Sauron is not the only character of his kind in The Lord of the Ringsbut his powers seem quite unique. This is because the Ainur rarely revealed themselves in Middle-earth in the Third Age, which is when LOTR is defined. The Silmarillion revealed several members of Sauron's race in all their glory and with full power, confirming Sauron's potential. Lord of the Rings' 15 Valar were the most powerful of the Ainur and were truly demigods. But of the Maiar – the order below them, in power – many were”almost as big as them." Sauron clearly falls into this category.
The other well-known Maiar in Middle Earth were Lord of the Rings' Istari - Gandalf, Saruman and Radagast. While they may also fall into this category, none of them displayed the breadth of powers that Sauron did. Only Gandalf could rival him in this regard, but that was mainly because he wore a Ring of Power, which was Sauron's invention. THE LOTR movies and Amazon Rings of Power each highlights different powers Sauron had, but JRR Tolkien's Legendary gives the villain even more surprising abilities, making Frodo's victory all the more impressive.
Invisibility, Regeneration and Biological Self-Design
Sauron was an immortal spiritual being who did not need a body, but could invent one of his choosing within certain parameters. Evil deeds trapped Ainur in his incarnations and reduced their creative capacity when it came to designing their bodies (Morgoth's Ring). Sauron was less able to hide his evil nature with each subsequent incarnation. Ultimately, Sauron was so bound to his form that he resigned himself to the Unseen world forever after the destruction of the body he inhabited while wearing the One Ring.
The Rings of Power season two showed Sauron regenerating after being stabbed to death - a long and difficult process. Sauron was incredibly intelligentwhile immortality provided him with ancient wisdom and biological self-design gave him the option of invulnerability. In his heyday, Sauron could have assumed the form of a wave if he so desired. Even in his final form, he was huge and imposing with a scorching edge. Of course, when disembodied, Sauron could travel invisibly.
Shape change
Super strength, endurance and flight
In addition to being able to invent a new body after being killed, Sauron could change the body he inhabited at will. Being able to shapeshift has also theoretically resulted in additional abilities such as flying and breathing underwater. Super strength and endurance also optionally came with this ability. Although Sauron never assumed an underwater form in the lore, he was seen transforming into a winged vampire in The Silmarillion. The Rings of Power showed him looking perfectly at home underwater and barely dressed in a frozen wasteland.
Misdeeds limited creative scope in new wayswhether they are the first taken after death or subsequent ones. The more evil an Ainu became, the less he was able to hide his true nature. This is why Sauron could never accept a "fair way" again after death in the form he took to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting island of Númenor, which bit off much more than it could chew when it took him prisoner.
Telepathy and Precognition
Morgoth's Ring described ósanwe, the telepathy that was native to all beings in Middle-earth, but which was more native the less incarnated the being. As spiritual beings, Maiar like Sauron were adherents of ósanwe. Sauron, along with the other Ainur, actually planned Arda and much of its history before the beginning of time and is therefore part of a certain level of foresight in this regard.
Sauron could and did control entire legions with his mind.
Sauron"[groped] always"to see the mind of Galadriel in the Third Age, but she would not let him in - it was because a closed mind could not be penetrated. However, Sauron could and did control entire legions with his mind. Sauron's armed power was a combination of military strategy and magic. After Frodo defeated Sauron, many of the Orcs in his army scatteredterrified and suddenly freed from his mind control. But at several points, Sauron's forces acted independently of him, with varying degrees of loyalty, proving that he did not control them all the time.
Ainu Song
Subcreative Power Generation
Ainur like Sauron could generate and manipulate energy through music. However, Eru Ilúvatar was the only true creator in Lord of the Rings and the creation of any other being was a sub-creation. All Ainur sang the Ainulindalë - the Music of the Ainur - before the beginning of time. When finished, Eru revealed the vision his music had created and showed the world much of its future. The metaphysics of this is not certain, but the construction of the world was a separate process from its visualization.
Sauron demonstrated the power of Ainu music at another point The Silmarillion also. Sauron serenaded Galadriel's brother Finrod. But far from being a romantic gesture, this was a violent attack that left him incapacitated and thrown into Sauron's dungeon. Finrod fought song for song, proving that Elves could also harness energy through music. The Hobbits noticed the power of the Elves' song in Lord of the Ringshighlighting him as a recurring force in Middle-earth.
Atmokinesis and Pyromancy
Subcreative Energy Manipulation
Although it was not entirely clear in The Lord of the Ringsit seemed like Sauron could control the elements and weather. Atmokinesis is a term used to describe the manipulation of weather, which is what Sauron appeared to be doing as the Fellowship of the Ring attempted to cross Caradhras (changed to Saruman in the film). Gimli speculated that "his arm [had] has grown a lot, in fact," and Gandalf agreed. Meanwhile, Boromir commented "They say in my land that he can rule the storms in the Shadow Mountains... He has strange powers..." In The SilmarillionSauron surrounded his residence with fire, which was not necessarily pyromancy.
"Magic" in LOTR was a term used for the artificial - it was synonymous with “the machine”.
However, pyrotechnics were hardly common in the Middle Ages, which Lord of the Rings was partially modeled. Although It's probably fair to say that Sauron utilized pyromancysome of those who appeared as "magic"could have been advanced technology. Likewise, the advanced technology of the Elves seemed magical to the Hobbits. Tolkien made it clear that"magic" in LOTR was a term used for the artificial - it was synonymous with "the machine," and it was not a good thing, in Tolkien's eyes. Despite this, Tolkien admitted to a slightly inconsistent use of the term throughout his works.
Sorcery and Necromancy
Soul Magic, Genetic Manipulation, Perception Manipulation, and Talisman Forgery
Sauron cast non-canonical illusions on Rings of Powerbut his ability to cast illusions is canon. In The Silmarillionhe showed Gorlim his wife, presumed dead, promising her in exchange for information, but she was "a ghost created by magic." Sauron can manipulate sensory perception from visual to auditory and possibly tactile. If countenance can be called power, Sauron possesses it. Their mere presence can cause fear and pain. Although it is pure speculation, Sauron's ability to manipulate perception may involve advanced chemosignaling and pheromone generation. Science proves natural and chemical means of manipulating emotions.
Sauron could manipulate fanar (Ainur bodies), hröar (incarnate bodies), ëalar (Ainur souls), and fëar (incarnate souls). Sauron participated in all of Morgoth's worst crimes, including the creation of Orcs and dragons. He may also have created werewolves (The Ballads of Beleriand). Morgoth divided his soul, investing it in the matter of Arda to control it. The master blacksmith Sauron copied this process to make the One Ring, adding his own sorcery, including elements of remote control, mobile communication, and mind control. Also, Sauron deserved his Necromancer nicknamehaving enslaved the Incorporeal (Morgoth's Ring).
Psychic Engineering and Construction
Sauron built and maintained buildings with your mind. Sauron's most embarrassing loss was his defeat in the First Age at the hands of Lúthien and her (divine) dog, Huan. Huan defeated Wolf-Sauron in single combat and Lúthien offered terms of surrender - die or relinquish control of her fortress. Proving that Morgoth's leadership was not easy, Sauron feared Morgoth's wrath upon his naked soul more than he wanted to win, so he granted full access to the fortress and flew away in vampire form.
Tolkienian era |
Event marking the beginning |
Years |
Total length in solar years |
Ahead of time |
Undetermined |
Undetermined |
Undetermined |
Days before days |
Ainur entered Eä |
1 - 3,500 Valian years |
33,537 |
Pre-First Tree Years (YT) |
Yavanna created the Two Trees |
YT 1 - 1050 |
10,061 |
Early Age (FA) |
Elves woke up in Cuiviénen |
YT 1050 - YT 1500, FA 1 - 590 |
4,902 |
Second Age (SA) |
The War of Wrath is over |
SA 1 - 3441 |
3,441 |
Third Age (TA) |
Last Alliance defeated Sauron |
AT 1 - 3021 |
3,021 |
Fourth Era (Fo.A) |
The elven rings have left Middle-earth |
Fo.A 1 - unknown |
Unknown |
Immediately, the fortress began to unlock and collapse, with hordes of slaves running free. In the same way, Barad-dûr was constructed and maintained magically. After a defeat in the Second Age, Sauron's enemies managed to demolish all of Barad-dûr except its foundations, as they were built with the One Ring. When Sauron's One Ring was finally destroyed, the entire tower collapsed, burying the palantír and Rings of Power in Sauron's possession, useless after the One's destruction.
Soft spoken
Over 54,960 years of psychology
Of all Sauron's superpowers, interestingly, the one that took him the furthest was his gift of speech. It's true that he would have died a few times if he hadn't been immortal, but he can credit much of his power to traditional persuasion. And, a touch of mind control, of course. Sauron entered Eregion in disguise, befriending Celebrimbor and climbing the social ladder for around 300 years before he began making the Rings of Power. Born before the beginning of time, Sauron was eternally manipulative, but a miscalculation in Eregion blew his cover.
He did not explain how powerfully telepathic the Rings of Power were, and they alerted their users to their true nature as soon as he put on the One Ring. Sauron's next psychological masterclass was his rise to power in Númenor. Setting a new standard for playing the long game, Sauron infiltrated Númenor as a prisoner of war, ingratiating himself with the king until he was pulling all the strings. Sauron's smooth talk in The Lord of the Rings proved that there was no challenge that could not be overcome with a positive attitude, a total lack of scruples and 55 thousand years of assimilation with inferior species.