Notice! This article contains spoilers for Silo season 2, episode 2.Bernard's manual on Silo Season 2 Episode 2 contains an alarming warning, raising a lot of questions about what it means and how it connects to the man in the other Silo. Instead of taking a slow storytelling approach like Silo In its first season in its opening moments, the Apple TV+ sci-fi show delivers one twist after another in its opening episodes. While Silo The end of Season 2 Episode 1 adds a mysterious new character to the mix, Episode 2 hints at how exciting the overarching story will potentially become in future episodes.
One of the memorable moments of Silo Season 2 Episode 2 is when Bernard looks at the ruins of a neighboring Silo through Juliette's helmet camera and worries that his Silo will suffer a similar fate. To prevent a rebellion in Silo 18, he even refers to his manual, "The Order," in hopes of finding answers as to what he must do to extinguish the brewing rebellion. However, to his disappointment, the manual only says: "In case of a failed cleanup, prepare for war."
Why Bernard's Handbook Says “Prepare for War” in Silo Season 2, Episode 2
The manual prepares Bernard for the worst-case scenario
According to the manual, a failure to clean seems to be one of the worst things that can happen to a Silo. As Silo The Season 1 finale reveals that all the citizens who left Silo 18 before Juliette cleaned their camera lenses outside because they were fooled by the VR hologram projected through their helmets. They thought that cleaning the camera lens would give people inside a better view of how green and livable the world outside is for humans. Juliette, however, sees through the lies and realizes that the projection from her helmet is not real.
The creators of The Order understand that defying even one rule can spiral out of control and lead to a massive war between the conformists and the rebels in the Silo.
To rebel against the Silo's rules, she even refuses to clean her lenses, reminding her people that they are being lied to. Since the act of not cleaning confirms that the tyranny of the Silo leaders is being challenged and their rules are being questionedserves as the spark that can quickly evolve into a rebellion. The creators of The Order understand that defying even one rule can spiral out of control and lead to a massive war between the conformists and the rebels in the Silo. Therefore, the manual warns that someone in Bernard's situation must be ready for conflict.
How Bernard's Handbook Connects to the Man Juliette Finds in the Safe
The man seems to have already experienced the scenario of the order
Silo season 2 episode 1 shows what happened in another underground vault after a riot broke out. He highlights how the Silo rebellions waged war against the conformists before seeking freedom by going abroad. However, as Juliette and Bernard discover, the war has killed almost everyone in the Silo. The Order's protocol appears to warn Bernard against a similar situationwhere the start of a rebellion could eventually cause everyone to die.
Near the final moments of Silo In episode 1 of season 2, Juliette also meets a man in the new Silo. The show doesn't reveal who he is, but he appears to be the only survivor of the rebellion and subsequent war that killed everyone else. Viewers familiar with Hugh Howey Silo books may have already identified the character, but others will likely get answers about his identity and backstory in Silo future episodes of season 2.