Should you lie to Professor Weasley in Hogwarts Legacy

Should you lie to Professor Weasley in Hogwarts Legacy

Almost immediately upon their arrival at the school, players must choose to be truthful or lie to Professor Weasley Hogwarts legacyAnd they may struggle with knowing which is the right option. After all, the Deputy Headmistress is nothing short of kind and helpful, leading the protagonists to their common room and providing them with the Field Guide – but some students may worry that telling her the truth risks exposing their ancient magic secret and betraying that trust. From Prof. Fig. .

Those who are familiar with the main Harry Potter Series may be swayed by Professor Weasley’s clear association with the iconic red-headed family. Indeed, it’s true that Matilda Weasley is related to Ron, and Watcher World fans who identify with the latter character may feel compelled to be honest with the Transfiguration teacher as a result. Other students who are not interested in her ties with Harry Potter Can’t feel particular about any specific dialogue option, but they might still wonder if it’s better to lie to Professor Weasley in Hogwarts legacy Because of the main story.

Lying to Professor Weasley does not have consequences in the Hogwarts legacy

Lying and telling the truth have the same result

A close-up of Professor Matilda Weasley of Hogwarts Legacy against a dark background.

actually, There is little to no difference between lying and telling the truth to Professor Weasley In addition to various reactions from you and Professor Feig. If the player chooses to keep the details to himself, an eavesdropping Professor Fig will commend them on “Masterfully avoided“Your questions, but Professor Weasley will not be convinced. The conversation and story will then just continue as normal.


On the other hand, those who tell you the truth will not find that choice important Hogwarts legacyOr. The student will only share that they have visited some ancient ruins, which still leave Professor Weasley unsatisfied, and Professor Fig will have no reaction other than slightly altered dialogue if Weasley is being told the truth.. This is the only change to expect when deciding whether to lie or not.

What happens when you lie to Professor Weasley in Hogwarts Legacy

The dialogue proceeds with small differences

A close-up screenshot of Professor Weasley talking to the student at Hogwarts Legacy, looking worried.

Unfortunately, lying and telling the truth to Professor Weasley have the same results Hogwarts legacy. No matter what the player chooses, the results will be the same. Depending on which responses the player chooses, though, The dialogue will continue a little differently.

For example, on the first day of class, Professor Weasley asks the player what happened to Professor Fig and the dragon attack. She voices her suspicions that there is more to the story than the professor and the player are letting on. At this point, the player has the choice to tell the truth and say “It is, in fact,“Or lying by saying,”I’m afraid there isn’t.

The choice made here will not affect the story or outcome in any way. If she tells the truth, Professor Weasley expresses her confidence in Professor Figg, Saying that he probably has his reasons for keeping the details to himself. Professor Fig later noticed the choice as well, and asked the player not to share anything else with Weasley.

On the other hand, if the lie is chosen, Professor Weasley will respond suspiciously that the student’s answer is “Almost exactly what Professor Fig said.Later in the dialogue, Professor Fig will praise the players for their ability to “Masterfully evade Professor Weasley’s interrogation.Neither choice is the “right” one, but both lead to the same conclusion, just on slightly different paths.

Professor Weasley knows your secrets in Hogwarts Legacy

Anyway, it didn’t matter if you lied

A picture of Professor Weasley holding out her hand to a butterfly in the air as her wand glows blue.

actually, There are two other times where Professor Weasley asks the player to come forward with the truth in Hogwarts legacy. so too, Lying to Professor Weasley in any of these situations will have no impact on future dialogueCharacter relationships, or narrative. It is unclear why the deputy headmistress is trying to get an answer from the protagonist, considering that at the end of the game, she reveals that she knows their secrets all along, even if they persistently lie to her.

So, should players lie to Professor Weasley in Hogwarts legacyIt won’t have an impact on their game. Unlike asking for more money after quests, This decision only concerns role-playing, so players should feel free to choose whichever option fits their personality (or their character’s personality) best. Know that lying to Professor Wesley has no consequences in Hogwarts legacy Can be disappointing from a certain gameplay perspective, but it means players won’t have to stress over their decision.

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