Silent Hill 2 Remake - Coin Puzzle Guide (Woodside Apartments)

Silent Hill 2 Remake - Coin Puzzle Guide (Woodside Apartments)

The Coin puzzle in Wood Side Apartments In the new Silent Hill 2 Remake requires finding three different coins before attempting the puzzle. The coins are hidden throughout the apartment complex, and two require you Quite small puzzles to find them.

The puzzle box itself is in the Reception room of the apartment, covered with a sheet. Once you have gathered All three coinsYou can return here to solve the puzzle. Here's how to find them.

The silver coin

Heads for man, tails for swords

The Silver coin with the man and sword Can be found in Room 206. Be sure to stop in Room 108 First, where you will find these Golden apple handle Needed for the first puzzle. Then go to Room 208Where you will find a wardrobe with two golden hands, with one hand facing up. Set these Golden apple handle In the hand that turns the hand down and Open the wardrobe.


Inside the wardrobe is a small display Room with a safe in the middle and drawings on the walls. Step to the side of the wardrobe to push it out of the way, where you will enter the Hidden room 206 behind him. Approach the safe and use the combination: 13 right, 7 left, 11 right. The safe will open and give you these Silver coinwith a Man on one side and a sword on the otherand a Steel keywhich opens the hidden door at the End of the room.

The gold coin

Heads for woman, tails for cross

Head to Room 312 To start the next puzzle, where you will need to Climb through a wall In the small room to the west. Choose these Apple juice of the table and drop it through the Garbage drop off. A short cutscene will play, showing other trash being knocked loose, including a gold coin, which rolls across the pavement outside.

Head back to the parking lot where you will find these Gold coin On the ground, with a Woman on one side and a cross tombstone on the other. If you need help finding your way back quickly, HarryNinetyFour's video shows the easiest way back.

The bronze coin

Heads for flower, tails for snake

The Last coin Can be found in the Apartment's pool. You can reach the pool by jumping out The window of room 116. Inside the drained basin is a Stroller surrounded by fog.

Approach the stroller where you will pick it up Bronze coinWho has a Snake on one side and a flower on the other. You now have all three coins for the puzzle.

Solving the puzzle

Answers to the poem riddle

Now you can return to the Reception room Where the Coin puzzle box was found. Each stage of the puzzle has a different song that you have to follow by placing the coins in the correct slots with these Correct sides facing up.

There are five full slots along the bottom, so the answers will be written according to whether the slots are filled or not, and if so, by which coin. The answer of the first song is Man, empty, woman, empty, flower. The answer of the second song is Idle, Sword, Idle, Woman, Flower. The answer of the third song is Empty, empty, man, tombstone, snake.

The answer of the last song is up to the player, as it asks your opinion on Who is to blame for the woman's death. Place either the snake, man or woman coin In the top slot To lock your choice. Be sure to think carefully, as your decision can influence what Silent Hill 2 Remake Finally you get.

Source: HarryNinetyFour/YouTube

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October 8, 2024


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