Reed Richards' last words reveal what it would take to break Mister Fantastic

Reed Richards' last words reveal what it would take to break Mister Fantastic

Warning: Spoilers for Aliens vs. Avengers #1

Reid Richards is known for being the brains behind the Fantastic practiceWith amazing intelligence that has helped him in countless missions alongside his family. However, he is not always as together as he seems, and one alternate universe features a version of Mister Fantastic that is a far cry from his usual fantastic self. In a heartbreaking scene, Reid Richard's last words reveal what it would take to unravel him.

Aliens vs Avengers #1 by Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribić is set in the Alien universe, where the Earth has fallen victim to a xenomorph invasion. In the only remaining city on the planet, the few heroes who have survived work together to find a way to stop the xenomorphs. Among those lost to the alien threat are the Fantastic Four, including Reed Richards. Bruce Banner, who was present at the end of Reed's life, shares what Mister Fantastic's last words were.

Bruce Banner reveals that when Reed Richards was on his deathbed, he made Bruce promise to protect his daughter Valeria.

This parting message to Bruce reveals that Losing his daughter—the last of his family—would be devastating enough to break Reid RichardsProving that even the smartest mind in the Marvel Universe can be broken.

Reed Richards' dying wish is for his daughter to be safe

Valeria Richards is his only family left - but for how long?

Bruce Banner and Carol Danvers discuss the whereabouts of Valeria Richards, and Bruce mentions Reed's declining mental state after he lost his family one by one.

In this story, Reed Richards has lost his entire family, and it is clear from what Bruce tells Carol that the loss has affected him deeply. According to Bruce, Reid became a shell of who he once was at the end of his lifeWith Valeria Richards being all he had left. In his final moments, his only request is for Bruce to keep her safe. However, fate has other plans. Valeria's plan to produce a virus that kills alien eggs before they can hatch back and results in her tragic death, What Reed's worst case scenario to become a reality.


After losing the rest of his family, Reid's only remaining hope is for Valeria to live, and even that is shattered when her experiment goes wrong.

Reed Richards may have a reputation for anchoring, however He cares deeply for his loved onesAnd losing them is one of the few things that can break him. in Fantastic Four (2022) #4, he shows just how much he cares when he is overcome with guilt after endangering his children's lives by sending the Baxter Building into the future with them inside. Reid's devastation over what he did to his family proves that he loves them beneath his cold and calculating exterior, so it makes sense that their deaths would push him to a breaking point.

Mr. Fantastic falls apart without his family

The alternate universe gives Reed his darkest ending yet

With this crossover storyline, readers are offered a glimpse into a bleak World III Reed Richards is completely broken. After losing the rest of his family, Reed's only remaining hope is for Valeria to live, and even that is shattered when her experiment goes wrong. Fortunately, in the main Marvel continuity, Reid's family is alive and well. His fears have yet to be realized, although now readers know that Mister Fantastic can indeed be broken. If Reid Richards Ever truly lost these Fantastic practiceThe damage would be irreparable, just like it is in this alternate universe.

Aliens vs Avengers #1 (2024)

Aliens vs. Avengers #1 cover with the Avengers with a Xenomorph behind them.

  • Writer: Jonathan Hickman

  • Artist: Esad Ribić

  • Colorist: Yves Svorsina

  • Writer: Cory Petit

  • Cover artist: Esad Ribić