Should you tell Sebastian the truth?

Should you tell Sebastian the truth?

in Hogwarts legacyPlayers can choose to live their lives in the wizarding world however they want, including dialogue choices. However, when it comes to telling Sebastian the truth during "In the Shadow of the Undercroft," it can be hard to know what the right call is. At this point, the protagonist and the Slytherin student will have spent some time together, which makes it tempting to be honest. On the contrary, Professor Feig constantly emphasized the importance of keeping their secret private.

For the most part, Sebastian is not in Hogwarts legacys main story, but his side quests are expansive and make him a crucial part of the experience. His character development and arc are some of the best seen in the entire RPG, so the quests are definitely worth doing. Being a Slytherin, Sebastian may not always have the most honest intentions, but there is much more to him than initially meets the eye.

"In the Shadows of the Undercroft" puts the protagonist in an uncomfortable situation when Sebastian pushes for more information about the missing pages. From a book he helped players recover from the restricted section of the library. From there, players can then choose whether to reveal their ancient magical powers to Sebastian as a sign of friendship and trust, or to keep their word with Professor Figg to not tell anyone and therefore lie to Sebastian.

What happens if you tell Sebastian the truth in Hogwarts Legacy

Being open with a friend about ancient magic isn't bad

finally, Regardless of whether the student chooses to tell Sebastian the truth or not Hogwarts legacyIt will not affect the overarching story Or (even the friendship). The only difference between the two possibilities is that If the player decides to be honest, it will lead to a short discussion with Sebastian about ancient magicWhere he promises to keep their secret.

Aside from this unique dialogue, there are no other incentives or rewards for telling Sebastian the truth. This is, of course, other than perhaps a sense of pride in being honest if you play the game as a true Gryffindor, Hufflepuff or Even just like a character who values ​​friendships Much like the beloved main trio of the Harry Potter Series.

What happens if you lie to Sebastian in Hogwarts Legacy

Keep a promise not to reveal the truth of ancient magic to anyone

The choice of Not telling Sebastian the truth allows the protagonist to confirm that the library's book is missing pagesBut nothing further. in this case, Sebastian is skeptical but also doesn't push further, and the conversation ends earlier than with the other choice. Again, this decision does not affect the main story or the protagonist's friendship with Sebastian and the side quest chain.

What say Sebastian the true means for your character

This decision doesn't affect gameplay, but it does impact roleplay

Although this choice is not important enough to change any outcome in the game itself, it can still be an important question to think about. In order to get the most out of Hogwarts legacy, Roleplaying can bring a lot of immersive qualities. The main character may feel that it is more important to keep their promise to Professor Fig, or perhaps trust Fig as the adult figure in the situation. Conversely, they may be lonely and want to develop a friendship with Sebastian, or simply see him as a trustworthy friend, and want to open up to him.


The house to which the main character belongs can also participate in this decision. A Slytherin character might see Sebastian as an equal and open up to him more freely, while a Gryffindor might see more of a loyalty to Professor Fig and even be distrustful of Sebastian's integrity. The type of student that the player wants to roleplay as, ultimately, is what should be the deciding factor in making this choiceAnd any number of factors could sway their student one way or the other at that moment of decision.

Most choices in Hogwarts Legacy will not affect the game or endings

More for immersion and gameplay qualities

Although there are many opportunities for varied dialogue in Hogwarts legacyVery few of the choices actually do anything to affect the story. Usually, conversations with NPCs only serve as a means to gain extra tidbits of information or knowledge. They can help with immersion by offering a role-playing perspective and slightly different cutscenes for the player - but as a whole, the main story is almost never affected, and Hogwarts legacys endings will remain the same. While it would be interesting to have more variety and control over outcomes, it unfortunately seems that the dialogue choices are only there for flavor in the Harry Potter RPG.

Of course, there are several choices that matter Hogwarts legacyBut most are just illusions, especially regarding dialogue options. finally, Sebastian is still willing to help the player learn the dark arts if they wantAnd the game's overarching story will move forward either way. finally, Players should opt for whichever option they feel fits their character bestAs there is no real difference between withholding or telling Sebastian the truth Hogwarts Legacy.