Season 3 finally reveals exactly what happened to Victor's mother over 40 years ago

Season 3 finally reveals exactly what happened to Victor's mother over 40 years ago

NOTICE! This article contains major SPOILERS for season 3, episode 9!The tragic fate of Victor's mother was originally revealed in Season 3, but Of The season three finale, episode 9, finally confirms exactly how his death happened. In Of Season 2, Episode 8, a series of flashbacks explains what happened to the town when Victor was a child, as he would become the only survivor of a massacre committed by the monsters. From what Victor could remember, his mother took him and his sister to the basement to hide from Christopher, and When he woke up the next morning, the entire town – including his mother, Miranda, and sister, Eloise – had died..

While Victor revealed that he found his mother's corpse nearby OfIn the distant bottle tree, the exact circumstances of Miranda's death were unclear. In Of Season 3, Episode 9, after Victor finally remembers the truth about Christopher's conversation with the Boy in White, he begins to feel responsible for his mother's death and returns to the basement, the last place he saw her alive. Tabitha and Julie end up finding him there and comforting him, but when Tabitha enters the basement and hugs Victor, she unexpectedly begins to have visions of exactly how Miranda died..

Tabitha's vision confirms that Miranda was killed by the smiling monster in the distant bottle tree

Miranda was trying to follow the boy in white's instructions to Christopher

Victor's mother Miranda looking scared at the distant tree in season 3 flashback

Tabitha's visions become very intense in Of Season 3 Episode 9 ends when she sees Victor's mother's death and the moments leading up to it. After young Victor told Miranda about the Boy in White's message to Christopher about the children and the distant tree, she decided to take on this responsibility since Christopher wouldn't listen. It's still unclear why Miranda needed to hide her children from Christopher, specifically, but Tabitha's vision shows that Miranda placed Victor and Eloise in the cellar, kissed them goodbye, and tried to run to the distant bottle tree..

Of Season 4 was still not officially renewed before the Season 3 finale.

However, when she finally reached the tree, Miranda was chased and attacked by the Smiley Creature, OfThe monster that was killed by Boyd in season 2. The Smiley Creature killed Miranda and left her body there for Victor to find after the massacreso she was never able to reach the lighthouse and fulfill the Boy in White's hopes that Christopher would save the children. The idea that she was hiding the children from Christopher suggested that he could have been the one who killed Miranda, but Of Season 3, Episode 9 confirms that she died at the hands of the monsters.

What do Tabitha's visions about Miranda's death mean

Tabitha seeing Miranda's death is more of a memory than a vision

Tabitha's vision of Miranda's death seems to confirm that there is a cyclical nature to this city. The similarities between Tabitha and Miranda have been well established throughout Of Season 3, whether it's her adoration for Joni Mitchell's “Blue,” giving Jim and Henry the same bracelet, having a daughter and a son, or being “chosen”to save Ofthe children. Now, Tabitha is having visions of Miranda herself, and her strange feelings upon entering the basement and hugging Victor may indicate that part of Miranda lives inside her.

Furthermore, rather than simply being a vision, Of frames Tabitha seeing Miranda's death as being another memory. During their scene together at the bar in Of In Season 3, Episode 8, Jim also proves to be a close reflection of a younger Henry, the latter of whom advises against repeating his mistakes with Miranda. It's as if OfThe town of Tabitha and Jim turned them into repeats of Miranda and Henry. However, this time, the Matthews family manages to learn where Victor's parents went wrong, which can finally fulfill all their roles in saving their children.