Rings of Power season 2's finale hints that Sauron was innocent of this Middle-earth crime

Rings of Power season 2's finale hints that Sauron was innocent of this Middle-earth crime

Sauron has long been considered the perpetrator of an infamous Middle-earth crime, however The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 suggests a different reason. The second era was full of war and destruction, and the consequence of this was the loss of many major cities and settlements. Much of this has everything to do with Sauron and his orcs, however Rings of power explored alternative forces, such as Adar's involvement in the Siege of Eregion in season 2. Now, it looks like season 3 will dive into further events involving devastating destruction, such as the clearing of Middle-earth's forests.

The latest episode of Rings of power Season 2 saw Eregion fall to its knees after Adar's siege, which means it's time for the next steps in Sauron's plans. Now that he has the nine rings for humans, he is sure to start handing them out to the lucky few destined to become the Ringwraiths of Lord of the Rings. yet, Sauron is not the only one in Middle-earth with nefarious goals. Things turn increasingly sinister in Númenor, with Ar-Pharazôn's son, Kemen, proving to be a particularly nasty character. He arrived in Middle-earth at the end of Rings of power Season 2, and it looks like he's about to cause some trouble out there.

Rings of Power's season 2 ending hints that someone will wipe out the Entwives

Kammen is threatening the trees

The last one to come was seen in Rings of power Season 2, he was taunting Isildur and demanding that the people of Pelargir supply the Númenóreans with wood. They must comply or be denied the food and supplies they need for the coming winter. Kemen's last words, "They are only trees", are quite telling Since Isildur and Theo had previously discovered the trees around this area were governed by Ents - one of whom, a female called an Entwife - was already full of rage about the trees felled by the Orcs who marched from Mordor to Eregion.

The Entwife in Rings of power Season 2 is the first of its kind seen in The Lord of the Rings Since all the female Ents have disappeared by the Third Age (when Frodo's story is set). Treebeard famously asked the hobbits Merry and Pippin if they had seen any Entwives near the Shire since he had tragically given up hope that he would find them again one day. The last the Entwives were ever seen was near the Brown Lands near Mordor, but their fate after that remains one of the greatest mysteries of Lord of the Rings. Kemen's last line in Rings of power ISays he will have something to do with their disappearance.

It has long been assumed that Sauron destroyed the Entwives

The fate of the Entwives is still a mystery

Merry and Pippen are led by an ent in Lord of the Rings

Although Tolkien never gave definitive answers about the Entwives' fate, all the evidence pointed to Sauron. Tribeard said in Lord of the Rings that the Envers had planted gardens in the brown lands, but when he went there to discover what had come of them, he Only found the burnt remains of their work. Still, he held on to hope that the Entwives simply moved elsewhere when the brown lands became too dangerous and held on to the belief that they might still come up one day. It's a heartbreaking reminder of the damage Sauron has done - but perhaps it's not him after all.

It's a heartbreaking reminder of the damage Sauron has done - but perhaps it's not him after all.

Theo and Isildur will be in a tough spot in Rings of power Season 3. In order for the people of Pelargyre to survive, they must cut down the trees and hand over the wood to Kemen and the Numenoreans. But by doing so, they will anger the entities with whom they have already promised to keep. Kemen is unlikely to have much compassion for the Ents, and he is sure to take swift and violent action against those who try to stop them. This may lead to a surprising answer about the fate of the Entwivesinvolving Kemen and the Númenóreans rather than Sauron himself.

Sauron will still have a role to play in the crimes of Númenor

Nobody's anger has a source

Sauron in Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring and Numenor in Rings of Power

If this is the way that Rings of power With his coming episodes, that wouldn't necessarily make Sauron blameless. After all, all misfortune in Middle-earth can find its roots in the evil that Morgoth and his followers - including Sauron - sowed there. moreover, The Dark Lord of the Second Age has a lot to do with the crimes that Númenor is destined to doing. Now with Eregion, Sauron should go to Númenor in the next couple of seasons and influence Pharazôn to attack the gods of Valinor themselves. This and more will certainly affect someone as well. So, his sins are, at their core, Sauron's sins.