Wagnas is one of the seven main antagonists of the Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven. Due to the game being non-linear, who could be one of the first or last bosses you encounter? However, Wagnas only has two power levels: normal and hard, which makes him quite strong if you run into him very early. Still, you probably won't want to leave Wagnas until the last encounter, as they'll have even more hit points, defenses, and sudden tricks.
Wagnas himself is the final boss of Flying Castle in SaGa 2 Romance. However, gaining access to this location takes time. For the entire Wagnas story, you will also need to clear Hakuro Castle first and have a way to fly. This can be done by recruiting the initial Iris and Wind or using any of its class successors. Another option is to win the flying machine from the NPC Hiraga in Somon. Either method will give you the means to fight the Wagnas in their stronghold.
How to beat the Dark Legion in Hakuro Castle
Wagnas forces must be eliminated first
Wagnas will not initially be at his home base, Flying Castle. Instead, you'll need to clear Hakuro Castle and defeat its leader - the Dark Legion. Despite looking like an undead skeleton, the Dark Legion are only wearing armor and are classified as humanoid. They are assisted by two physical damage Mystics. However, the Black Legion should focus on the immediate. As long as you keep your defenses up and heal yourself, all three enemies should go down after five or six turns of combat in SaGa 2 Romance.
After all minions are defeated, Wagnas will appear briefly, taunt the party, and then flee. Now it's time to track them to their home, the Flying Castle. It's not a direct advance, as you may not yet have access to a means of flying.
How to get to Wagnas in the flying castle
As with other missions, gaining access to flight is not linear and can be approached over different generations. This all depends on what you have completed up to this point in SaGa 2 Romance. One method is to complete the Bard Quest and recruit your first Iris character, Windie. This involves chasing a wandering bard through various locations and talking to people in the following order:
The bartender in Yuyan
The Boatman in Moulie
The main one at the front table of the bar in Tsukijima
The Salamander with the Bard's guitar in Zemio
The little girl running through Hofah
The boy singing a song in Nomad Village
Ostro's little girl
The mole with the Bardo's conga drum in the termite hole
The little boy in Teretuva
The Ferryman in Atlanticus
The old lady in Toba
If you have unlocked the Corsair class for five years of play, the Bard bassoon is in Garon
The little boy from Saigo Village, who takes you to Bard Flute
The children in Avalon who take you to Bard's horn
With all five instruments, go to the peak of Mount Chikapa and perform a concert to attract Windie. She first invites you to visit the entire Iris village. Upon arrival, Iris will join the group and allow a means to reach the Flying Castle of SaGa 2 Romance.
How to defeat Wagnas
Bring an invincible party
Before heading to the Flying Castle, make sure you have the right team prepared to SaGa 2 Romance. If you need to make adjustments, you will have to escape the entire dungeon and lose some progress. The most important thing to know is that Wagnas deals only fire and magic damage and has no physical attacks. This makes it important to go in with a specific team:
A Salamander - a class that when unlockedstarts completely immune to fire damage
One Moleman – highly resistant to status effects
One Nereid - high resistance to fire and status effects
One or two Court Mages (one of each gender) – can become immune to magical damage
An optional Freelance Mage - a fast but weak spellcaster
Make adjustments to suit your current Emperor. If they are too out of place, abdicate the throne and bring in someone who better fits the above party composition. If you are using the Last Emperorthey must have enough power to fit into the final position. Still, unleash new arts with the same method found in all Saga franchise games.
YouTuber Atilatis faced Wagnas with a female main character, Court Mage. They went with more offensive firepower rather than completely invincible. Still, with enough damage, you can easily survive.
Wagnas Power Levels
Wagnas have a base power level and an enhanced alternate form. This is determined by the average hit points of the group in SaGa 2 Romance. If you have reached 700 HP, Wagnas will always be stronger, with more health and damage.. They can even switch to more light-based moves. Typically, if you are already in the sixth generation, you will fight the hardest version of Wagnas.
Combat Tactics
Wagnas tend to use a variety of magic, but often resort to their ultimate Firestorm. This does massive fire damage, but if you bring the recommended setup, the Salamander and Court Mages will be completely immune. To help protect the rest of the team, increase resistance to fire and magic by any means.
Just focus on your weapons' direct damage, healing, and keeping your fire resistance high. If you come prepared, Wagnas should go down in about 10 rounds or less. If this was the fifth hero you defeated, you will soon be sent to a rematch with Kzinssie. This is not a simple retread, but rather one of the penultimate challenges of SaGa 2 Romance.
Source: Atilatis/YouTube