Red Hulk vs Juggernaut – Who won when they actually fought (and who is officially stronger)

Red Hulk vs Juggernaut – Who won when they actually fought (and who is officially stronger)

Even among Marvel's most powerful characters, few can match the strength of Juggernaut or the Red Hulk. The height of this strength has led some fans to wonder exactly what would happen if the two beings fought, and although they never did, there is some evidence to suggest who would win.

Unfortunately, Red Hulk and Cain Marko's Juggernaut never fought in the comicsalthough Red Hulk fought the Juggernaut of the Colossus. The fact that they never actually fought on the page calls into question whether Juggernaut could actually defeat the legendary Red Hulk in a fight, and there is evidence for both sides. For one thing, Cain Marko has some truly absurd feats of strength and has faced off against people of similar power, like Bruce Banner's Hulk.

Juggernaut Vs Red Hulk Official Art

On the other hand, Official art by Ed McGuinness shows Red Hulk dominating and easily defeating Juggernautseemingly implying that Marvel definitely believes that if a fight broke out, it wouldn't be the Juggernaut walking away. But comparing his feats of strength, it might be possible for Juggernaut to win here.

Red Hulk is incredibly powerful, but is he stronger than the Juggernaut?

Marvel powerhouses face off

Comic book art: Red Hulk smiling in Marvel Comics.

One of the only examples of Red Hulk and Juggernaut facing each other are in Avengers vs. X-Men eventwhere the Juggernaut of Colossus faces off against Red Hulk. Red Hulk wins the battle, but only because Colossus decides that it would cause too much destruction if he unleashed his full strength, resulting in Colossus being restrained and ultimately being defeated by the red giant. While this seems like a point in Red Hulk's favor, as Colossus was considered a stronger version of the Juggernaut than Cain Marko, Cain still has some impressive feats under his belt.

Although Cain Marko has never faced the Red Hulk, he has fought the Hulk several times. The first major battle took place during Incredible Hulk #402 by Peter David and Jan Durrsema, where the Juggernaut faced Bruce Banner and almost killed him. The only reason the Hulk was spared was due to Red Skull's intervention. But even more impressive was Juggernaut's battle against the World-Breaker Hulk in World War Hulk, when Cain gave himself fully to Cyttorak and embraced the true powers of being the Juggernaut. World-Breaker Hulk only won due to being smarter than Cain.

Red Hulk and Juggernaut are almost equal in strength

These two are close to peak physical power

It is currently unclear who is the stronger character between Red Hulk and Juggernaut. Some evidence suggests that the Red Hulk would easily defeat Cain Marko, as he was able to hold his own against the Colossus Juggernaut and official art shows him winning the fight. On the other hand, Juggernaut has faced some absurdly powerful beings, such as nearly killing the Hulk with ease and holding his own against the World-Breaker Hulk. Ultimately, Juggernaut against Red Hulk It's a fight that doesn't have a clear winner, but it's obvious that Marvel definitely seems to believe in which one of them would emerge victorious.

Avengers vs. X-Men and World War Hulk are now available, both digitally and in collected editions, from Marvel Comics!