The Lord of the Rings online has opened pre-orders for its upcoming expansion, Legacy of Morgoth. The expansion will be the long-running MMO's twelfth and will explore a part of JRR Tolkien's world that the game has never gone before. Fans will experience several new areas and tons of new content, including new cosmetics, enemies and allies, cases and raids, and more.
The Legacy of Morgoth Expansion will add end-game content to Lotro by More than 350 new quests for level 150 players to undertake. Players will travel through the varied realms of Near Harad, traversing through marshes, deserts, haunted forests and dangerous canyons. Throughout this journey, players will uncover the history and history of the lands, and discover the dangers that loom over it all.
The expansion will also include a new Three-player instance, two six-player instances, and a raid. Pre-Purchasing Legacy of Morgoth Will also net fans some cosmetic items, the Wellspring Defender Movement Style and the Journey's Start Milestone teleportation animation.
Morgoth is a major player in Rings of Power
His legacy threatens the future of Middle-earth
in the Lord of the Rings books, Morgoth (also known as Melkor) is the most powerful Ainur, or divine spirit. Morgoth's legacy was built by wandering the Weed in search of the Secret Fire, which had the power to create life. He is feared by many, especially the elven race, vi It is thought that Morgoth turned some elves into orcs through torture and breeding.
The name of Morgoth breeds fear in men, ever since His past makes him a free spirit not bound by the rules of these LOTR world. His desire for the life of power made him bitter and hatred, brought him into a destructive force.
The Legacy of Morgoth Expansion puts this ancient power in the spotlight, where players will travel through lands touched by the dangers of Morgoth's rise to power, and see the threat first hand. The massive new questline will help players uncover the secrets of defeating Morgoth, or, potentially, became the very power they sought to stop.
It's hard to believe that The Lord of the Rings Online is nearly 20 years old
The Legacy of Morgoth looks amazing
I grew up playing MMOs, and it's hard to believe that some of the games from my childhood are still going strong. The Lord of the Rings online Is 17 this year, and World of Warcraft Celebrates its 20th anniversary. In a time of game fads coming and going, It's great to see beloved games get new content and continue to thrive.
Looking at the expansion trailer, it's hard to believe that the MMO is almost two decades old. like southc4463 Says in a YouTube comment, it is "Absolutely wild this game is still a thing after 17 years."The game doesn't show its age too much, As the visuals shared for new locations are absolutely gorgeous. YouTube user Elvenkin Notes: "The landscape and scenery design is stunning again! LOTRO continues to be a game where I can spend hours just exploring the beautiful world."I can't agree more.
The Legacy of Morgoth expansion for The Lord of the Rings online is scheduled for Fall 2024. Although it doesn't have an exact release date yet, pre-orders are open now. The expansion is priced at $39.99 for the base content, with two higher-value tiers for more hardcore fans.
Source: LOTRO website, Lotro/YouTube, southc4463/YouTube, Elvenkin/YouTube
The Lord of the Rings online
- Released
April 24, 2007
- developer(s)
Standing stone games
- Publisher(s)
Daybreak Game Company