Rogue's new powers are so extreme, it turns out the Marvel hero could actually take down Galactus

Rogue's new powers are so extreme, it turns out the Marvel hero could actually take down Galactus

Warning: contains spoilers And if...? Galactus Transformed Rogue #1!!

In a world of incredible superpowers, On your own still stands out as one of Marvel's greatest powers. With her incredible strength, speed, flight and absorption abilities, there's virtually nothing she can't accomplish - and now that includes taking on Galactus himself. As the herald of the Eater of Worlds, her natural gifts are enhanced to unbelievable levels, and she is ready to use them against her new master.

In the next And if…? Galactus Transformed Rogue #1 – written by Ann Nocenti, with art by Stephen Byrne – Rogue absorbs the Silver Surfer's abilities, becoming Galactus' newest herald. Given that Rogue is among the strongest X-Men alive, absorbing the Surfer's powers elevates her to cosmic proportions. The universe is open to the new herald, but fulfilling his new role means taking Galactus to new worlds to consume.

The preview shows Rogue unsurprisingly fighting Galactus, landing blows against the being she is supposed to serve. Even if she can't destroy it, Rogue is now so strong that he can damage the Eater of Worlds.

As Galactus' Herald, Rogue becomes one of Marvel's most powerful characters

And if…? Galactus Transformed Rogue #1 – Written by Ann Nocenti; Art by Stephen Byrne; Available January 2025 from Marvel Comics

What If...Galactus Transformed Rogue variant cover, Rogue flying in front of Galactus' massive form

Rogue's X-Gene already grants her extraordinary power, even if it has made parts of her life incredibly complicated. Her original ability allowed her to absorb other people's powers and memories with a touch, although her struggle to control her powers often caused intense damage to the target. After prolonged contact with Carol Danvers, Anna Marie gained near-permanent access to Captain Marvel's flight, speed, super strength, and durability, making her a force on the battlefield and nearly invulnerable. Rogue continues to use these abilities, as well as acquiring other improvements for shorter time frames. She's already exceptional even without the Silver Surfer's gifts.

Rogue's ability to damage a being like Galactus perfectly sums up how strong she has become.

As surprising as Rogue is on her own, Taking on a piece of Galactus's Power Cosmic as herald means that few beings in the entire universe can truly stand up to her. The Devourer's heralds have extreme durability and are self-sustaining, meaning they can withstand virtually any attack and need little to survive. This positions Rogue to attack Galactus with the full force of her new powers. Nothing has ever been able to permanently defeat Galactus, least of all one of his own heralds, but Rogue's ability to damage a being like Galactus perfectly sums up how strong she has become.

Rogue's strength will continue to grow as she adapts Galactus' cosmic power

What will your time as a herald be like?

Unlike Galactus' hand-selected assistants, Rogue gains her abilities by absorbing them directly from the Silver Surfer, setting her on a different kind of journey as a herald. At her core, Rogue is a hero, although her childhood with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants involved a considerable amount of violence. It's hard to imagine her willingly participating in a journey doomed by the universe. As she takes advantage of her new abilities, she can become strongerpotentially making this initial attack the weakest in a challenge chain. As Galactus' herald, On your own becomes a one-woman army and one of Marvel's strongest powerhouses.

And if…? Galactus Transformed Rogue #1 will be available on January 22, 2025 from Marvel Comics.