Rick Riordan's new Percy Jackson books must be setting up another series, right?

Rick Riordan's new Percy Jackson books must be setting up another series, right?

Rick Riordan's latest Percy Jackson and the Olympians feature Percy preparing for college, and they may be setting up Rick Riordan's next book series. in TThe Khalias of the Gods, Percy Jackson must complete quests to receive three letters of recommendation from different Greek gods so he can attend New Rome University. Percy completes his first quest in the book, receiving a letter from Ganymede, Zeus' teleporter. The next interview, Wrath of the Triple Goddess— set for release on September 23, 2024 — will have Percy completing a second quest to earn a letter of recommendation from Hecate.

There is no further news Percy Jackson Books, but ideally, there should be one installment in Percy Jackson and the Olympians to secure Percy's admission to New Rome University. The latest additions to Percy Jackson and the Olympians Set up a new era for Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase and Grover Underwood When they go to New Rome and take the next chapter of their life at university. I hope this happens because a new book series in Rick Riordan's universe featuring Percy and his friends is the perfect way to continue the franchise.

Rick Riordan's new Percy Jackson books feel like they're setting up another series

Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase and Grover Underwood have more adventures ahead of them

The road to Rome University was not easy for Percy Jackson, but he was determined to follow the path to attend college. There has to be a significant reason why Rick Riordan decided to continue Percy Jackson and the OlympiansEspecially in a way that sets up a new era for Percy and his friends. It would be ideal if the latest installments set up a new book series where Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase and Grover Underwood attend New Rome University. Including their college adventures in a book series for kids doesn't make sense, but starting a new series does.

I really hope we get a Percy Jackson series after the characters in Demigod College

Percy and Annabeth attending college in New Rome would introduce so many opportunities

The next book series Rick Riordan should write should involve Percy and his friends at New Rome University. It would be fun to read about Percy's college adventures as he adjusts to his new life, especially since it would be no ordinary college experience. The potential book series could also bring back Percy Jackson characters from previous books and even introduce new ones. There is so much to explore in Percy's life at New Rome University. Demigods attending college is not a typical, everyday experience, especially since Percy and his friends will be living in a town of demigods.

The Percy Jackson Universe

Book series

Publication dates

Number of books


Percy Jackson and the Olympians

1 July 2005 - 23 September 2024



The Kane Chronicles

May 4, 2010 - May 1, 2012



The heroes of Olympus

October 12, 2010 - October 7, 2014


Roman, Greek

Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard

6 October 2015 – 3 October 2017



The Trials of Apollo

3 May 2016 - 6 October 2020



The sun and the star (standing)

May 2, 2023



A new book series would also allow the opportunity to mix the Greek and Roman demigods yet again and have them together for more epic adventures. If Rick Riordan wanted to dig further into Roman mythology, this book series would be ideal. Of course, there are other mythologies Riordan might want to explore, and he could create a new series in the same universe but away from Percy Jackson. However, Percy and his friends at college may be the most epic adventures yet, and It would be a missed opportunity if Rick Riordan didn't consider it.

It's the perfect time for Rick Riordan to write more adult books in the world

Readers should grow with Percy, Annabeth and Grover

One of the biggest positives of Rick Riordan creating a new book series to follow Percy Jackson and his friends at New Rome University would be the audience change. Although the new Percy Jackson and the Olympians Books attracted a new generation of children, the original audience grew. It would be Suitable for a new one Percy Jackson series to connect to Rick Riordan's oldest readers. A Percy Jackson Series at New Rome University may also cover more mature topics for the older audience. Some of the topics would include maturity, trauma, work and learning to be an adult.

A new one Percy Jackson Series set for a more mature audience would be perfect for older readers to reconnect with beloved characters from their childhood.

Percy JacksonThe oldest readers are now in college or adults in their 20s and 30s. While Rick Riordan's older audience could read Percy Jackson Due to nostalgia and other reasons, they cannot connect with the books as they did as children. A new one Percy Jackson Series set for a more mature audience would be perfect for older readers to reconnect with beloved characters from their childhood. It would be too Extra special for those who grew up with Percy Jackson to endure similar experiences That Percy could be a college student.

Of course, there are other opportunities for older audiences. Rick Riordan has a series of adult books he published years ago Percy Jackson and the Olympians Called Tres Navarre. However, the series is not fantasy - the books belong to the mystery and thriller genres. Rick Riordan hasn't written fantasy books beyond young adult, however A more mature young adult Percy Jackson Series may work for older readers. In the meantime, watching Percy Jackson and the Olympians Being on Disney Plus as an adult was an absolute joy. It's like rediscovering the magic all over again.