Season 3 finally reveals why the Matthews family originally became trapped in the city

Season 3 finally reveals why the Matthews family originally became trapped in the city

Warning! This article contains major spoilers for From Season 3, Episode 2!Do those who are trapped in ofs city got there randomly or through some external force's influence was a huge mystery surrounding the show's characters, and season 3 seems to have finally provided some clarification. The cast of letters in of All came to this town under different circumstances with different tragedies, conflicts, and personal struggles with them acting on their speech in small town Whichever way they come, ofThe characters become trapped in the inescapable township where murderous nocturnal monsters stalk them every night, Begging the question of why their road trips brought each of them to this place.

Put together more pieces of the puzzle, of Season 3, Episode 2 reveals what originally brought Victor and his family to the township over 40 years earlier. According to Victor's father, Henry, who has been living in Camden, Maine since his family's disappearance, his wife, Miranda, had recurring visions of children trapped in a tower in some inescapable city, and she was the only person who could free them.. Soon after, Miranda, Victor and Eloise drove into this fateful city that no one can escape. Now, Victor's father believes that Tabitha has been given the same duty by the township.

The city "chosen" Tabitha to free the children from the tower, just like Victor's mother

Tabitha and her family were not brought to the city by chance

If Henry is right about Miranda is called to the township by mysterious forces to free the childrenThen this is also the reason why Tabitha and the Matato family were brought there. of Season 1. Still of Season 2's ending gave more details about Victor's mother seeing the children and going to the tower to free them, only for her to be tragically killed in the monsters' slaughter of the city, Season 3 explained that Miranda had visions of them long before She even arrived in the town.


Rather than somehow being pulled into the city on a road trip, like many other trapped victims, Victor's mother set out to find the city and the children. This is not entirely the case for Tabitha's first arrival ofs city, but she was still brought there for the same reason. Tabitha, her husband Jim, daughter Julie, and son Ethan accidentally came upon the township while on a family road trip to Yellowstone, and she did not begin to experience visions of ofs "Angkooi" children until you arrive.

Tabitha and Miranda are far from the first people to be "chosen" to save the children - although Tabitha is the first to successfully leave the city from the tower.

However, as Victor's mother, she was eventually forced to save the children from the tower, led her to ofs lighthouse gate in the season 2 finale. Tabitha may not have been aware of her calling before arriving in the township, however Victor's mother's story confirms that she and her family were brought there by some supernatural forces for the same purpose. Additionally, Victor's father reveals that Tabitha and Miranda are far from the first people to be "chosen" to save the children - although Tabitha is the first to successfully leave the city from the tower.

Is Thomas' death the reason for Tabitha being chosen?

Tabitha's guilt may have led to her being chosen

Jim overhears Thomas on the phone in Season 3, Ep 2

The theory that Victor's father poses about Tabitha and Miranda in of Season 3 does not explain exactly why the children chose and called out to them. They first appeared to Miranda after she was tripping on LSD, and first appeared to Tabitha when she was trapped in the city. Since Miranda was only briefly seen in of Season 2, Episode 8's flashbacks, it is unclear what other connections she shares with Tabitha that could explain them both being chosen. until now, The only link seems to be that Miranda and Tabitha have a daughter, son and husband that they love.

The introduction of Victor's father will inevitably provide more details about the family's backstory before being trapped in the city. Given Tabitha had recently suffered a tragedy with the death of her and Jim's infant son Thomas, The kids may have chosen her because of her vulnerability and desire to relieve her guilt by saving other childrenBecause she could not do that with her own son. If so, Miranda may have been chosen for a similar reason of Season 3 has yet to unfold through Henry and Tabitha's story in Camden, Maine.

Which from Tabitha reveal means for the origins of other residents in the town

The Matthews & Victor are not the only ones brought there for a deeper purpose

With Tabitha and Victor's families being called to the city for purposes related to the children, This revelation suggests that chance has nothing to do with each character arriving in ofs city. Jade's cause seems to be connected to the symbol and caves, Boyd's probably has to do with keeping the town together, and Christy could be recruited to give the residents medical help. It is clear that each character in of is "tested" by the supernatural forces of the city, but everyone can guess that they have a deeper purpose for their time in the haunted community.

New episodes of of Season 3 releases Sundays on MGM+.