Scrubs Season 3 brilliantly subverts the sitcom's tired romantic trope

Scrubs Season 3 brilliantly subverts the sitcom's tired romantic trope

There's a moment near the end Scrubs Season three goes against everything sitcom romance stands for, even though the show has been teasing the two characters meeting since the very first episode. All nine seasons Scrubs filled with romantic stories of various characters. While some storylines suggest they will/won't be action-packed, there is only one guess Scrubs a couple that stands out as a couple who has a chance to create a lasting relationship. One of the biggest obstacles when it comes to going the distance is arriving at Scrubs the penultimate part of the third season.

Not every doctor in Scrubs gets a happy ending, and the same can be said for some of the non-medical characters. Then again, some characters' journeys don't necessarily make finding love a priority. WITH Scrubs With a revival on the horizon, the sitcom appears poised to reconsider the relationship status of many of the original characters, which could be very telling. Let's hope all those who teamed up before the show ended in 2010 are still together. One relationship took so long to strengthen and it would be a shame if it fell apart now. However, this may be very unlikely.

JD Tells Elliot "I Don't Love You" Is a Depressing Version of Will They/Won't They

JD and Elliot could end up together in Scrubs season 3

Final scene Scrubs In season three, episode 21, "My Introspection", J.D. tells Elliot that he doesn't love her. This moment is a huge disappointment for a number of reasons. First of all, JD and Elliot were presented as the main love story Scrubs until now. So, it seemed like their romance had finally come to fruition when they met again at the end of the previous episode. Secondly, it makes Zach Braff's character completely unlikable.

Elliot ends his relationship with Sean to be with JD after he confesses his love for her, but JD realizes that he wanted something he couldn't have at the time.

Elliot ends his relationship with Sean to be with JD after he confesses his love for her, but JD realizes that he wanted something he couldn't have at the time. Third, the fact that J.D. admits his lack of love for Elliot in such a public environment highlights what is already so upsetting about the moment in question. Finally, it is clear throughout the episode that J.D. struggles with deciding whether to stay with Elliot. because he had asked so much of her to get them to this point.


The whole situation seems self-defeating and incredibly depressing - which is the opposite of what they think they should be doing. At the same time, Scrubs found a brilliant way to breathe new life into the sitcom trend that this genre was lost for decades. To have JD and Elliot paired up forever at the end. Scrubs A third season would have severely limited both characters' future potential. It seems impossible to go back, leaving the audience adrift.

JD and Elliot didn't have a proper "I love you" moment until Season 8 of Scrubs.

Scrubs waited 5 more seasons to give JD and Elliot this scene.

Zach Braff as JD kisses Sarah Chalke as Elliot Reed in Scrubs

Many fans are watching Scrubs Season 8 as the last release of the show. Although Scrubs The ninth season came out, it was so unusual that it seemed like it was a completely different project. Scrubs The illusion of finality in season eight means JD and Elliot's long-awaited "I love you" moment comes at the perfect time. For the couple to finally settle down for the long haul after eight years of indecision is a little more in line with the trends of romantic sitcoms, but the incredibly bumpy road they had to go through to get there is one of the best in the genre's storied history.

Even when J.D. finally makes a sincere confession of his love for his future wife, his dialogue is laced with his signature blend of heartfelt emotion and light-hearted comedy. After a short but heartbreaking monologue, he punctuates his statement with the words: "Elliot, I love you more than Turk" You could say that playing even part of such an important moment for laughs would ruin the scene, but it would be even weirder if Scrubs I also didn’t try to laugh at the situation. The exchange works so well also because it waits for the “final” season to manifest itself.

Were JD and Elliot right for each other?

Scrubs' eight-season "Will They/Won't They" for these characters was important to making sure they were a good fit

Even though they met several times and clearly had feelings for each other, Scrubs regularly made it unclear whether J.D. and Elliott were a good couple. The two had similarities, but they were also different in many ways. This isn't necessarily a bad thing when it comes to romance, but it can be a negative factor in the context of a sitcom. They were both clearly unsure about whether or not they should stay together throughout the show, which made their eventual decision to tie the knot even more rewarding.

They weren't properly ready for each other until Scrubs season 8. Back then, JD and Elliot were a match made in heaven.

JD and Elliot enjoyed relationships with other characters throughout the series. Scrubs while remaining friends - for the most part. There were times when it seemed like each of them had found an alternative soulmate. For example, J.D. had multiple love interests during the show's run, and girlfriends like Kylie and Julie could easily have become his spouses in other timelines. Likewise, Elliot and Sean were another brilliant couple, but it ultimately ended due to JD's misinterpreted affection for Elliot. They weren't properly ready for each other until Scrubs season 8. Back then, JD and Elliot were a match made in heaven.

Scrubs Season 10 will struggle to find a better love story than JD and Elliot's

The upcoming Scrubs revival needs to find a love story to rival J.D. and Elliot's.

Sarah Chalke as Elliot Reed writes a note to J.D. in

Showrunner Bill Lawrence stated that he "Definitely going to"bring back ScrubsThe state of JD and Elliot's marriage will finally be revealed after more than 15 years. We hope they are still together and raising their children happily. If so, Scrubs Season 10 will sorely miss the romantic tension that Zach Braff and Sarah Chalke brought to the series. like JD and Elliot. Without will they/will not be stories, Scrubs Revival would lack vital sitcom plot and could suffer as a result. Therefore, a new promising romance will need to materialize.


If and when Scrubs returns, there is no guarantee how many seasons it will last. JD and Elliot's story was so effective because it unfolded so gradually.. If the revival only lasts a season or two, it will be difficult to replicate the same level of interest. Moreover, since the entire original cast is made up of couples, the will/won't they will likely have to be applied to new characters. With alarm if Scrubs Judging by the ninth season, fresh faces are not what fans of the series are interested in.

Scrubs is a sitcom and medical comedy/drama created by Bill Lawrence that follows a group of medical students throughout their daily lives at Sacred Heart Teaching Hospital. The series stars Zach Braff, Sarah Chalke and Donald Faison, who rise from medical interns while juggling all sorts of hospital shenanigans.


John C. McGinley, Robert Maschio, Donald Faison, Christa Miller, Neil Flynn, Judy Reyes, Aloma Wright, Zach Braff, Sarah Chalke, Sam Lloyd, Ken Jenkins

Release date

October 1, 2001




Bill Lawrence