Rick and Morty officially debuts their new Evil Morty, debuting the original's iconic eyepatch

Rick and Morty officially debuts their new Evil Morty, debuting the original's iconic eyepatch

Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Rick and Morty: Youth at Rickvolt #1! Evil Morty is easily one of the biggest highlights of Rick and Mortyas he is the only person (including Rick) who could not only conquer the entire Citadel of Ricks, but also effectively track down and assassinate Rick Prime. In other worlds, Evil Morty is truly a force to be reckoned with and is living proof that Rick isn't necessarily the most dangerous person in the multiverse. And now, Rick and Morty Another one officially debuts, and this 'Evil Morty' even turns into the original's iconic eyepatch.

In Rick and Morty: Youth in Rickvolt #1 by Michael Moreci and Tony Gregori, Rick and Morty embark on one of their darkest adventures: a murder. Typically, Rick and Morty collect sci-fi crystals or play in intergalactic arcades. But here, they're going to kill someone. It's true that this person is destined to become a genocidal dictator, but it's still a pretty dark adventure - and Morty agrees. This is why Morty refuses to pull the trigger, and because of this, Rick backs out of his promise to let Morty drive the space cruiser. Morty doesn't like that.

Morty completely turns against Rick, refusing to embark on any adventures with him again. So Rick decides he's going to create his own pocket universe full of young charges who will listen to his instructions and won't turn on him when they don't get what they want - and that's exactly what he does. Unfortunately, things don't go as planned and these “young pupils” immediately rebel against their creator. And, ironically, they are led by a Morty – the new Evil Morty.

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Rick and Morty's new Evil Morty is even more interesting than the original

The new Evil Morty from Rick and Morty.

The original Evil Morty is a fascinating look at the smartest and most ruthless Morty in the multiverse, which is especially impressive compared to the series' classic Morty, who is more or less a normal boy. However, when comparing the original Evil Morty to the new Evil Morty, it can be argued that the new one is even more interesting than the original. Why? Because Rick created him.

Rick and MortyThe new Evil Morty isn't just another Morty in the multiverse, he was created by Rick within his pocket universe. This makes his conflict with Rick much more personal, as it's not a case of a rogue Morty hating all Ricks (like in the original Evil Morty), it's a case of a creator facing the wrath of his creation. This Evil Morty shouldn't exist and was only born out of Rick's obsessive need to control every facet of Morty's life. And now, the very Morty he hoped to control may finally take Rick down.

Rick and Morty pays homage to Morty's legacy of evil by releasing his iconic eyepatch

Evil Morty activating his eye patch on Rick and Morty.

Evil Morty debuted wearing his eyepatch in the episode "Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind", and has continued to wear it periodically since then. Initially, the eyepatch was a device used to control Evil Morty's Rick and was an integral piece of technology that put into action Evil Morty's entire plan to break the Central Finite Curve. The new Evil Morty's appearance honors this legacy by changing the look of his eye patch, swapping it for a monocle. In fact, this design choice may actually be a symbol of these respective Evil Mortys' intentions.

The first Evil Morty wore an eye patch to symbolize that he was hiding his true identity as a Rick-killing Morty, while the new Evil Morty wears a monocle to show that he has nothing to hide. His intentions are clear and without deception, as this Evil Morty has raised an army to kill Rick - and he wants Rick to know it from the start. There's certainly a lot for fans to get excited about when it comes to Rick and Mortyis the new Evil Morty, and only time will tell if he will become as iconic as the original.

Rick and Morty: Youth in Rickvolt #1 from Oni Press is now available.

Rick and Morty is an animated science fiction/adventure series that follows the intergalactic and interdimensional adventures of supergenius Rick Sanchez and his below-average grandson, Morty Smith. Rick's daughter Beth, his granddaughter Summer, and his hated stepson Jerry also take center stage more often. Coming from creators Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon, the series mixes comedy with science fiction as a way to explore a wide variety of themes aimed at an adult audience.