The CBS supernatural comedy series Ghosts returned for its third season, and now it has been renewed for season 4. Based on the British show of the same name, Ghosts Follows married couple Jay and Sam as they pursue their dreams of opening a BnB in upstate New York. However, after an accident, Sam finds that she can see the various spirits that haunt the property and becomes their only channel to the world of the living. By blending heartfelt humor with its clever premise, Ghosts Goes above and beyond most sitcoms.
Debuting in 2021, Ghosts Has earned high marks from critics, and each season has scored above 90% on Rotten tomatoesIncluding an elusive 100% for season 2. Although the jury is still out on season 3, it is not likely to fade in quality, especially as it continues to add new wrinkles to the ghost/human dynamic and explores the backstory of the ghosts. With season 3 continuing the show’s hot streak, it seemed like a foregone conclusion that CBS would conjure up a fourth season of Ghosts.
Ghosts Season 4 Latest News
A Season 4 trailer has been revealed
With the return of the supernatural comedy just around the corner, CBS revealed a trailer for Ghosts Season 4 in September. Shared by CBS (via their official Instagram account), the teaser spends most of its runtime showing the ghosts back to their usual antics, but it focuses on Isaac’s kidnapping, and A strange interaction with his kidnapper, the Puritan ghost named Patience. The trailer also shows a brief glimpse of Dean Norris as Sam’s father, Frank, although the clip only shows him screaming in terror.
Ghosts Season 4 Release Date
The Woodstone Mansion reopens in October
Less than a month into its truncated season 3, CBS gave up Ghosts A resounding endorsement by earmarking his place in their 2024-2025 season.
Less than a month into its truncated season 3, Sibs gave Ghosts A resounding endorsement by earmarking his place in their 2024-2025 season. Following its March 2024 renewal, CBS eventually penciled the supernatural comedy into a calendar spot when it was announced that Ghosts Season 4 will premiere on Thursday, October 17, 8:30 a.m. Ghosts Will air immediately after that Young Sheldon Spinoff Georgie and Mandy’s first wedding, That should give it a boost.
Ghosts Season 4 Cast
Sam, Jay and the ghosts return
Until more updates are revealed, It can be assumed that most of the cast of Ghosts Will return to reprise their roles in season 4. The season 3 premiere saw the hippie ghost, Bloom, seemingly moving on to the other side, but she was eventually found trapped in the well on the Woodstone property. Along with the ghosts, fans can count on the return of Rose McIver as the always chipper Sam and Utkarsh Ambudkar as her skeptical but supportive husband Jay.
The Season 4 cast is already growing with the addition of actor and comedian Mary Holland as the Puritan ghost, Patience, who exacts her revenge against Isaac in the Season 3 finale. Also joining the ensemble is Breaking bad Alum Dean Norris as Samantha’s father.
The entire court cast of Ghosts Season 4 includes:
Actor |
Ghost role |
Rose McIver |
Sum |
Utkarsh Ambudkar |
Jay |
Brandon Scott Jones |
Captain Isaac Higgintott |
Danielle Pinnock |
Alberta Haynes |
Richie Moriarty |
Pete Martino |
Asher Gradman |
Trevor Lefkowitz |
Sheila Carrasco |
Flower |
Sofa Chandler Long |
Thor |
Rebecca Wisaki |
Hetty Woodstone |
Roman Zaragoza |
Sasappis |
John Hartman |
Nigel Chesum |
Odessa Etzion |
Stephanie |
Mary Holland |
Patience |
Dean Norris |
Sam’s father |
Ghost Season 4 Story
What will happen at the Woodstone mansion next?
Ghosts Has done an excellent job of wrapping up storylines at the end of each season while also dropping a few shocking twists to keep audiences invested. As such, the end of Ghosts Season 3 was downright terrifying as Isaac was snatched through the basement wall by the pilgrim ghost who went mad while wandering alone in the land for centuries. As with Flower’s long absence in season 3, Isaac may be missing for a while as the gang tries to retrieve him.
ShEason 4 could continue to shed more light on peripheral ghosts like Stephanie and CrashAnd there are still a few ghosts, like Sass, who haven’t really told their whole story yet. Meanwhile, Sam and Jay will continue to get the BnB off the ground while dealing with the various problems that come along with living among a lot of poor ghosts. Ghosts Works so well because the story possibilities are limitless.
Ghosts Season 4 Trailer
Watch the teaser below
In preparation for the fourth season of GhostsCBS dropped a hilarious teaser on their official Instagram Page in September. Although brief, the trailer catches up with the residents of the Woodstone Mansion as they get up to their usual cheeky antics. However, it also features a brief but funny interaction between Isaac and his captor, Patience the Puritan ghost. Additionally, the teaser shows the first look at Dean Norris’ Frank, and Sam’s dad screams in terror at something while staying at his daughter’s bed and breakfast.
Ghosts (US) is a comic series centered on a young couple who inherit an old mansion only to discover it is inhabited by eclectic spirits from different historical periods, blending humor and history as they navigate life among the dead.
- Figure
Rose McIver, Utkarsh Ambudkar, Brandon Scott Jones, Danielle Pinnock, Richie Moriarty, Asher Grodman, Rebecca Wisocky, Devan Chandler Long, Roman Zaragoza, Sheila Carrasco, John Hartman, Betsy Sodaro.
- Release date
October 7, 2021
- Seasons