Warning: There are spoilers ahead for Season 3, Episode 9, “Revelations: Chapter One.”Of season 3, episode 9, 'Revelations: Chapter One' solves a major mystery involving the Boy in White. Since its introduction in Season 1 the Boy in White was one of the OfThe most mysterious characters in. He's been in town at least as long as Victor Kavanaugh (Scott McCord) has been there, with flashbacks showing that Victor saw the Boy in White afterwards. OfThe monsters massacred all the other residents. During the decades that Victor spent trapped in the city, the Boy in White would continue to appear and provide Victor with advice that helped him survive.
Years later, others Of Characters including Ethan Matthews (Simon Webster) and Sara Myers (Avery Konrad) saw the Boy in White during the first season. Even though this happened decades after Victor saw it, the Boy in White looked exactly the same and as if he hadn't aged at all. However, in seasons 2 and 3, he began to look older as the Boy in White actor Vox Smith aged. 'Revelations: Chapter One' cleverly addresses this in a way that solves the in-universe mystery of the Boy in White's sudden aging.
From Finally Explains Why the Boy in White Looks Older in Seasons 2 and 3
It's changing like everything in the city
As Victor blames himself for what happened to his mother, Miranda (Sarah Booth), he goes to Ofdistant bottle tree to cut it down. The Boy in White suddenly appears before Victor and tells him not to chop down the tree. In this scene, the Boy in White looks older and more mature than ever, and Of acknowledges this with Victor saying he looks different. The Boy in White explains that he looks different because he is changingjust like everything in the city is changing.
This is the perfect way to answer why the Boy in White looks older after decades of not aging. OfThe supernatural elements of provide a lot of creative freedom and make it possible to explain why the Boy in White looked visibly different when he pushed Tabitha Matthews (Catalina Sandino Moreno) out of the lighthouse in Of the season 2 ending and why it's still different now. Victor is the perfect and only character who could have prompted this explanationas he is the only one who has seen the Boy in White over many years.
What does the aging of the white boy mean?
The cycle is finally breaking
The aging of the Boy in White goes beyond addressing what could be considered a plot hole and has important implications. Since Victor was there, and probably even before him, the city was trapped in a vicious cycle of people getting trapped, being tormented and killed by the monsters and then replaced by newcomers. This cycle was not completely broken, but it began to break with the talismans that Boyd Stevens (Harold Perrineau) found to protect the residents, Boyd destroying the music box and Tabitha temporarily escaping the town and ending up in Camden, Maine.
He can give advice like not cutting down the distant bottle tree, but residents need to find out the full answers for themselves, as Of continues.
The cycle of helpless imprisonment and torture began to break and led to many changes, including the aging of the Boy in White. This is a sign that residents are on the right path to breaking the cycle entirely and possibly even finding their way home. However, the Boy in White learned from what he told Christopher that he couldn't just tell residents what to do. He can give advice like not cutting down the distant bottle tree, but residents need to find out the full answers for themselves, as Of continues.