Sailor MoonThe carefree, bubbly personality, and the large cast of characters around her, make for stiff competition for anyone hoping to be Usagi Tsukino's best friend. The four Inner Guardians, Ami, Rei, Makoto and Minako, all have their own special connection with Usagi. Her classmate, and frequent enemy target, Naru, also appears throughout the series. In the final arc, Usagi even gets close to Seya, who feels the void left by her star-crossed lover, Mamoru. however, The friendship between Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars is the strongest and closest of them all.And essential to the overall plot.
Sailor Moon Usagi and Rei's friendship is portrayed differently between the various adaptations. In the manga and its faithful adaptation, Sailor Moon CrystalUsagi and Rei are close friends, but with little friction between the two. But in the 1992 anime and trilogy of films, Rei Hino is more aggressive and antagonistic towards Usagi, Often deflating one another's egos and providing comedic relief absent from Crystal. Although their rivalry ranges from friendly to bitter, Usagi and Rei's friendship is a consistent emotional focal point And raises the stakes of even the smallest conflict.
Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars fight as sisters
A bond strong enough to withstand constant bikers
Usagi and Rei are often at each other's throats, which doesn't seem friendly, but anyone with a sister knows that this type of bickering is a very intimate form of communication. Usagi and Rei are comfortable expressing anger, jealousy and disappointment with one another, which can be difficult emotions to approach with people outside the family. Their relationship mirrors the way Usagi and her brother, Shingo, interact with teasing and, at times, outright disrespect. As biting as they can be, They always rise above and put their differences aside, And emerge stronger than ever.
The Guardian of Mars also serves as a romantic rival for the Moon Princess early in the series, fighting for Mamoru's attention as Rei Hino, and Tuxedo Masks as Sailor Mars. From their first meeting in season 1, episode #11, "Usagi vs. Rei: Nightmare in Dreamland," Rei and Mamoru hit it off, bonding over their mutual annoyance at Usagi's childish behavior. Rei is closer to Mamoru in the following episodes, but makes sure to tease Usagi when she is with him, signaling that Rei's motivations are more about competition than romance.
Rei sacrifices herself for Usagi on multiple occasions
Ray's death is more than the "women in refrigerators" trope
From their budding rivalry in Dreamland to Sailor Moon cradling Sailor Mars' dead body at the end of Sailor StarRei and Usagi's friendship is one of the most consistent dramatic beats of Sailor Moon. Such a strong emotional bond between friends motivates Usagi to continue fighting, but usually at the cost of her friends' lives. In the final episode of the first season, each Sailor Guardian sacrifices themselves one by one to allow Sailor Moon to continue to Queen Beryl's castle. Rei's final words to Usagi are an assured admission that she had fun arguing with her the whole time.
The sacrifices keep the carefree and carefree Usagi grounded and committed in the face of danger. Sailor Moon is the least experienced Guardian, due to her high status as Princess Serenity in her previous life. Rei acknowledges Usagi's inexperience, but believes in her potential, and Give Usagi the tough love she needs to succeed. In season 5, episode 30, "Countdown to Destruction: The Sailor Guardians' Last Battle," Eternal Sailor Moon holds a dying Sailor Mars in her arms, whose last words are, "Don't be such a baby, I Know you're better than that, Usagi.
Usagi is at her funniest when fighting with Rei
Sailor Moon needs humor to balance the sadness
While dramatic, tearful sacrifices happen now and then, The 90s Sailor Moon Uses Usagi's relationship with Rei to provoke humor and bring tension to the group. The Inner Guardians don't always agree when it comes to investigating and engaging the enemy, with Rei and Usagi typically taking opposite viewpoints. Many of the series' funniest moments come from Usagi's petulant, naive nature, bristling against Rei's pragmatic and suspicious nature. Embracing comedy helps provide balance to Sailor MoonAllowing heartfelt moments to contrast with the sometimes heartbreaking nature of being a Sailor Guardian.
Humor is severely lacking in the reboot series, Sailor Moon CrystalWhich adheres closer to the manga and its whimsical, romantic vibe. Usagi cracks a rare joke at Rei's expense sailor moon cosmos, About finally have a school uniform that matches her friends, except Rei, who still attends a Catholic school. Otherwise, the girls are less aggressive and combative, and Usagi admires Rei for how graceful she is, rather than being jealous of her. This small change drastically alters the group dynamic, and Sailor Moon Crystal Finally suffers from the lack of friendly tension between Usagi and Rei.