The Kardashians star Scott Disick's bad boy reputation is deserved for many good reasons, and Kris Jenner let the world know that Scott probably has a crush on Khloé Kardashian. In The KardashiansKris said her feelings for Kourtney Kardashian's sister Khloé were "inappropriate." The momager had a bad feeling about Scott when she asked him: "If you had the opportunity to meet the perfect girl, what would that look like on paper?" Scott pointed at Khloé, saying:
"I don't know, how tall are you?"
Scott's mind games are nothing new. On The Kardashians and before, during Keeping Up with the Kardashians days, he used to mess with Kourtney's mind all the time. By flirting with Khloé so blatantly, he could be trying to get under Kourtney's skin. Since he wants Kourtney back, whatever emotions he can get out of her can give him a sense of hope. As if the years of cheating, lying, and drug and alcohol abuse weren't enough, Scott took things even closer to the edge by crossing a sacred boundary with Kourtney's own brother.
Kourtney dumped Scott because of his cheating
He cuddled up with his ex Chloe Bartoli in France
When Scott was spotted hugging his ex Chloe Bartoli in France, it wasn't the first time he disgraced Kourtney, who he was eager to marry. In fact, Kris said she knew of other betrayals that had happened before, but wasn't sure how to reveal them to her daughter. The situation was so delicate.
Kris knew that Kourtney was totally in love with Scott and would probably stay with him no matter what he did. So telling Kourtney what she knew would likely lead to a feud between Kris and Kourtney, without changing Scott and Kourtney's dynamic. In other words, the plan would backfire.
For a long time, Scott managed to convince Kourtney that day was night and black was white. His hustler act eventually paled — Kourtney started to realize that. The lies piled up and it was very difficult to believe him like she used to. Even after he fell off the pedestal she placed him on, they were on and off for a while. Then things faded away before the predictable screeching halt.
Scott hurt Kourtney constantly until she found a man who didn't hurt her in any way.
After breaking up with a male model, Younes Bendjima, whom she started dating in 2017, she became single again. Later, she decided to turn Travis Barker from a friend to a lover. This was a crucial act that changed the entire game. Relationships are fragile things – the sands can shift in an instant, causing problems that lead to permanent divisions.
However, they had other problems. Scott felt trapped by Kourtney's first pregnancy, even though he tried to marry her and still seems to think about her today. She had to deal with Scott partying, which may have signaled serious addiction issues. Scott has been open about his past cocaine use. He also seemed addicted to strippers.
The word “toxic” is overused – is every bad relationship “toxic”? Maybe not – the term is supposed to denote an unusual level of cheating and emotional abuse. In this case, the way Scott treated Kourtney was truly “toxic.” He lied to her, cheated on her, wouldn't stop partying, and shamed her for getting pregnant, as if he had no role in that outcome. These are bad things – no one can really overcome them. Yes, a couple can be together, but these things will always be there, poisoning the waters. In toxic relationships, breakups are blessings in disguise.
The person who cheats first often destroys the relationship, but the agony can last for years. A rejected partner may seek revenge, even unconsciously. Betrayal works on both sides, creating a distorted relationship. One way or another, betrayal will have consequences. There will always be a price to pay. Here, Scott drew blood for the first time, cheating on a woman who would never have done the same to him.
Once a cheater, always a cheater? Probably. After all, it is Lord Disick. Women who date similar types should run away.
Kourtney has found her silver lining, but now Mason is living with Scott. This could hurt her and rob her of some of the happiness she had hoped to find. Fortunately, she is not sad. Scott has his charms, but betting on him as a potential companion isn't smart. Scott will probably never calm down. He has megabucks, lots of romantic options, kids and a history of cheating.
Scott Loves His Kids, But It's Bad News as a Romantic Partner
He will never change
The Kardashians heartbreaker Scott, who is bragging about the lack of "hoes" These days, you may find that playing on the field is the only thing that gives your agile Gemini mind enough stimulation. Geminis generally prefer superficial interactions – they are known for faking their emotions. They want gossip, group events, and new and different experiences. Some Geminis just aren't cut out for monogamy, and Aries woman Kourtney learned that the hard way. Gemini is a complicated sign, and straight arrow Kourtney needs someone who doesn't like cheating, change and childishness.
Source: Scott Disick/Instagram