Season 4 should revive Boyd's biggest story that the show abandoned

Season 4 should revive Boyd's biggest story that the show abandoned

Warning: There are spoilers ahead for Season 3.Of Season 4 is expected to return to an abandoned Season 3 storyline involving Boyd Stevens (Harold Perrineau) and the monsters. In season 3, OfThe cast of characters were more threatened by monsters than ever before. Of Season 3 Episode 1 made this clear when the monsters released the farm animals at night and were waiting in the barn for Boyd and Tian-Chen Liu (Elizabeth Moy) when they returned with the animals. The monsters ripping open Tian-Chen's skull and killing her while forcing Boyd to watch were among the most brutal scenes in the series so far.

The monsters did not relent after the premiere, as Of Season 3 Episode 4 saw the monsters killing the paramedics the night they arrived in town with Tabitha Matthews (Catalina Sandino Moreno). Perhaps most frightening of all was the revelation in Of The Season 3 finale says that the creature that grew inside Fatima (Pegah Ghafoori) all season was the monster Smiley (Jamie McGuire), as monsters are immortal, and Smiley's death at Boyd's hands was only temporary. . Those developments maintained Ofbusy characters and caused a monster-related story to be left aside.

From season 4 onwards, it is necessary to follow Boyd's plan to capture and interrogate a monster

He suggested it to Ellis after Tian-Chen's funeral

Boyd tells Ellis his new plan in Season 3 Episode 2

After Tian-Chen's funeral in Of season 3, episode 2, Boyd told his son, Ellis Stevens (Corteon Moore), that they need to catch one of the monsters. Boyd felt he needed to act after the trauma of Tian-Chen's death. He was tired of feeling like he and the other residents were just waiting for the next atrocity to happen and thought that if they could catch one of the monsters alive, they might get information that would be useful.

Tabitha's return, Fatima's pregnancy, and many other issues became Boyd's focus for the rest of the season and his plan to capture and interrogate a monster was abandoned. Now that the Of Since the season 3 finale revealed the monsters' origins and that they are immortal, it is arguably even more important for Boyd to capture a monster and get answers in Of season 4. Like many things the residents try to do in Ofthis will likely go horribly wrong, but it's an attractive possibility and one that should be revisited next season.

The man in yellow is the one who will actually get the answers Boyd wants

Boyd still doesn't know about the man in yellow

Boyd might think that capturing any of the monsters would be helpful, but the Man in the Yellow Suit (Douglas E. Hughes) is probably the one with the answers he wants. The problem with this is that the only characters who definitely know about the Man in the Yellow Suit are the late Jim Matthews (Eion Bailey) and a future version of Julie Matthews (Hannah Cheramy). Tabitha and Jade Herrera (David Alpay) know from their past lives how the monsters were created, but it's unclear whether they know about the Man in the Yellow Suit.

The Boy in White (Vox Smith) likely knows the Man in the Yellow Suit, but has never appeared before Boyd and has emphasized that he cannot directly tell the residents what to do. That's it It's only a matter of time before Boyd and the villainous Man in the Yellow Suit cross pathsbut until then, Boyd will still be worried about the normal monsters. If he manages to catch one, it probably won't go the way he wants and will end up with another tragic one. Of death.