Resident Alien Season 4 is about to completely change the relationship between the 2 characters

Resident Alien Season 4 is about to completely change the relationship between the 2 characters

A large part of Resident alien's appeal is the fantastic chemistry and various dynamics that exist between the characters of the sci-fi drama, and the upcoming season is set to shake things up between two figures in particular. Resident alien The end of season 3 has some strong hints about where the story is headed when the show returns. While some cliffhangers are more dramatic than others, they all have a lot of potential to go into Resident alien season 4. However, one of the finale's scenes has big implications for one of the show's longest-standing relationships.

Although some characters have come and gone since the show began in 2021, the heart Resident alien The figure remained the same. This level of consistency allowed the fictional residents of Patience, Colorado to develop strong ties to each other that evolved as the story unfolded. There is no doubt that The stakes will be higher than ever Resident alien Season 4That will strain even the most persistent of partnerships.

Liv's experience with foreign affairs will make it more difficult for Mike to maintain his leadership role

Mike found a dead Gray Alien in the season 3 finale

Despite being a brilliant deputy, Elizabeth Bowen's Lib Baker has been playing second fiddle to Corey Reynolds' Sheriff Mike Thompson since Resident alien started. Although Mike has gotten better at giving his deputy the praise she deserves, he remains in place as the leader of the duo. Even when it's clear that Love does most of the heavy lifting, Mike's authority tends not to slip. That said, Mike's discovery of a dead gray alien in the season 3 finale, "Homecoming," will certainly put him out of his depth in the new run of Resident alien Episodes.

Love is a strong believer in life beyond the stars and has therefore conducted a lot of research on the matter.

As a matter of fact, the existence of alien life has been debated in the world of the show. Love is a strong believer in life beyond the stars and has therefore conducted a lot of research on the matter. opposite, Mike has long believed that aliens are nothing but a hoax. Unfortunately for him, "Coming Home" turned him horribly wrong. Although this revelation will likely bring Mike into the heart of the fight, it would make sense if he was subservient to Liz due to the vast amount of knowledge she has on the subject compared to the sheriff.

Why Mike's new role in Alien Season 4 will be a huge adjustment for him

Corey Reynolds' character isn't used to taking orders

Corey Reynolds as Mike in Resident Alien looks sad

Mike is not a person who is used to finding out that he is wrong. He is proud to the point of injury, as proven by his almost-failed relationship with Nicola Correia-Damude's detective Lena Torres. Finally accepting that he has a severe lack of knowledge and experience with a job such as fighting aliens is not something that will come easily to a character like Mike. In addition, the fact that He was recently removed from capitulating in his relationship with Lena Will make him extra sensitive to further changes.


Despite Mike's growth in Resident alien Season 3, it is still very possible that he will refuse to give his leadership position to his deputy - officially or otherwise. Lacking knowledge about something hasn't stopped him from facing it in the past, but it's rarely been as much on the line as it will be in the upcoming continuation of the story. If Mike doesn't let his life change, he could risk the lives of most others Resident alien Letters.

A television adaptation of the comic book series, Resident Alien is a sci-fi comedy starring Alan Tudyk as an alien who crashes on Earth with one mission - destroy humanity to save the planet. When Tudyk's character assumes the identity of a doctor, he arrives in a small town and begins to play the part preparing his plan. Over time, he develops human emotions against his will - but his plans are further complicated when he meets the mayor's son - who can see his true appearance.


Alan Tudyk, Elizabeth Bowen, Yehuda Prehn, Levi Fiehler, Corey Reynolds, Alice Wetherlund, Sara Tomko

Release date

January 27, 2021




Chris Sheridan