Alien the upcoming Ridley Scott-directed entry is already a stronger position than 2012's Prometheus
. With the Foreigner franchise actively alive again, the future of the popular sci-fi horror series is bright. But in the history of films, the reputation of films has been much more volatile. Initially, the 1979 film Alien, directed by Ridley Scott, was incredibly popular.
Then, seven years later, in 1986, James Cameron was hired to direct the sequel, Alienswhich gained similar praise and fanfare from audiences and critics. However, Alien 3 and Alien: Resurrection failed to reach the same heights of popularity, and it appears that the franchise was completely extinct by 1997. So when Scott has been announced as the director of another sequelthere was a lot going on behind his back Prometheus for the future of Foreigner films.
Prometheus' mixed reception was in part due to the huge expectations surrounding Ridley Scott's alien return
There were high hopes for Prometheus from the start
As described above, Alien has gone through many changes and developments as a franchise. THE the original film seemed to grow in popularity since its debut in 1979, becoming hugely influential and paving the way for other science fiction horror stories to be told. However, at the time, Scott was still a relatively unknown director with very little experience. This is why the sequel was handed over to James Cameron, as Scott remained a lesser-known director.
But when the series was revived in the early 2010s, Scott became immensely more popular thanks to his work on Blade runner, Thelma and Luisa, Gladiator, Hannibal, American gangster and much more. His talent for working across a variety of genres and creating incredible epic stories has meant return to Foreigner was hailed as the beginning of a new era for a franchise that had fallen into obscurity. However, when Prometheus premiered, the tonal shift and new narrative focus was a shocking move that created confusion among fans.
Prometheus' reputation has improved enormously since the film's 2012 release
Prometheus is aging like a fine wine in the Alien franchise
Despite this, over time, people came to appreciate Prometheus more for the value and expansion of the tradition that it provided to the Foreigner film series. While many people were expecting something more in line with the jumpsuits and intense sci-fi horror of the original film, Prometheus was more psychological in its approach. This is likely due to the years of storytelling Scott embarked on after Alien, as he helped define compelling character stories and take a closer look at the minds and motives of these heroes and villains.
Hannibal being an example of a story where Scott delved deep into a definitively monstrous figure, but still found something compelling and engaging about his origin and narrative. This film and the rest of Scott's work probably led him to want explore the origins of Foreigner universeand although this was initially seen as a strange new direction, Prometheus it now stands as one of the most important pillars of the franchise for having built the lore and broader world of the films. Especially considering the subsequent entries that continued to build on this new foundation.
Alien: Romulus reinvigorated interest in the franchise
Alien is back in the spotlight decades after it began
Alien: Alliance took some of the best parts of Prometheus, like the android David, and placed them in a story more akin to the old school films, with the Xenomorph causing irrevocable destruction. However, the contribution of Fede Álvarez 2024, Foreigner: Rômulo, did even more to bring the series back to its roots. Romulus was more thoroughly a horror story, with an imperiled crew trying to survive the relentless attacks of creatures whose powers and potential for destruction seem impossible to adequately measure.
Although the film had some aspects that were criticized, the marketing and lead-up to the film was enormous. This saw a seismic shift in the modern public's view of Foreigner franchise, and helped bring some longtime fans back to the series with renewed vigor. All of this will be a tremendous help and benefit to Scott's future future. Foreigner sequence. With Scott's reputation still on the rise, the Foreigner franchise now back in fashion and excitement high, the new film is already in a much stronger position than Prometheus was back in 2012, which could help make the film a huge success.