Warning: There are spoilers ahead for Season 3, Episode 10, “Revelations: Chapter Two.”
Of Season 3, Episode 10, 'Revelations: Chapter Two' reveals the tragic truth about the number of bottle trees. Boyd Stevens (Harold Perrineau) and Sara Myers (Avery Konrad) are the first Of Characters shown find a tree with bottles hanging from it, which they come across while adventuring through the woods in Season 1. Another bottle tree, which also serves as one of the Offrom the distant trees, it is revealed later. Victor Kavanaugh (Scott McCord) knows about the distant bottle tree and Tabitha Matthews (Catalina Sandino Moreno) travels through the tree to reach the lighthouse.
After discovering that there are numbers inside the bottles, Jade Herrera (David Alpay) works tirelessly to find out what the numbers mean. Many Of season 3 theories revolved around the meaning of the numbers, including addresses or years residents were trapped in the city. When Jade, Tabitha and Jim Matthews (Eion Bailey) discover what the tree numbers on the bottles mean in the Of season 3 finale, the reveal is more surprising and heartbreaking than they could have imagined.
The numbers on the bottle tree are musical notes for a lullaby
There are 12 numbers for the 12 notes in a musical scale
Jim suggests that the twelve numbers inside the bottles are the twelve notes of a musical scale. This explains why there are 10 digits plus two reversed numbers. As Jade tries to discover the melody based on the numerical sequences, he realizes that he already knows the entire song and that it is a lullaby. Jim is concerned about Jade conveniently remembering the song and believes this could be the town manipulating Jade, especially since the song has proven to be dangerous in the past with the Music Box Monster.
Since the numbers were inside the bottles, Tabitha suggests that the music be played on one of the bottle trees. Jade plays the lullaby on the violin, which summons the "Anghkooey" children, who are only seen by Tabitha and Jade, and not Jim. It is by playing the lullaby that Tabitha and Jade realize that "Anghkooey" means remembering. The bottle tree numbers and children are meant to make Tabitha and Jade remember their true identities and how they are linked to the city’s origins.
How the lullaby connects to the tragic stories of the children in From
Tabitha and Jade used to sing the lullaby to the children
The lullaby not only helps Tabitha and Jade remember who they are, but it also reminds them that their past used to sing this same lullaby to children, one of which was their own daughter. Tabitha and Jade's daughter and the rest of the children were sacrificed by the other adults in the town in exchange for immortality, and that's how OfMonsters were created. Tabitha, Jade, and all iterations of their past, including Miranda (Sarah Booth) and Christopher (Thom Payne), have repeatedly tried and failed to save the children.
When the lullaby plays, Tabitha and Jade finally understand the children's tragic past. and the role they played in it. For now, they are left reeling from the shock and devastation of these discoveries, including the fact that they have a daughter they were unable to save. Once the shock wears off Of Season 4, and now Tabitha and Jade remember and know the truth thanks to the lullaby, they can find a way to finally fulfill their mission and save the children.