Red Dead Redemption's PC price branded "ridiculous" by fans

Red Dead Redemption's PC price branded

Fourteen years after its initial release, the original Red Dead Redemption Finally getting a PC port - but some fans aren't happy with the game's price tag. Originally released for the PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2010, Red Dead Redemption and his addition, Undead Nightmarehave never been available on PC platforms, even despite the sequel, Red Dead Redemption 2Being made available on the platform only a year after release in 2019. Now, however, with RDR And Undead Nightmare Set to release for PC on October 29, the game's pricing has drawn some complaints.

Red Dead Redemption And Undead Nightmare On PC will cost $49.99 USD across all storefronts Where the game is being sold. This move has drawn several complaints from RDR Fans, with users like The French Dutch on Reddit Commenting that $49.99 is "A ridiculous price for a 14 year old game". Others, viz koolaidman486Point out that the RDR on PC is "An incomplete PC port of a 14 year old game", like RDR And Undead Nightmare On PC will not include the original game's multiplayer features.

RDR's PC pricing compared to other Rockstar games

Modern RDR ports cost $50 on each platform - but how does its price compare to other R* ports?

Red Dead Redemption PC Port Screenshot of John and a companion aiming their guns off screen.

After 14 years of waiting for RDR On PC, the pricing is upsetting to some fans, but hardly surprising - The game was similarly re-released on both the Nintendo Switch and PS4 at the same price pointWith the ports only ever going on sale for 30% at most on every console. After the inclusion of some graphical features, like DLSS and 4K resolution, means that modern Red Dead Redemption Ports can look much better than the original release, Many fans feel that the $50 price point would only be justified by a more comprehensive remaster.

moreover, Compared to other Rockstar PC ports, Red Dead Redemption Can still come off as a bit too expensive - While the PC port of Red Dead Redemption 2For example, is a full-price $59.99 purchase, it's also a much more recently released game and includes free access to multiplayer in the form of Red Dead Online. Compared to Grand Theft Auto ports, RDR looks even worse - GTA III, Sin CityAnd San Andreas are all bundled together for $59.99, and GTA IV Only costs $19.99, making them all significantly cheaper than RDR.

Red Dead Redemption on PC costs too much and changes too little

For a price point of $50, RDR on PC should be remastered more significantly

Red Dead Redemption PC Port Screenshot of a wagon and a man on horseback walking through the arid landscape.

Of course, it is true that Red Dead Redemption is an essential classic of its genre, and that many players will be more than willing to pay the price to play it on PC - many of them for the first time. However, it's also hard for me, and many others, not to see a $50 price tag for a 14-year-old game — of which the original version now costs $30 — as unreasonable, especially when The re-released version brings relatively minimal new features and even lacks a significant part of the original game.


Despite multiple complaints, there are probably still a lot of fans who are willing to fork out the full $49.99 for Red Dead Redemption On PC, and, granted RDR2's historically low price point on Steam of $19.79 while on sale, it is relatively likely that RDRs PC port will see steeper discounts than on PS4 or Switch. For many fans, however, a $50 price point for a minimally updated Red Dead Redemption is a bitter note for the long-awaited PC port of the game.

Sources: The French Dutch / Reddit, koolaidman486/reddit


May 18, 2010


Rockstar San Diego