch, The Sims 4 It looks like it's here to stay, so it's a good thing there's still plenty for the average gamer to discover today.
Source: SeductiveDuck/Reddit, GilraedElensar/Reddit, Nindessa_896/Reddit
The Sims 4
- Released
September 2, 2014
- Developer(s)
- Editor(s)
Electronic Arts