Release date, cast, plot and everything we know

Release date, cast, plot and everything we know

A modern retelling of the classic '80s series from CBS. Equalizer It's one of the network's most explosive shows, and it's now been renewed for a fifth season. Debuting in 2021, the Queen Latifah-led spin-off is based on the aforementioned '80s series but is also an adaptation of the Denzel Washington films of the same name. Name. In the series, Latifah plays the enigmatic Robyn McCall, a former CIA agent who uses her vigilante skills to deliver street justice for those who have suffered while also trying to find her own redemption.

The series, thanks in large part to Queen Latifah's overwhelming charisma, is a great continuation of the franchise as it brings new twists while staying true to the simple premise that makes it so fun to watch. CBS allowed Robin's story to unfold over four seasons, with each new episode raising the stakes and making Latifah's character even more compelling. Unlike the procedural films that dominate the network, shows like Equalizer aiming for something that makes its renewal for a fifth season an absolute must.


Latest news from Season 5 of “The Equalizer”

CBS postpones premiere date

Queen Latifah as Robin McCall smiling in the casino in The Equalizer Season 4 Episode 4

After setting a release date for the upcoming season, the latest news confirms that CBS has postponed the series premiere. Equalizer release of the fifth season (via Deadline). Originally scheduled to debut on Sunday, October 27, the Queen Latifah-led series will now debut Sunday, October 20 at 9:30 p.m. before moving back to normal time at 9:00 p.m. starting Sunday, November 3. Equalizer wasn't the only show affected by this decision, and CBS also changed TrackerThe Season 2 premiere will further boost the channel's premiere week.

Release date for season 5 of “The Equalizer”

Robin returns in October

Queen Latifah looks on with an uncertain grin in 'The Equalizer'

CBS' decision to greenlight Equalizer The fifth season, even before the fourth ended, proved the network's utmost confidence in the program. Thus, Queen Latifah's car will debut on Sunday, October 20, at 21:30.. All episodes after November 3 will begin at 21:00. The show was originally scheduled to resume on October 27, but the network decided to postpone it. Equalizer up to one week.

Cast of season 5 of the TV series “The Equalizer”

Robin will return in season 5

Cast Equalizer wasn't sure, and the conclusion of the fourth season made it seem like some returns might not happen. Torrey Kittles' Marcus Dante said goodbye to Robin and New York in the Season 4 finale.and it suggested that the Equalizer's new hunk could be back for season five. Moreover, Mel (played by Lisa Lapira) was so shaken by her experience at the conclusion of season four that she left the team to focus on her personal life. Despite the tension on Robin's team, it was confirmed that Mel and Dante would return for season five.

Despite this, the fifth season's cast will once again be led by musician-turned-actor Queen Latifah as main character Robyn McCall. Latifah won't be the only recurring star returning to the series, with longtime characters like Harry (Adam Goldberg), Aunt Vi (Lorraine Toussaint) and Avery Grafton (Jennifer Ferrin) expected to return, among others.

The entire expected returning cast includes:


The role of the equalizer

Queen Latifah

Robin McCall

Robin McCall (Queen Latifah) looks at the AI ​​MEL in

Tory Kittles

Marcus Dante

Tory Kittles as Marcus Dante in

Adam Goldberg

Harry Keshegian

Adam Goldberg as Harry in The Equalizer

Lisa Lapira

Melody "Chalk" Bayani

Equalizer 308 Lisa Lapira

Laya DeLeon Hayes


Laya DeLeon Hayes in The Equalizer on CBS

Lorraine Toussaint

Viola "Aunt Vi" Marcette

Lorraine Toussaint as Nessie in Netflix's Concrete Cowboy

Jennifer Ferrin

Avery Grafton

Prosecutor Avery Grafton takes the stand in

Donal Logue

Colton Fisk

Colton Fisk talks to Robin on the dock at The Equalizer.

The Story of The Equalizer Season 5

Will Mel and Marcus leave?

Mel talks to Robin as they look at the crime scene in The Equalizer.

End Equalizer Season 4 has a lot to resolve in season 5, and there are a few cast members left for the upcoming season. Mel was kidnapped in the season four finale, and although she was rescued by Robin and the rest of the team, she was clearly shaken by her harrowing ordeal. This inspired Mel to leave the Equalizer team, and it is unknown whether she will return. Speaking of leaving, Marcus decided to break up with Robin and leave New York as well.

This puts Robin in a precarious position as her team begins to crumble around her. Luckily, both Mel and Dante have been confirmed to return for season five, meaning things may not be as dire as they once seemed. Equalizer In Season 5, Dante may have a change of heart and rush back to Robin, while Mal may find that she needs action and return even after kidnapping her.