WARNING: Contains potential spoilers for PLASTIC MAN NO MORE! #3!
robin officially found from Batman combine within Justice Leaguebut while this may sound like a compliment to the mysterious hero, it is far from one. This comparison has nothing to do with his heroism and everything to do with his parenting skills - one of the few areas in the DC Universe where the Dark Knight has repeatedly failed.
...both Batman and Plastic Man show significant warning signs as parents...
Christopher Cantwell, Jacob Edgar, Alex Lins and Marcelo Maiolo Plastic man never again! #3 continues Patrick O'Brian's desperate quest to cheat death after discovering he is "depolymerization", or, in simpler terms, "falling apart." However, O'Brian's fight for his own survival becomes even more urgent when he discovers that his son, Luke O'Brian, who shares his abilities, may eventually be affected by the same condition.
With his son's life at risk, Plastic Man becomes even more determined to find a way to stop the depolymerization process. But to save Luke, O'Brian must first get his son to talk to him.—an even tougher challenge for Robin, who stands between them, trying to protect his teammate from Plastic Man's parental failures.
Robin calls out the plastic man for being "Like this" Batman (and it's not a compliment)
"You break whatever you want because you're always sure you can fix it later." –Robin on Plastic man never again! #3 (2024)
When Plastic Man arrives at Titans Tower to speak with Luke, he encounters Robin, who blocks his entrance and says: “I don’t know if Luke wants to see you right now. I think he needs some space. To O'Brian's credit, he is not offended by Robin's overprotectiveness, but explains that he is just trying to help his son. Robin, however, is not swayed. In fact, he becomes even more defensive, insisting, “No, you’re just like Bruce. You break whatever you want because you’re always sure you can fix it later.”
Robin's comparison between Batman and Plastic Man not only screams "daddy issues," but also highlights how similar these two Justice League heroes are when it comes to their relationships with their children - and their failures as parents. This criticism goes beyond simply labeling Bruce and O'Brian as bad parents. It exposes a specific flaw in parenting: the tendency to prioritize your own wants and desires over your children's needs.believing that any damage done to their relationships can be easily repaired later.
Batman and Plastic Man have 'bad father' reputations in the DC universe
Who do you think wins the award for worst parent?
While this scene suggests that Batman has met his match in Plastic Man when it comes to failing as a father in a particular way, there are still many differences in how Bruce and O'Brian let their children down. This begs the question: who is the worse parent of the two? Although Plastic Man's relationship with his son is not as prominent in DC narratives as Batman's relationship with his children, Plastic man never again! does an excellent job of giving readers insight into Patrick O'Brian's dynamic with his son, making it possible to compare his failings as a father to those of the Dark Knight.
One of the biggest marks against Plastic Man as a father revealed in this Black Label series is his decision to abandon his wife and son in pursuit of his own desires. This is in stark contrast to Batman, who went to great lengths to acquire and maintain his children. That said, it's important to note that Bruce didn't always treat his children well - there are several instances where he physically abused his adult sons, Jason Todd and Dick Grayson. Therefore, both Batman and Plastic Man show significant red flags as parentsleaving it up to each fan to decide who truly deserves the title of “worst father”.
Plastic Man's relationship with his son could escape heartbreak in series finale
Main cover by Alex Lins for Plastic man never again! #5 (2024)
Like the end of Plastic man never again! #4 approaches, it will be interesting to see how O'Brian's relationship with his son unfolds. The synopsis provokes, “There are certainly many people who would like to stop him from detonating the nuclear bomb he created with a member of the Metal Men – including the very son he is trying to save with this kamikaze scheme.” It looks like Luke will fight his father in the final issue, but that doesn't rule out a possible reconciliation. Luke will probably understand this plastic man acted out of love, leading to potential forgiveness for his father's actions.
PLASTIC MAN NO MORE! #3 is now available from DC Comics!