Rocky's prequel cheapens the point of Sylvester Stallone's original movie

Rocky's prequel cheapens the point of Sylvester Stallone's original movie

Sylvester Stollone Still seems keen on the idea of ​​exploring a Rocky prequel, but that risks diminishing the impact of the first Rocky Movie. In several interviews, Sylvester Stallone has openly talked about how much he wants to create a prequel TV show that follows Rocky's life long before he lands the opportunity to fight Apollo Creed. During a recent (through Inspire me podcast), Sylvester Stallone even teased that he has already started writing his script, with a few pages of the way.

Considering the cultural impact of Sylvester Stallone's Rocky movies, especially the first film, it's hard not to be excited about what he could potentially bring to the table with the prequel series. The fact that Stallone said that the project is "Very near and dear"To its core makes it all the more intriguing. But, the more one thinks about it, the more it becomes apparent that the prequel could hurt the original Rocky Movie's legacy in more ways than one.

Rocky's Story intentionally doesn't require knowing his backstory

The first Rocky movie already feels like an origin story

Since the first Rocky Movie explores how the titular character goes from an everyman, small-time boxer to become one of the most respected figures in the sport, There is not much a prequel can add to his story. 1976s Rocky has already taken audiences through the journey of a man who never realizes his true potential until a great opportunity comes knocking at his door. The entire appeal of the film comes from the fact that Rocky is a relatable underdog who overcomes all odds through sheer determination and the will to climb to the top.

The prequel may give a glimpse of how Rocky always had some potential for greatness, but it still can't go as far as the first. Rocky movie in capturing a full-fledged transformation that takes him from obscurity to prominence.

A prequel doesn't add much to the story other than delving into Rocky's formative years as a boxer. While this has the potential to be interesting in some ways, it doesn't significantly improve the story that audiences already cherish. The prequel may give a glimpse of how Rocky always had some potential for greatness, but it still can't go as far as the first. Rocky movie in capturing a full-fledged transformation that takes him from obscurity to prominence. Due to this, the whole point of a Rocky prequel show still seems a little unclear.

Rocky's prequel could hurt the franchise

It wouldn't be the first prequel to harm the overarching franchise

Rocky in Rocky Balboa and the Red Shorts Mistake

Given their ability to enhance their respective franchise's overarching narrative, some prequels are absolutely necessary. however, It is not unusual for prequels to over-explain and even contradict the ideas and story elements which have been established in the original films. Some prequels even change how audiences previously perceived a character, which significantly harms the overarching franchise. The Rocky Prequel could tread a similar path if aspects of its storyline are not handled carefully.

While the idea of ​​a Rocky Show dealing in the character's morally ambiguous past sounds intriguing, it runs the risk of undermining or complicating the character's established heroic image in the Rocky films.

For example, if the prequel show focuses on Rocky's early years as an enforcer, it may struggle to portray him as a heroic figure. While the idea of ​​a Rocky TV show delving into the character's morally ambiguous past sounds intriguing, it runs the risk of undermining or complicating the character's established heroic image in the Rocky films. Creating this dissonance between Rocky's past and his eventual rise as a celebrated underdog could significantly detract from the inspirational quality of the original story, which could spell trouble for the overarching franchise.

What a rocky prequel could really do right

It can add more depth to the existing character beats

The Rocky Prequel could still work if it focuses on enhancing the right character beats from the original film. For example, by going through the early years of Rocky's relationship with Paulie, Adrian and several other characters, The prequel TV show may emphasize how some characters contributed to him staying far away from his true potential while others helped him realize it. The show could also add more heft to Rocky's struggles from the first film by highlighting how, no matter how hard he tried to shoot his script, something or the other held him back from achieving greatness.

Rocky movie

Rotten Tomatoes critics score

Rotten Tomatoes audience score




Rocky W



Rocky III



Rocky IV



Rocky V



Rocky Balboa



There are still several ways in which these Rocky Prequels can go wrong or fail to reach the high standards of the original movie. However, if it focuses on developing the right aspects of Rocky's early years without changing the thematic elements established in the films, it could be a valuable addition to the franchise. Hopefully, if the Rocky Prequel sees the light of day, it will respectfully expand Rocky's story and preserve the legacy of the original movie series. with Sylvester Stollone At its helm, it will likely be able to achieve this feat.