Chris Evans will return to the MCU in Avengers: Judgment Dayand the most popular choice for your new Marvel character could finally make up for a nine-year-old quote from 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron. After his recent return as Johnny Storm's Human Torch in Deadpool and WolverineChris Evans is set to take on a role alongside Robert Downey Jr.'s Doctor Doom and a host of MCU heroes in Avengers: Judgment Day. The Russo brothers' 2026 film, however, could put a dark spin on Chris Evans' Captain America.
Although it has been revealed that Chris Evans will return in Avengers: Judgment Daythe extent and nature of his mysterious role have not been revealed. This has sparked theories that suggest who else Chris Evans could play in the MCU, if not Steve Rogers' original Captain America. Following Robert Downey Jr.'s recast from Iron Man to Doctor Doom, it's very possible that more MCU veterans will return as dark and sinister villains. The recasting of Chris Evans' most popular supervillain could perfectly yield a Phase 2 tease.
Chris Evans' Most Popular Return Theory Brings an Evil Captain America to the MCU
Chris Evans could play HYDRA's Captain America
Following in the footsteps of Robert Downey Jr.'s return as a formidable Marvel villain, Chris Evans has been heavily theorized to appear in Avengers: Judgment Day like an evil iteration of Captain America. In 2016, Marvel Comics introduced a version of Steve Rogers from a twisted alternate reality who was indoctrinated by HYDRA at a young age. This evil Steve Rogers replaced the original Captain America and used his new position to restore HYDRA's former power. This would be a fantastic character for Chris Evans to play Avengers: Judgment Day.
The MCU's Captain America has already teased HYDRA's version of Star-Spangled-Man, saluting HYDRA during the Time Heist in Avengers: Endgame for Brock Rumlow and Jasper Sitwell to hand over Loki's scepter, which contained the Mind Stone. However, As HYDRA's Captain America has yet to be properly seen in the MCU, it's very possible that Chris Evans could bring this terrifying villain to life. Avengers: Judgment Day. Interestingly, this cast could make up for a nine-year-old tease. Avengers: Age of Ultron.
The MCU's evil Captain America would call back for Avengers: Age of Ultron
Steve Rogers Teased His Dark Side in Avengers: Age of Ultron
Although Avengers: Age of Ultron Perhaps not deliberately trying to set up Chris Evans' turn as a villain in the MCU, a quote could have teased his eventual recasting as an evil version of Captain America. While Tony Stark and Steve Rogers chop wood at the Barton house in Age of Ultronthey discuss Stark's secrecy and Scarlet Witch's manipulation of the Avengers team. Stark comments that Rogers "It's gone, it's okay" observing that he does not "trust a guy with no dark side" to which Rogers responds that maybe he just "[hasn't] I've seen it."
This quote could have been paid in 2016 Captain America: Civil Warwhich pitted Captain America and Iron Man against each other, with Bucky Barnes' Winter Soldier caught in the middle. However, Civil War I didn't really put Rogers "dark side" on display as he was simply trying to help his best friend. Avengers: Judgment Day has the perfect opportunity to fully showcase Steve Rogers' dark side by recasting Chris Evans as a HYDRA-indoctrinated version of Captain Americawho would be a seriously threatening opponent in Phase 6.
Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans' Avengers: Judgment Day Reunion Is Already Set to Be Brilliant
Will Play Doctor Doom in Avengers: Judgment Day
It was brilliant to see the friendship between Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark and Chris Evans' Steve Rogers develop and change throughout the MCU's Infinity Saga. Marvel Studios could do something similar with the duo's new characters in Avengers: Judgment Dayespecially if they both portray formidable villains. There has been speculation that the return of Downey Jr. and Evans could mean the introduction of an evil Avengers team in Avengers: Judgment Daytwisting the original MCU lineup, which would give these MCU veterans a chance to play head-to-head again.
Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans originally left the MCU in 2019 Avengers: Endgameand Both Tony Stark and Steve Rogers had touching and emotional endings. It would be a mistake to rewrite these perfect conclusions, but bringing Downey Jr. and Evans back as twisted villainous versions of their classic heroes would easily solve this problem. It will be seven years since End of the game when Avengers: Judgment Day will be released in 2026, so the excitement about seeing Downey Jr. and Evans back on screen together will be incredibly high.
Avengers: Doomsday is the fifth Avengers film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and will bring together heroes, new and old, to face Victor von Doom – played by the returned Robert DOwney Jr.. Avengers 5 will also mark the beginning of phase 6 of the MCU.
- Release date
February 14, 2025
- Release date
July 25, 2025
- Release date
July 24, 2026