Nick Frost returns to the horror-comedy genre with The Savage Crazy House Trailer. The film takes a satirical approach to the '90s sitcom genre, with a prototypical suburban family's life thrown into turmoil when Russian workers they hire turn out to be wanted criminals, pushing Frost's character to save his wife, family and the audience. Along Frost, the Crazy House throw incl Clueless star Alicia Silverstone, EntourageS Kevin Connolly, Gaite Jansen, Walt Klink, Jan Bijvoet, Chris Peters and Matti Stooker.
Ahead of the movie's October debut on digital platforms, XYZ Films revealed the official Crazy House Trailer. The video introduces Nick Frost's Bernie Christian, a religious homemaker in a prototypical 90s sitcomAs he and his family engage in cookie antics, including breaking the sink and spilling water all over the kitchen. The trailer then introduces Pjotr, Dmitri and Igor, three plumbers Bernie hires to fix the situation in the kitchen, only to discover that they have actually largely destroyed the room.
The Crazy House Trailer quickly turns chaotic As Bernie's inner voice begins to tell him to kill them all, suddenly shift to a modern camera, with the house's windows all boarded up and Frost's character with a bloody face. Choosing to take its anger out on the sketchy-looking trio, the rest of the trailer spotlights various critical quotes detailing how anarchic the movie is, and the offensive things included in the movie, including "Mutilated animals, drug abuse, necrophilia, teen pregnancy, exploding heads, dead babies, murdered religious figures, sausage parties, cop killers, drunken Russians, and self-harm.” Watch the trailer below:
What the trailer reveals about Crazy House
The movie is aiming to be the most controversial release of the year
The Crazy House Trailer looks to promise that filmmakers Steffen Haars and Flip van der Kuil are aiming to take a page from Late night with the devils playbook by starting as an honest depiction of its television genre, in this case a '90s sitcom, before veering into anarchic territory. Granted Late night with the devil is currently one of the best reviewed horror movies of the yearWith a "Certified Fresh" approval rating of 97% from critics on Rotten Tomatoes, it's promising for the film if it follows in the right footsteps of David Dastmalchian's hit.
The fact that the trailer lists many of the potentially offensive elements will either be a major selling point or a negative for Crazy House. Going for shock value is still something appreciated among audiences who feel that modern movies are a little too safe, though the promise ofNecrophilia"And "Dead babies"Could actually prove too grotesque To actually compel audiences to want to watch it. There have certainly been instances of this working in a movie's favor, with Terrifying 2 becoming a major sleeper hit despite reports of audiences becoming physically ill and passing out at screenings.
Our trailer for The Crazy House
Frost's horror return is exciting, but the concept may exceed his grasp
There is no denying that Frost is returning to the horror-comedy genre in which he did so well, back to shadow of the dead is an exciting prospect, though The Crazy House Trailer gave me a mixed feeling. The concept is certainly fresh, if feeling a little like Kevin knows himselfAnd the anarchy on display in the footage looks fun in an unhinged way. That said, the sheer amount of it raises concerns about whether it will be too focused on going for shock value over anything else.
It should also be noted that the critical quotas included in the Crazy House Trailers do not necessarily mean that the movie is well-received. After its world premiere in the Midnight section at the Sundance Film Festival, early reception has been generally negative to the film, currently at 24% on RT based on 17 reviews. Even Some of the quotes in the trailer are from negative reviewsDespite sounding positive, including from The Hollywood Reporter, Indiewire And Screen Rants own Patrice Witherspoon, who wrote the following about Crazy House:
The lead up to the film's bloodlust was a chore to get through. Even once we're there, Haars and Kuil push the limits of the film's silliness.
That's not to say there aren't some positive outliers Crazy Houses early reviews, with Some note that it is likely to become a cult classic Thanks to its deranged content. It remains to be seen which side of the line audiences fall on, as Frost's attachment often brings viewers and horror genre fans more open to crazy material. But if the reviews of the film prove to be true, even word of mouth can't carry Crazy House To become a cult classic.
Source: XYZ Films