Should you go to Kijimi, Tatooine or Akiva?

Should you go to Kijimi, Tatooine or Akiva?

Having the freedom to travel across multiple planets is a huge selling point for Star Wars OutlawsBut making the first choice about what to visit can be a challenge. After a brief stint in Canto Bight, the early parts of the game focus exclusively on the moon Toshara, lots of stealth missions and windy fields of grain. Kay is stuck until she can fix the ship's hyperdrive, but once that happens, three of the game's planets open up as possibilities to jump to next.

All three planets - Kijimi, Ekiwa and Tatooine - have been featured in previous episodes Star Wars MaterialBut the level of familiarity between them varies greatly. No Star Wars Fans already know the essentials of what to expect from Tatooine, the sandy planet that can't stop in Star Wars Content since its debut as Luke's home in the original film. The Snowy Kijimi doesn't have the same legacy, but it did make a major saga appearance in The Rise of Skywalker. Akiba made his debut in this novel AftermathAnd his Star Wars Outlaws Inclusion is a big leap forward.

Kijimi is the smallest Star Wars Outlaws planet to visit

One city is all Kijimi needs

Star Wars Outlaws - Ashiga clan artwork of soldiers walking by Kijimi

Although someone who takes off their headphones for a couple of seconds may miss it, Kijimi is the planet that Kay's newfound droid companion ND-5 recommends when you leave Toshara in the game. He fails to explore the reasoning, but leaves it unclear whether there is a strong narrative or mechanical motivation behind the nudge. Fortunately, visiting Kijimi reveals why the choice makes sense.

Unlike the Toshara, Kijimi isn't a big open-world spread Star Wars OutlawsInstead focusing on a single urban environment with less space to explore. The comparative focus makes it easy to complete some important content efficiently before moving on to other planets, making for a less daunting choice than Equiva or Tatooine. Contracts are still available, but Kay takes care of them in orbit of the planet, which contributes to a more streamlined process overall.


Crucially, Kijimi introduces the Ashiga clan, the fourth faction in Star Wars OutlawsSo putting off a trip to Kijimi for too long could miss a meeting with another major crime syndicate. The power module for Kay's blaster can also be found on KijimiMaking it easier for you to deal with heavily armored enemies (a significant relief for anyone playing on Hard) and allowing you to blast through stone walls to uncover secrets.

Akiba offers a lush jungle expanse in Star Wars Outlaws

A beautiful planet brought to life

Star Wars Outlaws A ship drops out of hyperspace next to a planet. Superimposed texts read Akiba Orbit, Akiba System

Akiba is a beautiful shock of both the urban environments and open fields featured on others Star Wars Outlaws Planets with a jungle ecosystem that is beautiful to explore. After some quest content on Equiva unlocks the hydro-repulsor upgrade for Kay's Spider, giving her access to even more of the planet. It's not as widely useful as the Blaster Power Module found on Kijimi, so it doesn't require as much of a rush.


The game puts Akiba second in the menu order, and it probably makes sense to at least give it a visit before Tatooine. There is a memorable crew dialogue with the acquisition of the crew on both Kijimi and Akiva before Tatooine.As a companion who can be found without Akiba will probably prove a hit. Compared to Kijimi, however, it is difficult to jump to Akiba and quickly delete a large chunk of its content.

Tatooine is as iconic in Star Wars Outlaws as ever

Exciting content in a familiar place

While Tatooine's constant presence in Star Wars Media can make it easy to get tired of the desert, it's undeniably iconic, so traveling to Tatooine first can be appealing. As there is no strict wrong order, anyone who feels the call will not be punished for following their instincts. Mos Eisley is a great destination for lovers of scam and villainEspecially considering the joy to be found in challenging high rollers in games of saback.


For anyone comfortable with holding off on Tatooine, it doesn't make too much sense as a first choice. Some of the story and quest content feels more appropriate for a later-game experience, even if it could fit in anywhere. There is also a point in the main questline on Tatooine where Kay is temporarily grounded on the planetSo it's easy to get stuck there for a little longer than intended. It's all exciting, but there's nothing wrong with saving the best for last.

You should go to Kijimi in Star Wars Outlaws

The game recommends Kijimi for a reason

The bolt configuration of the power module shown next to a stone wall that can be destroyed with the blaster in Star Wars Outlaws

Ultimately, going to whichever planet sounds the most appealing is fine, though Anyone who remains undecided should follow the game's advice and opt for Kijimi. The content there is definitely designed with a reasonable early-game experience in mind, which can't be said for some elements of Equiva and Tatooine. The biggest reason to visit Kijimi first might be the Power Module, but like returning to Toshara or heading to other planets with the ability to blast through stone walls opens up more of the game's content and rewards with less threat of backtracking.


After Kijimi a trip to Akiva and then going to Tatooine is a logical progression in general, although it doesn't have to be that linear. Bouncing between planets is a big part of the design of Star Wars OutlawsAnd treating each location like a completionist checklist before moving on will ultimately prove frustrating. This sentiment goes double for Toshara, and it's okay to move on to any other planet when the option first opens up.

The somewhat non-linear approach of Star Wars Outlaws Has both benefits and drawbacks, but jumping from planet to planet definitely fulfills an exciting spacefaring fantasy. Kijimi is a good starting place for any Star Wars Outlaws journey, and let Kay go wherever the wind may blow her beyond this point is not likely to lead her terribly wrong.

Set between the events of Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, Star Wars Outlaws is an open-world action-adventure game where players step into the shoes of Kay Vess, a woman who travels the galaxy looking for a better life. Along with her furry partner Nyx and new allies she meets along the way, Kay will navigate the various landscapes, cities and planets across the galaxy while outsmarting both the crime syndicates and the Empire.


Star Wars


August 30, 2024


Massive entertainment


Ubisoft, Lucasfilm Games