When it comes to Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)
fans expect action-packed movies that cost hundreds of millions to make, but Ryan Reynolds had a very different proposition for what Deadpool and Wolverine
could have been. Early in the creative process, when Marvel Studios finally owned Fox X-Men IP and able to bring Deadpool into the MCU, there were some great ideas on how to make this crossover happen. Considering Reynolds' close involvement with the character and the production, he obviously had a big part in this planning process.
However, while thinking about what the film could be, Reynolds apparently came up with some ideas that were really out of the ordinary for Marvel films. At one point, before Hugh Jackman signed on to be in the film, one idea presented by Reynolds was a "Sundance film," "no action except a Deadpool costume." And as interesting as that may sound, I'm not sure how well it could have actually worked for the MCU, or for the character of Deadpool whose over-the-top exploits I and so many others we came to love and worship.
Ryan Reynolds' "No Action" Deadpool 3 Idea Seems to Break All Superhero Movie Rules
A superhero movie that doesn't feature anything super
Listen, I trust Ryan Reynolds is an incredible storyteller, and his track record with director Shawn Levy seems to be on the upswing, but some ideas need to stay on the cutting room floor. Fortunately, this "Sundance film" never made it past the idea stage, but if it had, May Have Broken the Superhero Genre as a whole. Reynolds noted that it could have been a $4 million film with no action. But at that point, what would the film become?
Yes, it could have influenced more of Deadpool's human side, his breaking relationship with Vanessa and his efforts to settle into a more ordinary life, but the comedic aspect of it would probably have gotten old quickly. Deadpool is a character that brings extraordinary action and wild mayhem for the big screen. A festival film that plays with arthouse themes but has a guy walking around in a skin-tight red suit seems too crazy to be a Marvel film.
Ryan Reynolds' Unused Deadpool 3 Idea Isn't the Only Abandoned Idea for Deadpool and Wolverine
There were a lot of duds on the road to Deadpool and Wolverine
Additionally, Reynolds and the rest of the team working on the film discussed several ideas before production began. At a certain point, a shot-for-shot remake of Thor 2, The dark world was proposed, where Deadpool would appear in the middle. Another idea toyed with revealing how Deadpool has always been in the MCU, from the beginning, by including the character in dozens of scenes deleted from previous entries. This would have been funny and would have emphasized the meta part of the character, but it may have struggled for a coherent narrative.
It's clear that a lot of thought and effort went into making this film something special. With so many ideas and creativity going into the project, it must have been exciting to be a part of it. However, it also appears that the team was running into barriers in terms of finding a good way to bring Deadpool into the MCUand make it a powerful enough story. That is, until Hugh Jackman called Shawn and Ryan to announce that he was ready to join the team and be a part Deadpool 3.
I'm glad Deadpool 3 ended up being Deadpool and Wolverine
Hugh Jackman's Wolverine Was Key to Deadpool 3
As soon as Hugh Jackman came on board, it seemed like the doors of creativity opened and ideas began to emerge. Deadpool 3 a film about that character that saw Wolverine appear in a cameo, or supporting cast, put him front and center alongside the Merc with the Mouth. Deadpool 3 became Deadpool and Wolverineand everything became much more meaningful. While a Sundance film may have been driven by emotion, seeing Deadpool and Wolverine together on the big screen was a much bigger payoff for both characters, after years of fans like me desperately praying for this moment.
Jackman's involvement allowed the film to become both an homage to the past Marvel films released before the MCU and a bridge to this new comic book movie empire. It was also incredibly gratifying to see two actors so close in real life finally play this legendary moment. Together, Deadpool and Wolverine created a show that validated the past while also looking forward to a bright future, and that was thanks to Deadpool and Wolverine.