Should you frame the pikes or red in "false flag"?

Should you frame the pikes or red in

"False Flag" is one of the simpler missions in Star Wars OutlawsAt least on paper. Kay Vess is sent on a mission by the crime syndicate Crimson Dawn. She is asked to infiltrate an Imperial ship and erase the debt of the Pike Syndicate, thereby framing them for the crime. During the mission, Vess's accomplice Waka gives the option to do the opposite and frame Crimson Dawn instead, alerting Pyke Syndicate leader Gorak of the initial plan. Depending on how the player feels, they have the option to frame once they reach the end of the mission.

Consider reputation is the most important aspect of Star Wars Outlaws, The ending choice of the "False Flag" mission can have a huge impact on gameplay depending on who the player wants to have a better reputation with one of the crime syndicates. Vess is presented with two options at the end of the mission. The player can choose to benefit the Pyke Syndicate or the Crimson Dawn, and unlike other missions in the game, this can have a negative effect on reputation.

Choosing Crimson Dawn over Pike Syndicate for "False Flag" mission in Star Wars Outlaws

Choose depending on current reputation

If the player chooses to stick to the primary mission and frame the Pike Syndicate, they will alert Bosnok, Thorden's prisoner on the ship and his accountant, in exchange for breaking him out of his sentence. Bosnok will then wipe their debt, and he and Wess will go back to alert Eleera, a member of Crimson Dawn. Vess will tell Eleera the job is complete, and Bosnok will be under Crimson Dawn's protection. The player is rewarded with 500 units, increased reputation with Crimson Dawn, and information about the bounty hunter chasing Vess down.

If the reputation is good or excellent with Pyke Syndicate, it may be worth a little sacrifice to be in better standing with Crimson Dawn

This can be very beneficial to improving reputation with Crimson Dawn. however, This move depends strictly on his relationship with the crime syndicates involved. If the reputation is good or excellent with Pyke Syndicate, it may be worth a little sacrifice to be in better standing with Crimson Dawn. However, the same can be said of the opposite, and partnering with the Pyke Syndicate may be the best move to make for this mission.

Choosing the Pike Syndicate over Crimson Dawn for "False Flag" Mission in Star Wars Outlaws

It's all about balance

Kay rides her Spider down a dusty road

Along with the fake syndicate, Bosnuck will make the same request to Wess: he will erase the records of who she asked for his. Freedom. If Wess chooses to betray Crimson Dawn and Eleera, The player will tell Bosnok to erase all of Crimson Dawn's debt. She will then meet with Gorak and tell him everything. As a reward, the player will receive an improved reputation with the Pyke Syndicate, 500 units, and the same information about the bounty hunter after Vess.


Although the choice is highly dependent on the existing reputation of each crime syndicate, it is important to remember that the choice will damage an existing reputation. Unlike other missions in the game, choosing one faction will detract from the reputation of whichever syndicate is not selected, as this involves framing them for a crime. If a reputation with the Pike Syndicate or Crimson Don can afford to take a hit in Star Wars OutlawsLet yourself be taken. Taking a hit on an already low reputation will only add more targets to Kay Vess' back, which is a dangerous move for our scandal.
