Ricky explains (and why Arthur kissed him)

Ricky explains (and why Arthur kissed him)

Spoiler alert! This article contains spoilers for Joker: Folie a Deux.

A seemingly innocent moment in JOcher: folie a deux See Arthur Fleck kiss a fellow inmate called Ricky, but the scene is actually vital to Joker's character arc. in DC Joker: Folie a DeuxTodd Phillips continues to delve into the complexities of Arthur Fleck's psyche, exploring themes of love, loss and the consequences of violence. Among the film's many new characters is Ricky, a seemingly minor figure whose interaction with Arthur during their time in Arkham Asylum provides significant insight into Arthur's emotional state.

in Joker: Folie a DeuxArthur Fleck is freed by an inmate at Arkham Asylum called Ricky. Played by Jacob Lofland, Ricky is seen throughout the following and supporting Arthur Fleck. like Joker: Folie a Deux Unfolds, Ricky's role evolves, culminating in a tragic fate that deeply impacts Arthur, with possibly the most pivotal development in the narrative.

Why Arthur Kisses Ricky Explained

During an Arkham Asylum courtyard time scene in Joker: Folie a DeuxArthur is approached by Ricky under the watchful eyes of the guards. Ricky, encouraged by the guards, asks Arthur to kiss him. Arthur responds by tenderly picking the inmate on the lips, Much to the amusement of the security.

The kiss in Joker: Folie a Deux Symbolizes Arthur's deep emotional detachment and willingness to comply with whatever is asked of him. He engages in this act not out of desire or love, but because he is So broken by his imprisonment that he simply does as he is told. The guards' laughter and encouragement reinforce the absurdity of the moment, reducing a potentially intimate interaction to a cruel joke in a world devoid of genuine connection.


Soon after, a guard quips that Arthur is a "Hopelessly romantic." This nod to old-fashioned romantic tropes Recalls the dazzling musicals that inspired the musical numbers. Moreover, in a world where genuine love seems impossible, Arthur's willingness to kiss Ricky can also be interpreted as an attempt at a fleeting connection - a momentary escape from his isolation, but misguided.

The scene also serves as a potential misdirect during a point when Harley Quinn's existence is somewhat ambiguous. If Lady Gaga's Harley Quinn was just a figment of Arthur's imagination, it could have been Ricky whom Arthur was kissing. Regardless, it Emphasizes Arthur's internal struggle between his desire for love and the harsh reality he faces. The kiss, then, is both a manifestation of Arthur's hopelessness and a commentary on his disillusionment with his life.

Is Ricky a DC Comics character?

Arthur Fleck / Joker (Joaquin Phoenix) contemplative behind bars in Joker: Folie à Deux
Image by Warner Bros.

Ricky is not a DC Comics character. His role in JOcher: folie a deux Out to be Created specifically for this film. Although he doesn't have a pre-existing comic book counterpart, Ricky's interaction with Arthur offers a crucial narrative device. Through Ricky, Arthur integrates his own identity, especially after his death.

Ricky's role in Joker 2 explained

Arthur Fleck / Joker (Joaquin Phoenix) struggles with police officers in Joker: Folie à Deux
Image by Warner Bros.

in Joker: Folie a DeuxAfter Arthur returns to Arkham after a brutal assault by the guards, Ricky confronts them, seemingly defending Arthur. Tragically, this act of defiance leads to Ricky's brutal death at the hands of a guard named Sullivan, who strangles him while Arthur lies defeated on the floor. This moment is not only shocking but also serves as A turning point for Arthur.

Ricky's death acts as a wake-up call for Arthur, Marking a pivotal moment in his journey. By this point, Arthur was consumed by his own despair and self-destructive tendencies. The violence he experiences is often one-sided; He was the victim of both society and his own actions. However, the death of Ricky forces Arthur to confront the consequences of his existence and actions. It is a visceral reminder that his choices can lead to harm, not only to himself but also to those who care about him, or who seek to connect with him.


This tragic event signifies the potential for change in Arthur. In the aftermath of Ricky's death, the film uses a poignant flashback to illustrate Arthur's growing realization of the impact of his actions. The scene flashes back to Arthur removing his makeup after his first kill, symbolizing a shift in his mind. The makeup, representing the Joker persona, begins to lose its allure as Arthur grapples with the repercussions of violence.

In this context, Ricky's fate becomes A catalyst for Arthur's revaluation of who he wants to be. It serves to emphasize the weight of responsibility he bears - not only for his own life but also for the lives of those around him. The kiss with Ricky, layered with desperation and absurdity, now resonates with deeper meaning as Arthur confronts the loss of someone who dared to reach out to him in Joker: Folie a Deux.

Joker: Folie à Deux is the sequel to Todd Phillips' critically acclaimed comic thriller Joker. Reprising his Academy Award-winning performance as failed comedian Arthur Fleck, Joaquin Phoenix revisits the iconic DC character alongside Lady Gaga, who makes her debut as Joker's lover Harley Quinn in the DC Universe's standalone continuity.

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