Should I kill Sofia or give her peace?

Should I kill Sofia or give her peace?

IN Lie P.players must decide Sofia's final fate. Sophia is something of an enigma. She is roughly equivalent to the Blue Fairy, who originally appeared in The Adventures of Pinocchio as Pinocchio's greatest ally and advisor. IN Lie P.she helps him level up Ergo, revives him when he dies, and is overall a force for good. Throughout most of the story, she appears to have no ulterior motives of her own other than a genuine desire to help Pinocchio and guide him on his journey. However, as players approach the final moments of the game, they realize that Sofia wants more.

[Warning: This article contains spoilers for some of the possible endings to LIes of P.]

Pinocchio and the player both begin to rely on Sofia by the time they reach Alchemist Island, the game's final dungeon. But there Pinocchio meets the mutated Sofia, alone in a secluded room under a framed blue butterfly. She reveals that this is her true self; Sofia Pinocchio, whom she met somewhere in the game, is actually a projection of her disembodied soul. She is the subject of an experiment by cruel alchemists, and is deeply injured by their work. She wants to leave. She asks Pinocchio to give her peace after death, and in this moment of truth, players can decide whether to kill her or let her live.

What happens if you give Sophia peace in P's lie?

This is a more humane option

If Pinocchio agrees to Sofia's demands, she will die a non-violent death completely off-screen. The following video simply shows Sofia offers Pinocchio her Ergo, which he absorbs with a blue glow. A pop-up window will appear saying "Do you feel warm." Players should already be familiar with this phrase, which appears whenever they gain Humanity.

The humanity indicator is mainly modulated by Lie P.There's a lot of truth or falsity in the dialogue, but more active story decisions like this can also nudge the needle in either direction. In keeping with his newfound humanity, Pinocchio also seems more expressive after killing Sophia; he says his lines more often.


Killing Sophia does not take away the benefits she provided to Pinocchio. throughout the entire game. Pinocchio can still level up in Stargazers and will respawn there when he dies. The logical reason for all this is that Sofia is still technically present - her soul was transferred to Pinocchio via Ergo, so she is still conscious and actively helping. In fact, at the last minute, she presents a pair of gifts: a "Request" emote and a "Shadow Flower", one of only 16 collectible records in the world. Lie P..

What happens if you let Sophia live P's lie?

This route is more ambiguous

If Pinocchio decides to let Sofia live, she will be a little disappointed. Presumably she remains in place on Alchemist Island, but what exactly happens to her is impossible to say. If the player decides to return to their room later, she completely and inexplicably disappeared. There are no answers in the end. It's somewhat unclear whether she will live or die, but either way the outcome won't be good for Sofia.

Sofia continues to help Pinocchio as she normally would if left alive, leveling him up and reviving him. Pinocchio still receives the Request emote, but does not receive a record of this decision. Outside of her room on the Island, she doesn't even seem to be aware of the difficult choice Pinocchio has made. This is nothing more than a missed opportunity.

The end of "Pi Lodge" depends on whether Sophie is killed or spared

The true ending requires killing Sophia

Sparing Sophia also fixes either "real boy"ending if Pinocchio gives Geppetto his heart or "Free from the puppet rope"It's the end if he doesn't do itmaking this one of the most important decisions in the game. What happens next depends entirely on a series of choices that players have made throughout the game.

After defeating Simon Manus, they will face Gepetto, the creator of Pinocchio. If they decide to give the heart to Geppetto Pinocchio, they will be treated to "real boy» final. In this ending, Geppetto turns all the survivors of the Krath uprising into puppets before he and Pinocchio leave as father and son. However P may refuse to give his heart to Gepetto for viewing."Free from the puppet rope" Geppetto will summon the Nameless Puppet to attack Pinocchio, but will end up sacrificing himself to save his creation.


To see the true end"Uprising PSeveral conditions must be met. First, players must have enough Humanity, as indicated by the "P" sign.heart is pounding", causing Pi's hair to turn gray before the final confrontation. Lying and listening to records will increase Humanity throughout the entire playthrough. Finally, they must have given Sofia peace and defeated Simon Manus before refusing to give Geppetto his heart.

Having done this, Pinocchio can return to the Krat Hotel and study his portrait to obtain one of the best weapons in the world. Lie P.: Golden lie. By having this in their inventory, players will be able to see a unique epilogue "Uprising P"the ending in which Pinocchio uses Sophia's Ergo to bring her to life as a puppet. if they end up giving up on Gepetto. However, Pinocchio appears to die in the process.

You must give Sofia peace in lies P

It's what's best for everyone

It's not an easy decision but Pinocchio giving Sofia peace leads to the best series of results in Lie P.. First, respecting her wishes means that Sophia is no longer useful to the alchemists and is no longer forced to help her and Pinocchio's enemies. It's unpleasant, but killing her means she can leave on her own terms and escape her life of captivity. Plus an escape where Pinocchio fulfilled all the conditions necessary forUprising PIn the epilogue, Sofia can move on with her life with a happy ending.

And from a practical point of view, giving Sophia peace will bring great reward to Pinocchio. The “Request” emote is good, but unnecessary. The Shadow Flower entry is a vital component in revealing the true ending. Therefore, even if Pinocchio decides to spare Sofia on his first playthrough, he will have to kill her at least once in NG+ to revive her. In contrast, sparing Sofia will lead Pinocchio to nothing, with no unique rewards or endings unlocked. This doesn't really matter on the first playthrough since players won't be able to see the true ending until NG+ anyway. But the second or third time, it's best to do what Sofia wants.

The choice of Sophia's fate is complex, where the least obvious option leads to the best result. But this is normal in the morally fraught city of Krath, where puppets rule and humanity is defined by lies. While the final decision in Sofia's situation is ultimately up to the player, it is best to respect her wishes and allow her to see the best ending possible. Lie P..