Sign Ellie Dubiach is a producer factory

Sign Ellie Dubiach is a producer factory

Elena "Ellie" Dubach was the center of much drama during Below deck Mediterranean Season 9, and you The relationship between conflict hints that it could have been cast as a producer plant. Captain Sandy Yawn returned to host the Mediterranean-based yachting show for her eighth season alongside franchise alum Aesha Scott. Once considered the best series in the franchise, the show declined in popularity after Hannah Ferrier was fired during Below Deck Med Season 5.

Aesha was the saving grace of season 9, which had many newbies. New additions like Gael Cameron and Nathan Gallagher enticed the audience with their scandalous boatmanship that began when she was in another relationship. The season too Reintroduced Ali to the below deck Audience after a brief appearance years before She became an original crew cast member. Despite her lack of experience on the show, Ali brought the heat on camera, leading some viewers to believe that she could be cast to stir up drama among the cast and become the villain of Below Deck Med Season 9.

Ali was briefly on Below Deck with Season 7 before Season 9

Production saw something in her to bring her back for season 9

Elena Dubach below deck posing for her promo shot with a red shirt

Ali's first appearance in the franchise was during Below Deck Med Season 7. She stepped onto the crew to fill in for Kyle Viljoen after he suffered an injury. Ali was only on one chapter, but that doesn't mean she didn't develop a relationship with production during her short time on the show.

Oftentimes, replacement crew members who step in for a short time don't end up in another season, although Ali was an exception.

They must have developed a liking for you and Saw the potential in her to bring her back for another shot. Oftentimes, replacement crew members who step in for a short time don't end up in another season, although Ali was an exception.

Ellie Announces Her Retirement From Yachting But May Be Unretired For Below Deck Med Season 9

Ali has seemingly come out of retirement to film

    A montage of Brie and Eli with Joe in the background and all in red uniforms
Custom image by César García

During Below Deck Med Season 9, Eli talked about working to be a Chief Stav. She expressed her interest in rising up the yachting hierarchy on the show but expressed a different sentiment online. On May 8, 2023, Ali announces she isOfficially retiring from my yachting career"After working in the industry for nearly seven years. It's unclear when season 9 was filmed, but it is Assumed that the show picked up cameras in the summer of 2023, hinting that she may have unretired to film.

It would make sense that she left her career as a flight attendant but decided to appear on the show if she was a factory producer. When Carrie O'Neill was added to the crew, and Aesha used her as a floating stew, the second stew was worried that she was going to replace her in their hierarchy. Ali was vocal in her desire to keep her rank as a second cousin, Although she admitted that she was done with yachting on Instagram months before the series.

Ali feuded with Brie over Joe the entire charter season

Ali was at the center of the drama

When he joined Aesha's interior team, Ali was second in command. She was incredibly excited to work alongside Aesha and appreciated her new found rank on the Mustique. As the season began, Ali mentored third baseman Bree Mueller. She mainly struggled with her daily tasks, although her major faults were mostly in the laundry room. Bree and Eli room as bunkmates and Has a good relationship until the third stew hooks up with lead deck hand Joe Bradley Another night out drinking with the crew.

Before their hook-up, Ellie told Bree she was interested in Joe and was excited to get to know him.

However, when they shared a kiss in the hot tub, the crew was fresh and couldn't last too long. Bree thought Ali had no right to keep Joe to herself, but she couldn't have guessed the backlash that would come her way because of their kiss. After their steamy night together, Ali began to treat the third stew differently. They clashed in every case and almost lost their jobs working on the Mustique because of their feud.

Brie and Ali's drama was unwarranted. None of them know Joe or have any loyalty to him. It was wrong of Bree to disregard Ali's feelings, but her punishment did not fit her crime. In a heated moment, Bree thought that the second cook hadn't finished cleaning the cabins on a hectic day to give her more work. They got into a heated exchange and Ali tried to use her status as the second cousin to assert power over Brie.


In the end, they squashed their beef after she heard Joe sing about what stew he would choose. Brie and Ally both had enough of Joe's antics by the end of the season, however It's a shame they couldn't put aside their differences earlier in Below Deck Med Season 9. The conflict between the interior team was blown entirely out of proportion, likely for storyline purposes.

Ali even fought with Ayesha

Aesha is one of the easiest crew members to get along with

If there is one crew member the second stew shouldn't pick a fight with, it would be her chief stew. Aesha was incredibly sympathetic to Brie and Ali's feelings during their season-long feud. She pretended not to take sides and played devil's advocate for both women. however, Eli picks a fight with Aesha after Carrie joins the crew Like a new stew. She didn't understand why the interior team needed another set of hands, even though Aesha claims she had little to no help all season from Brie and Ali.

Aesha didn't give Carrie an official rank when she joined the team, but she admitted in her confessional interviews that she easily surpassed the other two Steves with her experience. Instead, she used her as a floating stew and asked her to help with maid to gauge her work style. Ali felt somewhat threatened by Kerry and told Aesha she felt like their third wheel and did not say that there was a new country.

When she was confronted with the third stew, Esha was firm with her and declared that if she is going to drop her to the third stew, that is her decision to make. Ali did not expect that reaction from her and admitted that she believed that she had earned her rank as a second stew. However, Esha was right; She knew that Ali wanted to become a chief stew, but Fighting with her boss was a bad call to make So late in the season.


Ali's behavior indicated that she could have been a productive plant on Below deck Mediterranean Season 9. She joined the cast of season 7 for one charter, hinting she has a pre-established relationship with production. Ali also started more drama than necessary, although that may have been her job all along.

Key background

  • Every season, the crew works on a real luxury yacht, providing authentic yachting experiences and, of course, real drama.

  • The crew members sign strict contracts before filming, which includes confidentiality agreements to keep the drama and details under wraps.

  • The charter guests actually pay a heavily discounted rate to be on the show, but are still expected to tip, with the tips often being a highlight of each episode.

Sources: Elena Dubach/ Instagram, Bravo/ YouTube

Below Deck Mediterranean is a Bravo reality television series that follows a crew working on a gigantic superyacht during the busy season. The show highlights the crew's challenges as they serve their high-end clientele. Each season tackles new locations, such as Greece, Croatia, Italy and France, with some repeating.

Release date

May 3, 2016



