Sailor Moon's most important character isn't even a Sailor Guardian

Sailor Moon's most important character isn't even a Sailor Guardian

Naoko Takeuchi's iconic Magical Girl series, Sailor Moon is known for its glamorous Guardians and equally stylish villains. The story begins when 14-year-old Usagi Tsukino rescues a black cat from bullies and notices a growing mark on its forehead. This small act of bravery unlocks Luna's ability to speak, leading her to reveal Usagi's destiny as Sailor Moon. Under Luna's guidance, Usagi learns to control her powers and protect the Earth.

Sailor MoonThe heroines of may be the Sailor Guardians, but they are not the most essential characters to the story. This title should go to Sailor Moon's loyal cat, Luna. Their bond forms the core of the series, with Luna serving as an unconventional but capable Sensei in Usagi's journey as Sailor Moon. While she may not have the spectacular powers or stylish costumes of the Sailor Guardians, her guidance and mentorship are invaluable to Usagi, teaching her to embrace her powers as Sailor Moon and navigate her destiny.

Luna's story is deeper than it seems

Greco-Roman mythology is always at the center of Sailor Moon

Although she looks like an ordinary cat, Luna is a layered character with her own backstory, romantic ties, and even a human form. Luna, along with Artemis, her white cat counterpart, comes from the planet Evil, but left to serve the Moon Kingdom during the Silver Millennium. Luna's name honors the Roman goddess of the MoonLuna, a counterpart to the Greek Goddess, Selene, the inspiration for Princess Serenity. After Serenity's death, Luna was sent to Earth to guard and guide Usagi, the reincarnation of the princess.

She provides Usagi with essential tools, such as the Disguise Pen, and acts as a mentor and friend. Luna's role is vital, giving Usagi the confidence and direction she needs to fulfill her destiny. Although she is a secondary character, Luna has surprisingly touching moments. In Sailor Moon S: The Movie, her brief romance with a human astronomer becomes a central plot point, revealing Luna's hidden depths.

Although this romance is short-lived, she ends up building a lasting partnership with Artemis. Cosmo from Sailor Moon further explores Luna's story when the villainous Sailor Tin Nyanko - a fellow cat of Mau - harbors resentment towards Luna and Artemis for their devotion to Usagi, accusing them of abandoning their home planet. This personal connection adds deeper motives to Tin Nyanko's actions beyond collecting the Sailor Crystal from Usagi.

Luna and Artemis awaken the guardian sailors

Sailor Moon's Other Power Couple Makes a Great Team

Without Luna, Sailor Moon would not have woken up, and without Artemis, Luna's task would have been impossible. In the first arc of the series, Luna receives missions through “Central Control,” which is later revealed to be Artemis in disguise. Although Artemis curiously hides his identity and waits to introduce Sailor Venus to the group, he is just as capable and dedicated as Luna. Acting as Minako's older brother, Artemis offers romantic advice and moral support. Although sometimes clumsy and lazy, Artemis' character balances Luna's intensityand they are both stronger for it.

Artemis and Luna's relationship adds levity to the series, especially when Artemis becomes jealous of anyone who catches Luna's attention. However, he is more than just comic relief. In Season 2, Episode 33, “Artemis' Adventure: The Monster Animal Kingdom,” he discovers Esmeraude's plot to hijack an animal shelter for the Darkmoon Clan. In a moment of courage, Artemis allows herself to be whipped by Esmeraude's Droid to protect Luna. Although Sailor Moon and Venus eventually rescue him, Artemis' courage shines through, cementing him as more than a supporting character, but as a vital part of the series' emotional core.

Diana will advise the next generation of Guardian Sailors

Just like Chibiusa, Diana is wise beyond her years

Luna and Artemis cement their relationship by raising their daughter, Dianaa gray kitten with her own human form. Diana becomes Chibiusa's mentor, just as Luna mentors Usagi. Named after another Roman moon goddess, Diana is respectful, curious, and wise beyond her years, fitting in perfectly alongside Chibiusa. In the final arc of the series, Princess Kakyuu reveals that Luna, Artemis, and Diana's Star Seeds shine almost as brightly as the Sailor Crystals, a testament to their strength and loyalty. The cats even use their human forms to join the battle against the series' final enemies.

From her first introduction, Chibiusa carries a spherical, cat-themed device called Luna-P that helps her navigate her surroundings, likely a relic from before Diana existed. Luna-P appears inspired by Luna's physical appearance and symbolizes Chibiusa's simultaneous need for care and early independence. Floating alongside her and transforming into useful objects, Luna-P highlights the essential role of feline companions in supporting the Moon Kingdom's royal family.

Although the first appeal of Sailor Moon franchise is clearly the glamorous group of Sailor Guardians, the role played by Moon is often underestimated. Without Luna's influence, the events of the series may never have happened, potentially leaving the galaxy vulnerable to evil.